Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 305 - Three Hundred And Five: The Unadulterated Fun

Chapter 305 - Three Hundred And Five: The Unadulterated Fun

The third point of view:

Back at home

"He was a liar and cheater!" Anabelle blew her nose on the tissue noisily. Her makeup streaked down her face as a result of her crying and her hair was disheveled; sticking out from all directions. In one word, she looked a mess.

Isabella scratched the side of her face awkwardly while Pedro took over solacing the crying Anabelle. She had seen this scene coming and tried to warn her cousin, but she had been blinded by the handsome face and now was bearing the consequences.

"Julie was so handsome and sweet; he was the perfect gentleman for me. He said he was in the lingerie shop for his friend after he had lost out on a truth or dare game.."

Yep, Isabella sighed. Cliché alibi.

"We clicked at once. I thought we were soul mates!" Anabelle cried harder while Pedro rubbed her back, muttering coaxing words.

Isabella had been the one doing the comforting but she reached her limit thirty minutes ago - Anabelle was crying a river.

She went on with her tale, "We exchanged numbers and chatted throughout the night - I thought I had found my Romeo finally. Then we set up a date and to believe I dressed up prettily for him and even straightened my hair because he loved bone straight ones - the Spencers had naturally wavy hair"

Isabella nodded her head to show she was following her narration.

"Julie took me to this fancy romantic restaurant and we were having the time of our life when his phone suddenly rang. I was a fool for not putting many thoughts into how stressed he looked by that call - I was just so swept up at the moment. He said he needed to use the washroom and I let him go like a dummy... " the tears couldn't let her continue.

"It's okay, Anabelle, " Pedro patted her on the back," You don't have to recount it if you can't take it,"

"No," Anabelle shook her head, " I need to say it out so you two could learn from my experience - never trust a guy in a lingerie store," she claimed.

Isabella felt the urge to roll her eyes but she didn't want to come across as the villain here - Pedro, the good boy wouldn't like that. Who needed the experience? She had seen the heartbreak coming and tried to warn dear cousin but she had been headstrong about changing her fate and now? She was reaping the cost of her foolishness. Fine, be a good girl, Izzy.

"Anabelle, you don't have to beat yourself up over that single mistake - everyone makes mistakes,"

"I know, Izzy, but I'm the biggest fool. I could sense the panic from him when he returned from the restroom but I waved the suspicion to the back of my mind until his uncivilized psycho girlfriend barged in. She drenched me with the entire bottle of wine, pulled my hair, and called me 'a boyfriend snatcher' while I stood helplessly, unable to defend myself - I was the victim here, why couldn't anyone see it,"

The moment she heard of the abuse, Izzy who had earlier waved this matter aside became fired up - it was one thing to mislead her cousin and break her heart but it was a much greater crime to lay a hand on her cousin. Anabelle was hers to bully alone, no one else was permitted to touch her.

"Where does that asshole live?!" Isabella roared, she shot up to her feet, "I'm going to teach him a lesson,"

Pedro who had been calming Anabelle, ran over to Isabella before she could make it past the door, carrying her back on his shoulder like a sack of rice. He didn't dare to imagine the level of destruction she would wreck with that level of outrage.

"Let me go, this instant, Pedro!" Isabella thrashed around on his shoulder.

"Not until you calm that, you're going to make things worse in this state," Pedro told her before settling her back on the couch.

"I said let me go!" She tried to stand but he pushed her back again.

"Isabella please," He begged, knowing her strength could rival his with that level of adrenaline rush.

"Yes, Isabella, please listen to Pedro," Anabelle joined in calming her down.

Isabella hissed, disappointed,

"Are you seriously defending that bastard that did these to you? "

"No, but I'm not going to let you do something bad and get into trouble because of a boy that isn't worth a hair on my head," Anabelle persuaded her

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?" Isabella asked, checking her body for even the slightest scratch.

"No, I'm fine. The security took her away before she could do any real damage,"

Isabella gave her a skeptical look yet didn't say anything. She took a deep breath, "You should stay with me tonight since the adults are not around. We could have a girl's night just the two of us - binge on Ice cream and Netflix - what do you say?'' Isabella proposed.

The adults had gone to their respective parties in Lincolnshire and left them, the kids, to cater for themselves. She didn't want Anabelle to stay alone tonight.

"No, I'll head home," Anabelle said to her greatest shock.

"Why would you stay home all by yourself when Pedro and I are here - even the little ones are upstairs," Isabella just couldn't understand.

