Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 165: Escaped

Chapter 165: Escaped


With a powerful smash, Netherclaw hit the figure before him without hesitation.

"Haha! You thought you will be able to beat me using this strange m-, huh?"

But before Netherclaw could have finished his sentence, suddenly he realized that what he has just smashed felt kinda strange.

Looking at his palm, suddenly Netherclaw's eyes widened slightly only to see that instead of blood, what he could see on his hand were small pieces of debris and stone.

"What the?", said Netherclaw with a frown, but suddenly he felt something was amiss, so he wanted to jump to the side, but he realized that he couldn't.


Below his feet, the ground turned muddy, and instantly as half of his leg sunk into the soil, it solidified, trapping him into one place.

"This won't help you at all!", roared angrily Netherclaw and smashed at the ground to free his feet instantly, but just as he did a loud voice sounded, "Now!"


Netherclaw looked around to find where the voice came from, but what he could only see was a single figure appearing inches away from his body like thunder.


Netherclaw watched as Joe, whose whole body was covered in a robe made out of pure thunder and lightning, slashed at his neck with his silver sword with a frighteningly fast speed.

"Still slow!", roared Netherclaw and waved his hand to deflect Joe's attack.



With a loud bang and cracking sound, Netherclaw broke Joe's sword into several pieces, and with an insanely fast spin, he kicked toward Joe's waist powerfully.

However, Joe was watching this as calmly as ever and put his hand which held the remaining sword's hilt to the side.


With an explosion like thunder hitting the bare ground, in Joe's hand from the hilt, thunder burst forward, and like chains connecting to each other, lightning particles appeared between the broken pieces, creating a weapon similar to that of a whip.

When all parts have been connected with his power, Joe swung the newly made weapon in his hand without hesitation.

All of these things like connecting the parts with his power and creating the weapon till the part he swung it toward Netherclaw just only happened under a single second, showing that Joe's speed was inhumanly fast currently.

However, like everything else, this also came with a consequence and that consequence was visibly noticeable on Joe's face.

Blood was flowing out and down from his nose and the corner of his mouth showing just how much burden that ability of his was putting on his body.

But still, with clenched teeth and a determined expression, Joe attacked Netherclaw, making his attack to defend against the kick successfully.



However, God rank strength was not God rank strength for fun. The moment his whip-like weapon hit Netherclaw's leg, barely diverting its trajectory, Joe's whole figure still got flung away, making his body to explode onto a huge stone in the distance.

But before that, Joe made sure to shout one more time.

"Greg! Now!"

Instantly as he said that behind Netherclaw's back the huge boulder moved, and with a fast motion earth spikes exploded toward Netherclaw.


Netherclaw was totally surprised by this sudden attack. He knew that Mila controlled his movement toward this boulder on purpose, but as to why he didn't know.

He thought it was for the reason to trap him and attack him from three different directions at once, but it was quite visible that it wasn't the case.

Not only didn't Mila not attacked him but for some reason, Greg didn't assault him either. But the best chance to attack him would have been now.

He thought it was quite fishy and in the end, it turned out it really was. Everything until this moment was to distract his attention from the fact that the boulder behind his back could be used as a source of an attack.

"I should have realized that brat could control the earth element.", thought Netherclaw angrily and wanted to jump away, but before he could have done so, another spike emerged, but this time it was from before him from the ground.



Piercing his stomach from the front, while piercing his back from the back, Netherclaw was stuck in one place.


Vomiting up a huge amount of blood, Netherclaw looked up and wanted to say something, however, suddenly his eyes widened.

The reason why, because not far away from him, Greg was holding his black staff in hand above his head, while around his weapon, golden flames were swirling like crazy.

Watching as his veins below his skin bulged out, making his whole figure look frighteningly scary, Netherclaw knew that if he doesn't run bow, he will die for sure.

"Not good!", said Netherclaw hurriedly, and without hesitation, he swung his claws toward the earth pillar before him, smashing it into pieces.

However, the moment he freed himself, purplish flames broke out below the ground before him, setting his right arm into flames.

Netherclaw wanted to put out the flames on his limb, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he swung his hand, the flames didn't want to vanish at all. Instead, they became even more crazy, approaching toward his head like a virus, ready to but him alive in any given second.

Knowing there was no time to waste, Netherclaw swung his other arm, and without a single hesitation he cut off his arm.


With a deafening roar, Netherclaw looked toward Mila in the distance who caused him to do this, but before he could have done anything else, suddenly suffocating power burst toward him from the side.

Turning his head toward where the power came, Netherclaw saw as dense golden flames were swirling toward him like a crazy dragon, melting away the ground and the close proximity around it instantly.

Watching the flames which were even scarier than Mila's, Netherclaw turned shocked and said, "Are they even human?"

And just as he said this, the golden flames reached him, engulfing him entirely.


However only after a second, a loud explosion happened inside the swirling flames and like a bullet, Netherclaw's figure burst out, running away as fast as he possibly could.

Joe who was already on his feet and Mila wanted to chase after the creature when suddenly Greg's voice sounded behind his back.

"Let him go. We won't be able to catch him. Also, there could be the possibility he lures us into a trap, so let's just calm down and rest."

With that, Greg took out a healing potion from his shadow and after drinking it he sat down to rest.

Mila and Joe looking at Greg's tired expression looked at each other, but after a while they too fell onto their butts, looking all exhausted all of a sudden.

"Oh, man... I thought I was dead!", said Mila as she looked up the sky, breathing in as much air as she could right now.

"Haha! Me too. That creature was too strong! If it was only a one on one fight, I would have died for a thousand times already!", said Joe with a smile looking at Greg before him.

"It seems your plan worked. If we have been a bit better, there would have been the chance we have killed it. But, still, I'm quite satisfied with this result too.", said Joe as he looked at Greg.

"Me too.", nodded Greg, but after looking at the boulder he just used a few moments ago he said, "But to tell the truth, I wasn't completely sure it would work."

"Huh? What do you mean?", asked Mila from the side, looking at Greg with a confused expression.

Greg pointed at the boulder and said, "That rock. Don't you find it strange?"


Both Mila and Joe turned their gazes at the rock that Greg was referring to, but after inspecting it for a few seconds they didn't notice anything strange at all.

"No. It looks to me like any other rock.", said Mila with a shake of her head.

Hearing this Greg smiled and said, "Then look around and say that again."

Mila hearing this frowned and said, "What do yo-, huh?"

The moment Mila looked around, what he could see except of the sign of their attacks, was a sheer flat surface. Not a tree or bush, but only that single boulder that Greg used a few minutes ago.

"Now that you say this. It is truly strange. Your breakthrough erased everything nearby. Even a small portion of the mountain's side vanished, but strangely that boulder didn't. What is that?", said Joe as he looked at the boulder.

Standing up, Greg stepped closer to the huge piece of stone and put his hand on it while closing his eyes.

Using his earth element's vibration powers, Greg tried to see the structure of the boulder to see if there was anything strange about it, however, the moment he did, his eyes shot wide open, making him to step a few meters behind immediately.

"What happened?", asked Joe noticing Greg's sudden behavior, but Greg's answer made him look insanely stupified.

"It's... It's an entrance toward somewhere deep underground."

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