The First Evolution

Chapter 329: Submersibles

Chapter 329: Submersibles

The arrow continued to appear on the retinas, indicating the direction they were heading.

They continued to descend along the passage and walked down at least 10 meters. They passed the B1, the B2 and finally B3… According to Fang Linyan’s speculation, this location should be deep under the lake. Then, they came to a horizontal passage.

There were offices on both sides of the passage, but the offices were similar to the condition on the outside, chaos. It seemed that some sudden event had occurred.

Fang Linyan walked to the end of the passage. He found a transparent porthole here that allowed him to see the outside. It seemed that it was 3 meters below the water, which seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with Fang Linyan’s speculations.

Next to the porthole, there was a separate office. The door of this office was closed tightly unlike the doors of other rooms that were wide open.

Fang Linyan pushed it a few times, and it didn’t move in the slightest. Instead, he cracked the wood on the surface.

This door seemed to be a Mediterranean-style solid wood composite door, but it could be seen from the crack that there was a metal inner layer inside.

If Fang Linyan guessed correctly, when the crisis broke out at that time, some people chose to flee in panic while others chose to stand by and wait for help. This should be the stronghold chosen by people to wait for help.

Goat couldn’t help urging at this time,

“Let’s keep moving forward and complete the main mission first.”

Fang Linyan shook his head and said,

“This place is really unbelievable. According to the information I have collected so far, there are too many contradictions. If I don’t understand these things, I won’t go into the water.”

Goat said,

Ah? Into the water?”

Fang Linyan shrugged and said,

“Can’t you see that this hidden main mission leads us here is to let us go to the deepest part of this underground lake, where the skull sign is marked on the map?”

Goat gasped, then there was a loud explosion. It was the elite mechanical warrant officer who punched the office door, but the door remained motionless.

At the same time, the red warning light beside also flickered. Not only that, somewhere in the building complex, which must be the guardhouse, had a loud alarm.

However, these advanced security systems had lost their function.

Fang Linyan stepped forward, looked at the place where the elite mechanical warranty officer‘s fist hit, shook his head and said,

“It’s really sturdy… but maybe we can think in another way.”

Goat wondered,


Fang Linyan said,

“My purpose is to enter this office, but not necessarily through this door. Let’s go upstairs again.”

After they came to the B2 above, Fang Linyan finally stopped in the depths of the second floor, then he walked into a seemingly abandoned room. Goat said with some doubt,

“What are you doing?”

Fang Linyan said,

“I have specially adjusted the distance of my steps 3 minutes ago to ensure that the distance taken by each step is the same. In this way, I only need to remember the number of steps when I pass the corridor and I can roughly measure the distance.”

“In the B3 just now, I walked a total of 137 steps from the office to the corridor stairs, so now I only need to walk 137 steps at B2. This means we’re right on top of that seemingly solid office right now.”

Goat said in amazement,

Wow! Are you trying to open the door yourself?”

Fang Linyan said,

“That’s right.”

After arriving here, the elite mechanical warrant officer threw away the sundries to make room for a circle, then it shot with the company’s standard firearms, launched a grenade into the pit and covered it with a cabinet to detonate directly.

With a muffled explosion sound, the cabinet shook violently. The pit on the floor had expanded a lot. The elite mechanical warrant officer swung its fist hard like a hammer demolition.

It didn’t take long to knock out a big hole in the ceiling of the solid office below, then the three of them jumped down.

After entering this office, they immediately found that the inside was quite spacious. It was about 3 to 4 times the size of an ordinary office. From the boss chair in the middle and the large solid wooden desk, it could be seen that this place must be for the high level boss.

Walking inside, they could see that in addition to the large office and reception room, there was also a lounge with a bed and a bathroom with a bathtub.

On the bed, Fang Linyan found 2 skeletons, a man and a woman. 7 years had turned them into bones. The strangest thing was their cause of death, which was exactly the same as the mummy found above.

