The First Evolution

Chapter 330: Hunter

Chapter 330: Hunter

When it came to mechanical things, Fang Linyan was always very interested. Although there was no key to start it, Fang Linyan jumped on it and checked it hastily. The top cover of the submersible was actually not locked.

Of course, it was also possible that the people inside ran away in a panic and forgot to lock it at all, but the various equipment inside were still quite well preserved.

Because there was no electricity, although the unique paint on the surface had failed, most of the electronic components inside were still intact and could be used.

Except that there was no key to activate the dive function, it was even possible to drive it away as a boat.

Then Fang Linyan chose the rugby-shaped submersible. He let it start the self-check system first, then he started charging it. Lastly, he picked up the fuel pump beside and started filling it with fuel.

While doing those, Fang Linyan said to Goat,

“It was clearly recorded in the documents we got before. There are 3 submersible explorers here, but now there are only 2 in the dock. Have you ever thought of where the other one went?”

Goat who was also helping said in astonishment,

Uhm, I really didn’t notice it before you tell me. Could it be that it was sent for repair?”

Fang Linyan shook his head and said,

“It’s possible, but I think the greater possibility is below.”

Having said that, he raised his chin toward the dark lake below.

Goat said,

“Under here?”

Then he shivered fiercely and said in surprise,

“Do you mean in the mysterious dangerous area below?”

Fang Linyan nodded and said,

“Yes, now it seems that my first guess should be correct. That is the source of the sudden disaster that swept through the underground base is here.”

“On that day, a submersible began to perform normal work to explore the mysterious and dangerous area under the lake. The people in this submersible obviously made some new discoveries or catastrophic breakthroughs.”

“These people opened an unknown Pandora’s box and released the strange power inside…! This is the area that was initially affected, so we found a large number of corpses here.”

“Then, the Blood Umbrella Company noticed the strange situation here. While announcing the emergency evacuation, they were also trying to stop this sudden event.”

“If I’m not wrong, there should be a battlefield in the area we haven’t explored yet. It should be the place where the Blood Umbrella Company fought this strange force. Obviously, the Blood Umbrella Company lost, then they ordered to cut off the elevator, which was the only way to go underground.”

“This order should be effective, so the strange power did not spread out on a large scale. However, without the materials that could be researched in this underground lake, the Veronica Laboratory had no value anymore, then it was abolished.”

Hearing Fang Linyan’s words, Goat gasped as if suffering from a toothache and said,

“That damn place is so dangerous, are we really going?”

Fang Linyan frowned and said,

“Rank A mission is really extraordinary. At first, I thought that the difficulty of this mission was to compete with other contractors. The mission items are likely to be limited in number. Only a small number of people are allowed to get them. Now it seems that it is more than that. “

“Think about it, Blood Umbrella is so ambitious. They even spent a lot to build this Veronica Laboratory. I don’t believe they didn’t consider restarting the project.”

“However, we can also see that there is no trace of this underground base being re-activated at all. This can only explain one thing. The strange power that has appeared is too powerful, so powerful that even a behemoth like the Blood Umbrella Company lost the fighting spirit. Its overwhelming advantage can be imagined.”

“So, if you plan to give up directly, then I’m not surprised at all. I respect your choice.”

After hearing this, Goat said to Fang Linyan,

“How about you?”

Fang Linyan took a long breath, then breathed it out. He looked at the dark lake below, saying,

“My reason tells me that I should give up, but haven’t you heard about it before? Blood Umbrella was originally a pure biochemical company. They almost had no set food in the field of biomechanics.”

“However, in just one and a half years, the internal biomechanical department had suddenly risen directly, and its strength had expanded rapidly. I doubt that the inside story of the rise of the biomechanical department is inextricably linked to this Veronica Laboratory.”

Goat wondered,

“What does that have to do with your indecision?”

Fang Linyan said seriously,

“I have been interested in machinery since I was a child, and one of the abilities I have now is something related to mechanical transformation.”

“And in this underground lake, there is a secret that allowed the Blood Umbrella Company to develop a brand new biomechanical department from scratch! Then you can even figure it out with your toes that this secret is related to machinery!”