"The housekeepers are home and I?need to lick my wound by myself - I can't keep depending on you, Isabella. If I'm going to be strong like you then it's time I start taking tough decisions," Anabelle said, yet intentionally didn't say out loud that seeing her and Pedro so sweet with each other broke her heart further.

"But - "

"Isabella," Pedro stepped in, "Let her be, please,"

Isabella squeezed her eyes shut and drew in a fleeting breath. But then she did the most difficult thing she had ever done in her life. She drew Anabelle in for a hug to their greatest shock; stroking her hair affectionately as Maya once did for her.

Anabelle stiffened like a rock, what the hell was going on? Isabella was hugging her? Was this the same Isabella she knew or another soul transmigrated into her body? But with time, she relaxed and hugged her, letting her warmth engulf her. Moreover, who knew when next she would see this side of Isabella? She has to enjoy this sweetness while it lasts.

When Isabella pulled away, Pedro had a sheepish grin on his face which made her flush with embarrassment - when did she go this soft? Now people would begin to think she was a paper tiger.

Immediately, Isabella's attitude took a three-sixty degrees turn, "Well, what are you waiting for? Leave and begin your one-woman reformation,"

Unlike before, Anabelle wasn't affected by the ridicule in her voice, she had finally seen through her act.

"Fine," She joyfully stood to her feet but not without giving Isabella one last hug, "Take care of yourself,"

She snorted in response, "Who needs care between the both of us?" and looked away.

"Take care of my cousin, Pedro," Anabelle told him with a wry smile.

Isabella rolled her eyes, the one in need of care was asking another to be cared for - gullible Anabelle, no wonder she was so easily fooled.

"Of course, Anabelle," Pedro promised her, "You don't need to tell me twice,"

Satisfied, Anabelle left through the front door and an awkward silence fell over the young couples.

Pedro summoned the courage to speak, "You're still angry," He noticed the way her leg tapped on the floor restlessly.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?! Someone maltreated my cousin!" She snapped at him.

Pedro was stunned at her outburst.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you," Isabella realized what she just did.

"I know but you need to calm down," He told her, face filled with understanding.

"I'm trying but I can't seem to calm down. I need to release the anger at something or someone - Julie seems like the perfect target," Isabella fought against the urge to shout at him again.

"You're not hitting anybody," Pedro told her and got on his feet, walking over to her side of the sofa.

Before Isabella could open her mouth and ask him what he was going to do, Pedro lowered his head and kissed her fully on the lips.

Isabella was struck dumb, this was one of the few times Pedro had taken the initiative to kiss her - she was the one always making the move on him because he was holding back on showing his affection.

Her heart missed a beat while her body tingled with excitement, she was hyper-aware of his hand running through her hair and the other stroking the curve of her back. Her pulse zinged, she was going to have him tonight - enjoy him like a full course meal.

Isabella pulled away, spellbound as she stared into his eyes, " I want you," she confessed.

Pedro gulped, "Isabella, your father -"

"Don't give me that bullshit…." her expression shifted abruptly, "Or don't you want me?"

"Of course, I want you so much that I crave you like a drug," He answered quickly.

Isabella was so touched by his word that she pulled him in for another long, sweet kiss, "Then say no more, we're doing it tonight with or without my father's consent - I would deal with Niklaus later,"

"Fine," Pedro gave in, he highly anticipated this moment too, "But you should know that I don't have any protection with me,"

Isabella giggled, "You don't have to worry about a thing, I know where my father keeps his,"

Pedro was stunned, this family keeps getting weirder - but he loved Isabella nonetheless.

And just like that, Isabella went into Niklaus' room. She headed straight to the bed, pulled out a box from under, unlocked it, and picked as many condoms as she wanted. She smiled unconsciously, tonight was going to be a great one.

She then stored them in the pocket of her shorts and went back downstairs to take Pedro's hand, saying enticingly, "Let's go to my room,"

The girl returned to her room with her back, her eyes trained on Pedro the whole time - she knew every nook and cranny of the house even without her sight.

So entranced was she with the thought of the upcoming unadulterated fun they were about to have that she didn't notice the thin, almost invisible cord planted in the doorway.

The moment Isabella opened the door, she was drenched in a cold, wet, sticky substance while Pedro's mouth was opened so wide a fly would have no problem getting in.

Isabella gasped as she wiped the white paint dripping from her hair, a look of disbelief on her face - a look of fury followed afterward. She didn't need to think about who orchestrated this prank - this was the twin's third one this week.

Pedro took a step back, the demon in her was slowly climbing to the surface. Even he couldn't stop Isabella's anger this time - the twins were sure going to get it from her this time around.

"Ailee! Allen!!"

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