The fatal wound was on the top of the head, flat in shape as if a swordsman was piercing from the top of their heads.

Then Fang Linyan turned on the computer on the desk. It actually needed a password or something to power on. Fortunately, the elite mechanical warranty officer was actually useful. It told Fang Linyan that it could deal with this primitive electronic defense method.

Then, it directly removed the protective skin on its finger and stuffed the fingertip into the USB connection port of the computer. Soon, the contents of the computer were revealed before Fang Linyan like a stripped… plastic model.

Fang Linyan quickly read the information inside, then he frowned suddenly.

It turned out that this was an underwater dock. Most of the structure of the entire building had sunk directly under the bottom of the lake. The 3 special submarines that conduct exploration operations on the bottom of the lake were directly driven in and out of here.

As for why it took so much trouble, Fang Linyan found the answer through another document that requested repairs.

It was mentioned before that every once in a while, there would be mysterious and powerful pulse waves. Under this kind of interference wave, communication would be extremely disturbed. Even some electronic components on the plane would malfunction, which directly caused the crash.

The bottom of this mysterious underground lake was the source of this interference wave! Its power was several times that of the outside world.

In order to avoid the hazards of this interference wave, the electronic equipment used in the entire Veronica Laboratory was specially made, so not only did it cost a lot of money, but the equipment also looked quite clumsy.

Although the Blood Umbrella Company was involved in a wide range, it did not conduct in-depth research on the niche industry of submersibles, so it was difficult to carry out targeted modifications to the special electronic equipment inside the submersible.

So after some research, the surface of the 3 submersibles inside the underground dock was sprayed with a very unique paint, which could effectively prevent the destructive power of the interference wave, allowing the special electronics inside of the submersibles were able to function smoothly.

However, everything had advantages and disadvantages. This unique coating would be oxidized rapidly in the air. Once it was exposed to the air for more than 1 hour, its effect would be directly reduced by 50%. If it was more than 3 hours, it will directly lose effect.

This kind of paint was extremely expensive… but the Blood Umbrella was not short of money.

However, the production of this thing was extremely low. It couldn’t be obtained just by money alone! Therefore, in desperation, the Blood Umbrella Company had no choice but to find another way to build such an underwater dock.

Keeping the operation, maintenance and other work of the submersible underwater, although it was troublesome, they had no choice. It could also ensure that underwater exploration could always proceed smoothly.

Here came the problem. Fang Linyan stood in front of the transparent porthole of the underwater dock and found that the lake level had dropped a lot. The underwater dock had become a floating dock.

You must know that when the Blood Umbrella Company mobilized people to build this underwater dock, it must have been carefully inspected to ensure that even in the dry season, the underwater dock would not emerge from the water.

In the hydrological data that Fang Linyan saw just now, according to the survey of experts, this lake had existed for almost 2000 years. Through examining the water level deposits on the edge of the lake, they found that the water level had no difference between a dry season and a water rich season.

However, in the short period of 7 years after the disaster, the underwater dock with a depth of 15 meters has become a water dock. This was really unimaginable. There was probably a huge secret.

After knowing these things, Fang Linyan already had a rough outline in his mind. This computer also recorded 2 very important information.

Among the 3 submersibles that could be used, the one with the longest service life and the most tattered appearance was the best one to use, because it had the most mechanical structures inside, so it was the most reliable when diving underwater.

The other 2 submersibles seem to be more advanced and were protected by special paint, but the electronic components inside still needed to be replaced every 2-3 months.

Another piece of information was that these 3 submersibles had been specially modified. Because of the need for frequent painting and other operations, only the diving function was restricted. It had to be unlocked with a special key. The backup key and the manual were in the Navigation Office.

After Fang Linyan and Goat left the room, they continued to walk in the direction pointed by the arrow and came to the bottom of the underwater dock. He really saw 2 submersibles parked here… and the arrow on their retinas point to them.

TL: If there is really a terrifying creature, can they fight in the underwater?

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