“If I miss such a place, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep well in the future!”

After hearing this, Goat could only smile wryly and shrugged,

“Okay, then I’ll go with you too.”

Fang Linyan laughed and said,

“So brother loyalty?”

Goat shrugged,

“Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?”

Fang Linyan said,


Goat smiled wryly,

“The truth is even if I give up now, I may not be able to retreat by myself. I might as well go together with you.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Very good, then let’s go to the Navigation Office to get the key and manual.”


They hurried across the street under the dim light. There was silence all around.

Knowing that a contractor might arrive at any time, Fang Linyan and Goat also kept silent and did not talk in this open place.

But all of a sudden, Fang Linyan waved his hand abruptly and pulled Goat into a corner.

When Goat was a little puzzled, he saw from the [Drone]’s perspective that a person appeared at the door of the building in front!

This person was wearing a black hoodie. His face was covered by the hood, and the light was dark, so his face couldn’t be seen very clearly, but the way he crouched was a bit weird. The nails on his palms looked very sharp.

His head was constantly turning, and his ears were twitching slightly at any time. He was obviously very cautious as if he was collecting all kinds of information at any time.

When Fang Linyan was wondering whether this guy was a contractor or a monster, Goat had directly used the [Reconnaissance] skill and sent a series of information over.

“Special Infected Subject: Hunter.” (Hunter is the model of this type of biochemical weapon, similar to the Volkswagen Santana, not its nickname or specific name)

“Basic Attributes Value: ???”

“HP: 300-400”

“Status: Excellent.”

“Explanation: After the Gumball Company extracted a mutated virus from the meteorite, it was quickly used in human experiments. This is the strange infected subject they prepared in a special way. Compared with the similar biological weapons of the Duckland Company, it has obvious differences.”

“It can jump at the target across a distance of 20 meters in an instant, then launches continuously suppress attack on the target. Once the target is down, the target is basically beyond saving.”

“Active Ability: [Pounce], after knocking the enemy to the ground, launch a fierce attack.”

“Passive ability: {Stealth}, the hunter-type infected subject has cat-like spirit sensitivity and specialization. It can move freely in dark places without making any sound.”

“Weakness: Because hunter is responsible to ambush the enemy, its body structure must be light and has explosive power. It is impossible to resist the enemy’s strafing like Spitter and spray water beam tenaciously. Low Defense and HP are its characteristics.”

Looking at this information, Fang Linyan was silent. He tried to let the [Drone] fly low and closer, so as to continue to observe this guy.

But at this moment, the hunter suddenly turned its head, looked at the dark sky above and let out a series of low-pitched “hulong hulong” threatening sounds from the depths of its throat. It apparently sensed something!

Fang Linyan was startled. He immediately lifted the [Drone] into the air and hid at the corner. When this Hunter turned its head, Fang Linyan saw a bottle cap-sized round camera tied around its neck.

Not only that, but its eyes were actually shining like a cat in the dark. Maybe it also had the ability to transmit data.

Obviously, this thing was sent by the Gumball Company to explore the way, and someone should be monitoring the data from it at all times. This made the two of them even more wary.

Because Gumball Company should have gained absolute control over this huge underground base in these 3 days.

Once the hunter’s camera captured any trace of activity here, the Gumball Company would definitely mobilize its personnel to encircle this place as soon as possible.

This was the same reason that the house owner must come to catch the thief as soon as the surveillance camera captured the thief breaking into his home.

At this time, for Fang Linyan and Goat, the best choice was not to alarm this damned monster and wait for it to leave by itself before entering the Navigation Office.

But the problem was that the movement of [Drone] before seemed to have aroused the vigilance of this monster. It actually stayed in place very patiently as if waiting for something to show up.

As time passed bit by bit, Fang Linyan and Goat became more and more anxious, because the contractors who joined the Gumball Company were very likely to come here at any time. Every second they delayed, they would lose their initiative by a bit.

TL: What’s the plan? They can neither run or advance

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