Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 306 - Three Hundred And Six -The Gods Were Silent

Chapter 306 - Three Hundred And Six -The Gods Were Silent

The third point of view:

Reina felt horrible. To make matters worse, the sun filtering through the open window didn't help her hangover at all. She moaned, her eyes stirring open.

What the hell happened to her? Where was last night? What happened to last night? Why was it morning already? Questions upon questions assaulted her brain which worsened the headache.

Why do people even drink? It was obvious that hangover was a great mood killer yet humans still kept coming back for more? Were humans a sucker for pain or something?

With a loud earth-shattering grunt, Reina drew herself so she could sit up on her bed. Her body ached; every fiber of her being hurt. It was almost as if she was run over by a truck, then died, resurrected, yet got hit again and continued the procession all over again - this was the worst hangover she had ever experienced in her entire life.

Reina couldn't remember anything from last night but she had no doubt it had been goddamn crazy - she just hoped she hadn't done anything she would come to regret. With that thought in mind, she yawned in an unladylike manner and turned to the side only to get startled out of her mind.

"Son of the devil!" She exclaimed from extreme shock upon seeing Niklaus sitting on the chair beside her bedside.

What the f*ck! Was she now seeing things?!

The last thing she remembered from last night was finishing that kegstand challenge, everything else was blank, like a long stretch of darkness.

Was she still drunk? Was she dreaming?

She cleared her eyes with her hand yet that devilishly handsome face still sat where he was and seemed to have a dark smirk gracing his breathtaking features.

This is crazy, Reina thought to herself. Did she just miss him that much that she was now conjuring his image? Only alcohol could cause this, she's wasted! There was no hope for her! Reina lamented.

So to ensure she wasn't dreaming, Reina slapped herself on the face and shit! That was painful. However, the imaginary Niklaus still sat where he was.

Damn! That must be a strong imagination!

So to destroy this currently annoying - she had a feeling that the strippers eventually came last night - guilt in her heart, she reached out hoping to destroy this image. Reina had expected her hands to go through him like air, after all, he was her imagination, however, she touched flesh; warm, smooth cheek.


"Are you done?" Niklaus' brow lifted arrogantly while his smirk deepened - it held a grave promise of what was to come.

"Ahhh!" Reina tossed her covers aside and jumped out of the bed. Like someone who's seen a ghost, she barged out of the room and ran down the flight of stairs still screaming only to bump into someone.

"Hey, easy, look where you're going," she heard a deep chuckle as someone tried to steady her.

Reina shivered, a bad premonition. She glanced up, Eden.

"Ahhh!!!" Reina's scream went up a notch as she covered down the rest of the stairs. What the hell was going on? Why were Niklaus and Eden here? What happened to her bachelorette party?!

Still wailing like a banshee, Reina ran into the living room only to stumble upon the scene of Judy sitting like the prince he was and sipping a cup of coffee - oh no, not him too.

With nowhere else to run to, Reina stood like a statue and continued her screaming - this had better be a nightmare. Someone, please tell her that this was a dream inside a dream and that very soon, she would wake up and there would be no Niklaus, no Eden nor Judy, just she and the girl….

Reina's eyes widened to the size of saucers when she saw the girls in question sitting docile like tamed cats on the long couch. Oh no, there was a fire on the mountain.

And that was further confirmed when she turned around to see Niklaus striding towards her with his towering frame, she suddenly felt too little.

Reina began to back away from him but of course who was Niklaus, a big bad bully who was enjoying the guilty and frightened look on her face.

In the process of moving back, Reina didn't look properly where she was going and tripped over a stool from behind. She would have landed on her ass hard had Niklaus not reached out and caught her by the waist.

"Going somewhere, Tigress?" he still had that irritating brow raised, "I bet you must have had a lot of fun last night,"

Reina gulped down the lump in her throat while shifting uneasily on her feet. She recognized that look on him - she wasn't going to get out of this one easily.

"Yesterday, you showed your great love for stripping services," Niklaus said casually but she sensed the venom beneath - how could she not know? She has lived with this crafty old fox for weeks now.

