Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 237 Early Morning Trouble

The next morning Grace did send a message to her parents. I was unsure of how this meeting was going to go, but it was necessary. Only when we meet will we know how it goes.

Currently I was out in the garden, which had now changed into a training ground. Well, for running anyways. I was having Frank, Jessica, Becky, Johan, and even Instructor Telive run a few lamps to begin really working on their stamina.  I wanted to make sure everyone was at a standard stamina level before doing much of anything else. I, of course, was running alongside them as I needed to exercise as well. After running, I did some basic exercises before letting them go clean up and eat. We still had to go to the academy after all.

I was once again escorted to the academy in cuffs which brought a lot of attention to me. Not that I cared because this was all for show anyway. So the murmurs of those around me did not bother me in the slightest.

After entering the academy, I was to head off to my knight classes. “Alright, I will see you all later.”

“Faith….” Adel called out to me. I turned to look at her. She had the most pitiful face on. “Don’t forget about me….”

“Adel, go to class!” I yelled before turning around and walking off. That silly girl, why is she being so dramatic!? She was acting as if we would never see each other again.

As I walked alongside Sei, Sophie, and Sally, I heard another set of footsteps behind me. I turned to see Grace standing there with her hands folded in front of her. “Grace?”

. “Yes, Master?” Grace answered per her usual response.

“Why are you following me?” I asked.

“Because I am Master’s servant?” She replied while tilting her head to the side as if what I had just asked was a silly question.

“You are in the mage courses, though! Grace, you need to stay by Adel’s side in case something happens to her! We talked about it earlier!” I held my head. I had already told Grace this early this morning. She repeatedly nodded her head. But it seemed my words went in one ear and out the other!

“Oh! You were talking to me about that! I thought you were talking to Sei.” Grace immediately placed the blame on someone else, causing me to sigh.

“Just go to the mage classes. We will see each other later. I will be there for the afternoon classes.” I really had to hand it to her to lie with such a straight face. Sei was still sleeping when I talked to her this morning!  This girl….

“As you command Master. But….” Grace turned to look at Sei, Sophie, and Sally. “If Master comes under any harm while under your watchful eyes, I will destroy this kingdom and everything in it.”

“Oi! Stop saying such things and get out of here!” I yelled. Grace bowed her head to me before giving the other three a meaningful glance and walking away. “She can just be….”

“Grace is as over the top as usual,” Sei said with a chuckle.

“I don’t think she was joking, though.” Sally shook her head as she added.

“Then we will just have to keep our Queen Faith from getting even the tiniest of scratches on her!” Sophie teased as she poked me in the side. I pursed my lips and walked forward faster. I heard all three of them giggling away as I hurried along. They all know about what happened with the King because Adel thought it was an amusing story and blabbed about it to everyone. So now they have been calling me queen here and there to tease me.

“Boss! You are here!” I heard a familiar voice. Steven came running up along with a few of the others from my team. But I also felt many hateful gazes piercing into me as well, which was quite annoying. I brushed Steven aside and walked to the front of the classroom. “Boss? What are you?”

The instructor had not shown up yet, so I figured I would take this time to deal with the issues at hand. I can not learn in a hostile environment, especially if people are going to be staring at me in such a way.

I cleared my throat and looked everyone over. “I will say this now. I do not care which noble family you come from. I do not care what your noble rank is. If any one of you keeps staring at me with killing intent or malicious thoughts, I do not mind dealing with you. But I know most of you are egged on by your families as they are inturned egged on by a certain individual. Whether you hate me or not, I do not care but keep it to yourselves and stop staring at me, or I will punch each one of you until you learn how to be respectful of those around you.”

“You! You dare!?” A young woman yelled out. I do wonder why these young noble girls, who have never seen the world, feel like they have to act all high and mighty. It makes no sense to me. But since she asked me if I dared…. I took a step forward only to have Sei pull me back. I turned and looked at her to see her shaking her head. “Leave that to me. I am not of your house, so if I beat them up and they can’t do anything about it. Plus, my standing as a black night is higher than theirs.

“You are also currently under house arrest, so if you do beat them up, it will work against you at your trial. You need to watch how you act for the time being. So all the dirty work can fall to my hands or Adel’s. We will be more than happy to take out such trash.” Sei’s words made a lot of sense. If I did make a move at this time, it would be causing me more bad than good, even if the fact of beating up these rich noble kids who wish to cause me trouble would feel good. I could only step back and motioned for Sei to take the floor.

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