Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 304 - Three Hundred And Four: Her Type Of Guy

Chapter 304 - Three Hundred And Four: Her Type Of Guy

The third point of view :

When Niklaus couldn't connect to Reina, his heart was in his throat. It couldn't be that something bad had happened to her, right? Oh no, he should have listened to his feelings. He always had a foreboding about this trip to Lincolnshire but he didn't say it out loud because he saw how happy and excited she was about the trip. He should have listened to his guts, especially when his eyes had been twitching non-stop earlier.

"Tell me you have a way of tracking them down," Niklaus was impatient. He wished he had superpowers so he could get to her and spank her hard on the butt for lying to him. Now, she put herself in danger.

"Give me a second," Judy said to him, going ahead to call the chauffeur he sent with the girls earlier but it was the same case - his phone could not connect.

"Archie," He commanded his assistant, "Track down the car at once,"

"Yes, your highness," the man answered, going to work. He had already figured out what was going on and knew delaying would get his butt roasted.

"What do you think is going on? What if we're too late?" Eden said but received a death glare from his cousin.

Niklaus didn't need any negativity, he had a strong hope that Reina and the girls were alright. She had gone through abuse in the hands of her family yet conquered, survived a fall down a bridge and an accident, what more can't she take? Niklaus comforted himself, he had to be strong.

"I've found the car," Archie announced, displaying the GPS location on his laptop.

"Drive there, immediately," Judy ordered with a serious look on his face. He had to solve this issue as soon as possible without the queen finding out - he highly doubted that though, the woman had her eyes on him. It was bad enough that his mother dislikes Emily; if news of her hanging around with strippers reaches the queen's ear, he could guess that there was no changing her mind about her.

Royals were expected to be of good behavior; refined, prim, and delicate. They were to be scandal-free and know basic etiquette and so far, Emily probably scored twenty over a hundred from all this requirement. He couldn't blame her though, she wasn't used to such a strict life - Emily was a flying butterfly.

He sighed, they would have a deep discussion about her behavior once he found her. If she wanted them to be together, she had to contribute too. He has done his best.

Eden was not bothered at all, he was cool with his woman - he was the only open-minded one here. If anything, he was more scared she would give him the silent treatment for failing to keep up with their deal.

Not long after, they arrived at the property and found the car the girls drove in. It was dark and looked abandoned or so they thought.

"Mmm," they heard muffled noises and grunts as someone kicked at the door. Niklaus went ahead to open the car without safety checks - what if a bomb had been planted in there? He didn't care, he was highly anxious.

He found a man possibly the chauffeur, tied and gagged in the back seat - which wasn't surprising. He pulled off the blindfold and clothe used in his mouth without second thoughts.

"Thank you for saving me," the man said immediately, "By the way who are ...." his eyes fell on the men behind him and his eyes rounded, " Your highness -"

He was on the verge of bowing even with his hands and legs tied up when Judy interrupted him, "Where are the women? What happened? "

"Your highness, some men came up to me - three to be exact - parading to be strippers, but I saw through their tricks and was just about to call for help when they bounced on me. They are inside with the women now, you must save -"

Niklaus didn't wait to hear the rest of his narration, he had already zoomed off with the others running after him.

"They had guns," His mind kept telling him. Sure, Niklaus had faith his woman could take care of those assholes with ease. But with guns? No way. Never in history has a fist flown faster than a bullet, those men would blast her head off - May God help whoever touches her. Sure, Niklaus would put them in burning hell, but then Reina would be gone - he still lost out.

No! He had spent seven years thinking she was dead, he would not lose her this time. No matter where she went, to the underworld or hell, he'd drag her back. It was this determination that fueled Niklaus with so much adrenaline that he caught the punch that was thrown his way without warning.

His eyes widened when he saw it was Reina herself nor could he understand why she was attacking him. But Niklaus was not ready to feature a blackeye which was why he went on the defensive until he had her where he wanted.

With his arm pressed against her neck, but not with enough force to block her airways, Niklaus restrained her and leaned in closer only to inhale the reeking smell of alcohol - she was wasted.

