The First Evolution

Chapter 328: Mysterious Buildings

Chapter 328: Mysterious Buildings

If this is the case, the key is the center of the underground lake. There is an obvious skull sign on it. What does this mean? Extreme danger?

For some reason, Fang Linyan felt that if he and Goat wanted to complete the mission, they should go there.

But at this time, Goat said in surprise,

“I didn’t expect that there is actually another laboratory behind it.”

Fang Linyan said in astonishment,


Goat pointed at the other end of the blueprint,

“Look, isn’t this the entrance?”

Fang Linyan,


Goat’s finger then slid down,

“Here is the hall where we found the electric forklifts, then going forward will be the modulation tank laboratory where the semi-mechanical organs are prepared. Now the group of intruders should be struggling to put out the fire. Going forward again, it is the laboratory that stores the K-2 Synthetic Beast.”

Fang Linyan looked as Goat explained, then he saw his finger pointing at a place named “Testing Field”.

Goat said,

“According to what we have learned so far, the occurrence of a disaster here is unprepared. So when the disaster occurs, the underground facilities are in normal operation, leaving probably only a few minutes or 10 minutes for the operators.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Yeah, so you mean?”

Goat said excitedly,

“What I mean is, as the name suggests, this Testing Field is a place to test the power of these developed biological weapons, so is it possible that a biological weapon waiting to be tested is actually sealed here? Or it can be the complete K-2 Synthetic Beast?”

Fang Linyan remembered 1 thing now. The steel claw of the K-2 Synthetic Beast actually had obvious distortion and damage, which means that it had also been put into actual combat before?

If this was the case, there might be many biological weapons waiting to be tested in the Testing Field. There should also be a complete security mechanism. When Gumball Company was exploring there, they were likely to suffer a big loss here! This would undoubtedly buy them more time.

Of course, there was also a very bad possibility that the Gumball Company controlled these biological weapons, which would make them even more powerful.

However, the probability of this was not high. Even if it happened, it would not make much difference to Fang Linyan and the others’ current situation.

It was like a person didn’t really care much about whether he falls from the 20th floor or the 40th floor, because he would be dead in both cases. At most, it would cause more trouble for the cleaner if he fell from the 40th floor…

After the 2 discussed some plans, Fang Linyan and Goat identified the direction and drove the electric forklift toward the suspected giant underground lake.

According to the sign on the map, if they wanted to drive there, it was equivalent to going from the upper left corner to the upper right corner of the map. In order to save construction costs at that time, this road should be built directly using the existing underground cracks, so the road was winding and uncomfortable to drive on.

Along the way, they could see a lot of cracks, stalactites, etc.. The air was also filled with an indescribable damp smell.

Huh?” Fang Linyan suddenly heard a strange “buzz“, which came quickly from far to near.

It sounded familiar to Fang Linyan, which was similar to the voice of the “Kadings” holographic floatation detector. He stopped in a hurry and pulled Goat. Although he knew that an electric forklift parked here was suspicious, he did so hastily. They had to hide first before anything else.

As a result, after they hid behind the rock nearby, the scene they saw almost made their eyeballs pop out. Because they saw 2 bright rays of light appearing on the opposite side, directly tearing through the darkness, then a subway-like vehicle was coming with loud rumble!

The most important thing was that the train was suspended on the top track of the cave and moved quickly, which was why Fang Linyan and Goat didn’t notice the abnormality before.

This kind of suspended train seemed to be difficult to understand, but it could actually be understood as a cable car that was very common in scenic spots. There was a mechanic arm hanging a huge box that was moving quickly.

This thing was similar to a multi-arm multi-cabinet version of the cable car. It probably used the high technology of magnetic levitation. It slid silently. Only the strange humming sound on the guide rail made Fang Linyan mistakenly think it was the “Kadings” holographic floatation detector.

Fang Linyan never expected that in such a deep and dark place that was isolated from the world for several years, there was actually such a large-scale machinery that kept operating.

After the train passed by, Fang Linyan quickly walked out of the cover. He saw Goat having a pale face, so he couldn’t help but say,

“Are you okay!”

Goat quivered,

“You didn’t see it?”

