Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 236 Talking With Diablo Part 2

“Do you think that is wise? You did say he was violent, after all. If we brought him here….” I was hesitant to call any demon that might cause harm to those around me.

“Yes, I know. That is why I will do the summoning. But we will only leave that as a last resort, and even then, it might not come to any kind of new information. For all I know, this world could have had more ancient demons than myself at some point and time.

“Master, you must understand that in this universe, nothing is absolute. Everything can change on a whim. The rise and fall of civilizations can be decided with the flip of a coin. One wrong mistake can wipe everyone out. This is just how things work. Even we demons are no exception which is why we keep a kind of balance in the demon world, or war would break out at any time. We do not cross our boundaries, and everyone has an equal share of land. This is to keep ourselves from destroying one another.” Diablo’s words made a lot of sense. But I still did not understand how this had anything to do with my ancient will.

“To put it plainly, this dragonic race of yours may very well be a real race of this world, but the will itself originates from someplace else entirely. Like I said, nothing is absolute. Your system, which is different from everyone else’s, may even be something from an even higher power. After all, your world did not have dungeons until just recently, right?” Diablo asked, causing me to nod my head..

“If that is the case, then why did dungeons suddenly start showing up now? The man we met with the strange lines on his body, where did he come from? This world may be under some kind of new rule, and you did not even know because to them, you are nothing more than ignorant ants that don’t deserve their attention. The man we saw could even be the weakest of the weak compared to the ones above him.” Diablo’s words made sense. Everything may be different when dealing with the system.  And not to mention Azengrade and his power to be able to control parts of the dungeons themselves.

It was a lot to take in, but one thing’s for sure, I got nowhere in finding out about my ancient will. All this conversation did was bring more questions to the table than we had answers for. But I am glad I had it because these questions were things that needed to be asked to begin with.

“Thank you for your time Diablo.” I finally said after being lost in thought for a while. I had much more to think about than I had expected to.

“Master, you do not need to thank me. You are my Master and can ask anything of me. This is what the contracts we have with each are for.” Diablo stated as he stood up. But I did not feel that way.

“Even if we have a contract, Diablo. You are still your own person. While it may seem strange because I may ask things of you knowing that you can not say no, I am not doing it to order you around but asking you as a friend. It would be no different from asking the same thing of Adel or even Steven.” I said with a smile. I did not think of Diablo as a tool. While I may contradict myself in some of my actions, I still felt Diablo was someone I could rely on as a friend and not a servant.

“This is why I am willing to serve you loyally. You have a pure heart, Master. While strong, you care for those around you and wish to help who you can. In the short while that I have known you, I have seen these things clearly with my own eyes. You give off a feeling that I can not find in the demon world.” Diablo’s words made me chuckle.

“Diablo, wasn;t it my mana what made you want to serve me?” I asked teasingly. He laughed and nodded his head. “This I can not deny! Haha!”

“Well, at any rate, I am glad to have you on my side.” I was truly grateful to have someone as strong as Diablo next to me at this time. Because of him, I have room to breathe.  And I think he was the reason why we were able to leave the dungeon alive anyways. Even if we did beat the dungeon boss on our own, that man…. He might have killed us all.

“And I am the same as you. But Master, before I dare call Hades here, you will need to grow much stronger. So when the time comes, you will need to have the strength to fend off any attacks he might throw at you. You will need to be able to protect yourself.” Diablo added before bowing and leaving the room.

I sat back in my seat and looked up at the ceiling. It was then that a hand landed on my head and stroked it gently. “Grace?”

“Master looked as if you had a headache, so I was trying to help soothe it.” Grace answered, causing me to close my eyes. She was right, I did have one. “Thanks Grace.”

“It is my duty.” Grace mumbled but I decided to ignore it.

“Grace, have you spoken to your family?” I asked. We still had to deal with her family. After all, the daughter of a marquess becoming a servant of a demi human was unheard of. It could make both the person involved and the family name lose all face.

I opened my eyes to see Grace making a strange face which was obviously a no. “I think we should invite your parents over. What you do is up to you. I will follow your decision. But you should at least talk with them.”

“Then I will do as Master says….”

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