Angry was an understatement, Niklaus was boiling with fury and was about to give her a piece of his mind when the girl leaned closer, asking, "Hi mister handsome, are you my stripper,"

What the f*ck...

Niklaus was dazed for a second before he regained the ability to speak. However, just when he was about to ask what game she was up to, Eden chimed in.

"Reina, what are you talking about?"

At once, Reina's focus left Niklaus and she cast those lovey-dovey eyes on Eden and Judy, "The heavens must be so generous today to give me these eye candies as strippers," she swooned over them.

"Eh?" Eden was shocked while Judy flushed with embarrassment unlike a certain person who was drinking vinegar - he was jealous. There was a deep furrow on Niklaus' face and his eyes had darkened, why was Reina giving other men attention?

Eden felt a shiver run down his spine as a result of a glare from a certain someone - Niklaus looked like king Yama of the underworld at that time. Just when Eden was about to find a way to save his ass, the other women cried out and ran to them, pushing Reina back to Niklaus' arm in the process.

Reina looked up to discover she was back in the arms of that stony-faced gorgeous man. She reached out and trailed his face. For some reason, he looked familiar but she couldn't get her head around where she had known him. Her memory was hazy and scattered. She went on, "Hi handsome, are you single? You're exactly my type and I want us to tango"

Niklaus didn't say a word this time, he could see she was drunk out of her mind and as much as he wanted to give her a piece of his mind, this drama was too funny for him to miss out on.

Lisa, still shaken from the incident, happened to pick the comment from Reina. She went red in the face and turned around to correct her, " What are you talking about Reina, this is Niklaus your -"

Niklaus immediately put a hand to his lips gesturing her to be quiet and Lisa obeyed - both couples were one strange person. She shuddered and decided to mind her business.

"But before then," Reina leaned closer, her chest pressed flush against his saying, "You still have to strip for me, handsome,"

A wide grin surfaced on Niklaus' face, he could not believe he would come to like Reina's drunk side one day. But he was more happy misfortune befell those damned strippers and now, he would take their place - mwahaha!

Without wasting time, Niklaus carried her off her feet which made her giggle, excited.

"Clean up the mess," He ordered Eden without even glancing his way.

"Where are you going? " Judy asked him.

Niklaus told him, "You heard the lady, she wants me to strip," He added, "You guys are not allowed to watch,"

Everyone's jaw dropped to the ground as he left. He seriously wasn't planning on…..you know what? Never mind.

Niklaus went into a room of his choice and sat the drunk fellow named Reina whose eyes were full of expectation on the edge of the bed.

The girls had high taste because the room had everything he needed to pull this stunt off and in no time, he had set up the sound system and turned on the colored light giving the room a sexual ambiance.

Niklaus leaned against the bathroom's doorway and began as soon as the song played,

"Put your head on my shoulder,"

He moved at once, taking off his blazer and letting it drop to the floor enticingly - he had changed out of his casual wear before coming to Lincolnshire.

He recalled the way women danced in the club he had been, putting them into valuable use while Reina watched, enthralled. One by one, Niklaus sexily undressed until he was in nothing but his briefs.

He titillated her with gyrations and suggestive movements; his body whining and twisting to the progression of the song.

"Squeeze me oh-so-tight," the song continued on a repeat when it ended.

Niklaus looked into Reina's eyes and saw the desire in there. It pleased him to know that she wanted him even without remembering him.

So when she stood up to her feet, he knew things were about to go down for real; his member roared to life - he wanted her too.

Reina came up to him and wrapped her arm around his neck, leaning closer to kiss him. Niklaus' pulse zinged and his arm went around to cup her ass, pressing her against his arousal.

But just when their lips were inches from meeting, Reina collapsed on him and fell asleep. Dumbfounded, couldn't explain how he felt at that action.

"Reina," He shook her not once nor twice, but all he received was her loud snoring.

"Damn it," Niklaus cursed out loud. He was going to need a cold shower tonight.

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