Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 238 Sei’s Red Bottom Technique

Sei smiled and stepped forward as she cracked her knuckles and looked at the young noble girl. “Now then… Do you want an over the clothes spanking or a bare bottom spanking? I have recently learned a technique called Red Bottom. It is quite good at putting naughty children in their place.”

I tilted my head to the side. I could swear I had heard that name before…. Wait… She won’t, will she? She really won’t do it, would she!?  A few nights ago, in the dungeon, we were all talking about our pasts before the academy and embarrassing things. I had spoken about my mother’s red bottom technique. I never thought Sei would actually remember it.

“A red what!? Do you know who I am!?” The girl yelled out one of the most cliche lines any rich noble kid could yell. But I guess with their pride as a noble, they would use their noble names to scare the person in front of them so that they would not have to fight but sadly… I watched as Sei grinned and then disappeared…..

Not even a second later, a scream was heard, and a fresh white butt was exposed to the air for all to see. The girl had been draped over Sei’s knee before most could even blink. Sei raised her hand and, with an evil grin, slammed it down onto the white cheeks of the poor girl. “Ouch! What are yo…. Ouch! Stop it! Ouch!”

I held my head. Why does it seem that I was seeing a shadow of my mother in Sei’s image? This was just too much….

“Uhhhh….. Did I come at a bad time?” A male voice came from behind me. I turned around to see a familiar person standing there with a strange expression on his face.

“Good morning, Instructor Reliks,” I said respectfully as I bowed my head.

“Yes, good morning, Faith, now please explain to me why I see a white… well, a now red butt being spanked in the middle of my classroom?” Instructor Reliks, full name Bill Reliks, the battle manic instructor who I fought during the entrance exam. His expression said a lot as he looked at the scene before him.

I must say the red bottom technique that Sei was using was quite good. Makes me wonder if she had practiced it. This kind of punishment also seemed to be effective because the other boys and girls that had been giving me hostile gazes earlier all had gazes of fear at this point. After all, such a punishment was unheard of to a normal noble. They would probably never be hit their entire lives. But to have your pants or dress pulled down to expose your white bum and then spanked on top of that was a huge blow to one’s pride and reputation.

“Ah, Sei is just teaching kids that respecting your fellow classmates is the way to go no matter what their parents have told them,”  I replied with a smile. It seemed Bill was not a complete idiot as he nodded his head to my explanation.

“I see… but how long is this going to last?” Bill asked. He did not seem to care to stop it at all. Not like he could stop Sei anyway.

“Ah…” I looked up to see that Sei seemed to have a bright smile on her face as if she was having fun. I do wonder if a new window to a certain kind of world that starts with a capital S has opened for Sei.

“Sei!” I yelled out. Sei looked up at me with her hand frozen mid air. Her face quickly turned red as she lowered her hand and pulled the skirt back up on the girl.  “Ahem… Now you know to behave yourself….”

The noble girl’s face was full of tears and snot. Now that she was released from Sei’s grasp, she quickly hurried out of the classroom. Of course, she made sure to glare at me as if I was the one who hit her but whatever. Since the show was over, I made my way to an empty seat and sat down. The room was designed with a podium at the front of the class and then stadium seating. There were long rows of wooden tables in front of the bench seating set up on four different levels and split into three sections.

Sei walked over and sat down next to me on my left while Sophie sat on my right and Sally to Sophie’s right. The other seats quickly filled with the rest of my teammates. Bill, who was still in a daze as to what he had walked into, took a moment to snap out of it. He seemed to want to forget about what had happened.

“Ahem… To start off, I would like to congratulate you all on becoming students of the Royal Magic Academy. Being a knight is not all about fighting. It is also not all about training physically either. A knight must have the correct knowledge to go about their daily tasks. This includes law.” Bill is the instructor for the knight practical class. And what he just said is one of the reasons I took this class. Knight practical allowed me to learn the law of this kingdom’s law, and right now, I needed as much information as possible on the subject of law for my upcoming trial. It never hurts to be ready for anything.

“The laws of the kingdom are to be upheld by the civilians, including nobles. And a knight’s job is to enforce these laws. Being caught being corrupt while being a knight can result in many different punishments. First, you could lose your position as a knight. Second, if you are a noble, you could lose your noble title. Third, and the worst punishment of them all, is death. Not for only you but your entire family. So think carefully before you act.”

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