Fang Linyan said in astonishment,

“See what?”

Goat quivered,

“On the front of the train! Didn’t you see the driver?”

Fang Linyan said,


Goat said,

“The driver is a skeleton! Or a mummy!”

Fang Linyan saw that Goat’s mental state was not normal, and he knew that it was caused by his excessive pressure, so he simply took out a bottle of water from the storage space and poured it on his head. Goat woke up immediately,

“Okay, okay, maybe I’m dazzled.”

Fang Linyan said,

“It doesn’t matter. This has nothing to do with us, okay? In fact, our current destination is to find the lake that may exist, not the ghost on the ghost train. “

Goat took a deep breath and said,

“Yes, you are right. Yes.”

They jumped on the electric forklift, then they continued to drive forward. After driving another 600 meters, they found a fork in the road ahead.

Fang Linyan took out the construction blueprint to identify it. He found that the fork on the left was not marked on it. He just stopped and checked briefly, then he looked up at the track above and continued driving.

Finally, the air ahead began to become moist. There was a strong fishy smell of water. As the electric forklift slowly drove out of the passage, Fang Linyan felt that his judgment was indeed correct. There was indeed a huge underground lake.

Just 400 hundred meters ahead, there is a group of buildings varied heights. There were little lights among the buildings, and the lights shone on the surface of the underground lake beside, which made it look extremely deep. It was like the Netherland in the rumors.

At the same time, an arrow symbolizing the main mission popped up in front of Fang Linyan’s retinas again. The direction of the arrow pointed directly to the building complex by the lake. Fang Linyan immediately said,

“My main mission prompt popped up! How about you?”

Goat was also excited,

“Yes, mine too!”

Fang Linyan nodded and said,

“Okay, from now on, we have to be careful, because if there is no accident, then the main mission of the rest of the people can be all directed to here. If there are other contractors here, I won’t be much surprised.”

Fang Linyan’s skill cooldown had already exceeded half an hour, so he spent a mechanical core and summoned an elite mechanical warrant officer.

At the same time, [Drone] was also activated in such an open area. He let the elite mechanical warrant officer to explore the way ahead, and the [Drone] would secure the air. This could basically ensure foolproof.

After entering the building complex, many corpses began to appear. All of these corpses were only left with thick bones. The clothes on their bodies looked tattered, but they were still roughly intact. Even so, they still looked quite horrifying.

Fang Linyan and Goat briefly inspected the corpses, but they did not find any specific wounds, then they continued on their way.

Although they followed the arrow for quite some time, the peripheral vision of Fang Linyan’s eyes was also collecting various information.

For example, he found buildings named Water Area Management Office, Ship Maintenance Office, and Energy Control Office. These were fine. The most absurd office name he saw was the Underwater Survery Office.

Fang Linyan also stopped to take a look around, and he found that the building with this sign was 3 stories high. Its internal area was at least several hundred square meters, which could accommodate at least 70 people for daily work.

It must be noted that this was an office rather than a repair shop. The works should be all administrative work such as approval and scheduling.

So that meant more people doing the actual maintenance, repairs, etc.

At the same time, it also represented one thing. All the people in this complex should be working intensively around the core of “Underwater Survey”.

Thinking of the skull sign in the middle of the lake, Fang Linyan seemed to feel that the final secret was about to be revealed soon. However, he still had a question that he couldn’t figure out, which he hoped to get an answer later.

Continuing to follow the arrow on the retinas, the two of them came to a building by the lake. It could be seen that this place was once heavily guarded. Entering this building had to go through several inspections such as voiceprint lock, fingerprint lock, pupil lock and so on.

But without human control, these inspection facilities turned into dead objects without any threat. They were directly kicked away by the elite mechanical warrant officer. Although the warning lights kept flashing, they were useless.

It wasn’t until a solid and heavy steel gate blocked the elite mechanical warrant officer, but at this time Fang Linyan thought of the mission item logically. The key he picked up earlier. He simply looked around and stuffed the key into the lockhole and twisted it.

This solid and heavy steel door was slowly opened, revealing the passage that led downward.

TL: More facilities? What were they experimenting here?

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