He added, "Plus your proficiency at fooling me, "

Wonderful, she was dead meat - officially dead. Where were the funeral homes, they should write on her gravestone, "Here lies the foolish Reina for inviting strippers to her party even after knowing she had a possessive soon-to-be husband,"

Wait a minute, was it too late to back out of this marriage? Who was she fooling? Would this clingy man let her go? Reina was sure Niklaus would chase her down wherever she went, even to the end of the earth.

She laughed nervously, "Is not what you're thinking," she tried to squirm out of his hold but Niklaus was immovable as the land of the earth, there was no fleeing for her.

"Really?" He was half-amused? "Then you tell me? What was it then?"

Reina had a smile on her face while facing Niklaus but inwardly she was so frightened that she was mentally kowtowing to the God in heaven, 'Save my soul from this devil's son, '

She somehow wished she could remember what exactly happened last night so she could choose her words carefully and not land in deeper shit. She looked towards the girls for help but they had a forlorn face - seems she wasn't the only one in trouble. Just what in the world happened last night? How in the world did these men find them?

"Reina, you should join the others. We have a great matter to discuss," Judy's somber voice rang out.

Oh, the heavens have finally saved her! Reina was relieved she would finally be free of this terrifying man or so she thought.

The moment Niklaus released her-Freedom had never felt so good as now- Reina spread forth her wings, about to sandwich herself between her same-sex brethren when someone caught her by the waist, hoisted her up, and sat her down with him - she was sitting on Niklaus!

Boohoo! Reina didn't know whether to laugh or just break down in tears. Nor could she tell which was worse: The fact that she couldn't remember last night and might have done something cringe-worthy or the fact that her stomach was a bundle of nerves because she was sitting directly on Niklaus' hard-on with his shaky hot breath burning and sending shivers down her back.

"The strippers, whose idea was it?" Judy asked no one in particular.

All the girls stared at one another; they were communicating telepathically. Of course, all of them knew Camille came up with the idea but they had supported her and were as guilty as charged. Moreover, none of them was willing to throw any of them under the bus just to save their pretty asses, they might not be related by blood but they've formed a bond that might even be even stronger than one between siblings - they were one sisterhood.

So they all came to a prompt decision; each of them raised their hand up. It was one for all and all for one.

Judy scoffed, he was not surprised by their action. The women had formed a relationship that even him, sadly, might not even be able to break, which was why he faced Emily.

"And you participated?"

Emily was provoked, "What was I expected to do? Ignore them? They're my best friends and that was Reina's bachelorette party - she deserves the fun,"

"At least you should have told me," He said to her, trying to reel in his anger.

"Then what? You would have been against it since you're a royal expected to act with decorum - what a boring life!" She snapped.

"Of course, I'm a royal and have responsibilities to the people and as my soon-to-be wife and queen, you're supposed to be of good behavior and maidenly, and perhaps, if you had told me I would ensure your safety from those pretenders from last night! What if they had hurt you? '' Judy responded with the same ferocity in one clean breath.

Wait a minute, Reina caught his words. What does he mean by pretenders from last night? Did something happen?

"Well, as you can see, we're fine and were properly able to protect our fragile feminine asses thanks to Reina," her words dripped with sarcasm.

"Huh?" Reina blinked. She looked between them with confusion. Why was Emily thanking her? Saved their asses? What was she talking about?

"Well, while you settle your differences, I would like to have a few words with my wife privately," Niklaus suddenly announced, standing with Reina in his arms.

"What? NO?!" Reina's eyes rounded. No, she didn't want to go with him! Words her butt! She could sense what his "privately" meant.

Reina would rather receive Judy's steely glare as he yells her head off than stay in a room alone with Niklaus especially with that sleazy sinister smirk on his lips.

"Wife behave," Niklaus reprimanded her when she wouldn't stop squirming and continued his journey to the room. Reina began to cry internally. Anyone, anything out there, save her please.

But no, the gods were silent this time.

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