Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 166: A Mysterious Entrance

Chapter 166: A Mysterious Entrance

"An entrance? What?"

Both Mila and Joe after hearing what Greg said looked at the huge stone before them, but no matter how they looked at it, for them it looked like a simple boulder.

Except for the fact that it was able to resist the explosion that Greg's power created, there was nothing special about it.

"How do you know it's an entrance?", asked Joe as he stepped closer to Greg.

Pointing at the stone, Greg started to explain, "With my heart element, I can examine everything in my proximity until it is with connection with the ground. I used that power and what I saw was a long staircase going deep down."

"We're you able to see where it is leading?", asked Mila as she walked closer too.

"No. Unfortunately, my power only works in a limited range. Even after my breakthrough, the range is only a few miles, but even like this, I didn't see the end of it."

"It's that long?", asked Joe with surprise and looked at the stone and after thinking for a while he fired a Thunderbird at the boulder.


After a loud explosion, a dense dust cloud flew high up into the air instantly, but to Joe's surprise even like this, the boulder was looking perfectly fine.

"That won't work. I don't know what kind of rock this is, but it has high durability against physical attacks. Even with my earth control, I was barely able to form a spike out of it."

Hearing what Greg said, Joe lowered his hand and asked, "Then what should we do? Do you have an idea?"

Greg, looking at the boulder, crossed his arms before his chest and started to talk calmly.

"I don't know why, but I have a hunch that if we are able to open this entrance we will definitely find ourselves in a dire situation."

"Yeah me too. For me, that boulder looks more like a seal than a normal entrance. Just think about it. We are currently inside the Forbidden Lands and found a strange boulder that was hidden away this suspiciously. Not even Greg's explosion was able to destroy it, so if you ask me we should leave that there how it was.", said Mila and stepped a meter back to show that she was against the idea to open it.

Greg seeing Mila's decision looked at Joe and asked, "What do you think?"

"If you ask me, I'm on the same side as Mila. We don't know what is in there, while with our current shape and power, we wouldn't be able to fight again against a God rank creature."

"I see...", said Greg quietly and started to think.

"They have a point. If we open the entrance and it turns out that several God rank creatures are lurking there, we are as good as dead. The wisest choice right now should be to leave. But..."

But Greg felt like that even though he knew that there could be huge risks and dangers, for some reason, he felt like that if he doesn't go now, he will miss a lifetime opportunity.

"Argh... This is a hard choice."

While Greg was thinking about what the right decision should be, suddenly a familiar voice sounded behind their backs.


The moment they turned around, all three of them saw as Emma with a man following her from behind appeared in the distance with a happy face.

"Emma? Why are you here?", asked Mila with a surprised expression, but the next second she felt Emma's powerful hug around her body.

"Woah! Calm down, little girl! Haha! You want to strangle me to death?"

Hugging her back, Mila smiled and asked, "How come you are here? And who is he? Friend?"

Letting Mila off, Emma smiled and pointed at the man.

"A friend? He is not my friend. He is my father!"


Hearing this Mila, Joe and Greg looked insanely surprised and they looked at the man before them.

"Haha. Nice to meet you kids. My name is Jay Moore, so feel free to call me Jay.", said Jay with a wide smile as he looked at Emma's friends one by one.

"My daughter told me a lot of things about the three of you, so I was quite interested in you. And after seeing you in person, I didn't get disappointed. All of you look extremely strong."

As he said this, Jay's eyes stopped on Greg's figure, and a small while later he averted his gaze.

"So? What happened here? We saw a thick ash black pillar broke toward the skies so we decided to see what happened, but I didn't think we would meet you here. Something must have happened.", said Emma as she looked at her long time not seen friends with excitement for the first time.

Especially at Greg. She looked at him more often than at Joe or Mila.

"We were fighting for our lives.", said Greg calmly.


Both Emma and Jay after hearing this looked confused, but before they could have asked what he means under this, Greg started to explain the occurrences to them.

From the point where he needed Joe's help to his breakthrough, through the part where Mila appeared and helped them kill Netherclaw's subordinates, till the piece where they injured Netherclaw and found that strange boulder.

One by one as detailed as they could, all three of them told Emma and Jay what truly happened and when they arrived at the end of the story they turned silent.

At the end of their tale, Jay's and Emma's expression was utter disbelief and shock.

To think that three teenagers who were on the Calamity rank could make a creature that was on the God rank flee... It was very hard to believe.

"Is this really the truth?", asked Jay from the side as he looked at Greg, still hardly believing that the three were able to do what they just told him a few seconds ago.

"Yes. No lies at all.", said Greg with a calm nod as he looked at Emma's father.

"I see.", nodded Jay and after thinking for a while he asked, "And what is your plan now?"

"This is what I still don't know. Mila, Joe, and I decided not to open that passage, unknown what danger it could hold, but still, I have a feeling that deep down there there is something very important. Just like how this could turn out to be a life-threatening danger, this could also be a one in a lifetime opportunity and I don't want to miss it."

Jay hearing Greg's honest opinion nodded and asked, "And even after knowing the danger you will drag your friends with you?"

"What? Definitely no. If they don't want to go, then I won't force them. I'm not a cruel monster like that.", said Greg calm expression without hesitation.

However deep inside, he was a bit insulted. To think that a man, who was his friend's dad could ask something like this... Was he really looking like that kind of person?

Feeling what Greg's thought could be, Jay smiled and said, "I see. Then I ask this in another way. Knowing the danger, will you go down there even if your friends follow you or not?"

The moment this question sounded from Jay's Mila, Emma and Joe turned their curious gazes at Greg waiting patiently for what his answer will be.

Seeing their gazes, Greg looked at the boulder on the side and after thinking for a while he said, "To tell the truth, I would like to go down there, no matter the what danger is there. But if my friends say no, then I won't go."

When he said this, Jay closed his eyes and with a smile, he said quietly, "Just as she said."

After that, he stepped closer to the boulder and after inspecting it for a while he asked, "Do you know how to open it?"

"Huh? Wait, dad! You want to go open the entrance?", asked Emma from the side with great surprise.

"Well, yes."

"But why?", asked Emma confusedly.

Jay hearing his daughter's question looked at Greg and with a smile, he said, "Because it is just how your friend said. If you say no, then he won't force you nor go while you are here. However, the instant he has the chance he will come back here and go alone. Am I right?"

Greg hearing this, smiled wryly not knowing what he should say at Jay's comment.

Seeing that he was right, Jay touched on the boulder and said, "And this is why I will go down with him and see what is down there. Until then, you three wait here."

"No. Definitely no.", said Joe from the side suddenly and stepped a bit closer.

"We are going together or no one goes. If you two go I will follow."

"Yeah, me too.", said Mila with a determined expression and stepped forward also.

"Then I will come too.", said Emma too.

Jay, seeing Emma and her friends like this smiled and after looking at Greg, he asked, "So? What will your decision be then?"

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