Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 164: A Plan

Chapter 164: A Plan


Without giving a single second to react, Netherclaw grabbed the Typhoon Beast's jaws with both hands, and with a sudden pull, he tore Greg's Soul Creature into two.

In an instant as the creature's body was ripped apart, the Typhoon Beast's body turned to ash and with the gentle breeze, it vanished into the air.


Greg immediately felt as the connection with his Soul Creature got severed. It was the exact same feeling when his golden shield and dual daggers in the past got broken. 

The feeling was not a pleasant one. It was like you just lost something really close to your heart and what remained there was only sheer emptiness.

As Greg felt this unpleasant feeling in his chest he looked up at the humanoid tiger and raised Shapeless in his hand.

"Stay calm... Stay calm..."

Even though the one that he lost was a Soul Creature that he couldn't make stronger in the future, Greg felt a bit angry.

That Typhoon Beast was something really special to him. Maybe he couldn't use it in the past because he didn't have the chance to use it, but still, it was important to him.

That tiger was the very first Soul Creature that he needed to kill to obtain energy crystal for his breakthrough. Also, it has a lot of time useful to him.

Next to Shapeless and the little fairy, this Soul Creature was the third which had the most potential that could have been the most useful to him in a battle.

Just like when it saved him by killing the Dark Creature in the forest and when it killed Netherclaw's subordinate. No matter what happened, whenever things turned to the worst, the Typhoon Beast was a great asset to Greg.

And this is why Greg knew that maybe he was angry, he needed to stay calm no matter what. He wasn't against a creature which he can easily defeat, but against a monster that was on the God rank. One mistake could end up in total catastrophe, ending hot only his, but each of his friend's lives.

"And this is why I need to stay calm.", thought Greg and after exhaling a deep breath he tightened his grip on Shapeless.

"Joe. How many times can you use that power?", asked Greg calmly from Joe, while he didn't turn his attention even for a second away from Netherclaw.

Joe on Greg's side hearing the question looked at his palm and after thinking for a while he looked at Greg and said, "If I need to use it to the fullest, then only one more time."

Hearing this Greg nodded and said, "That will be sufficient."

Glancing for a second at Mila, Greg smiled and said, "Nice to see you again."

"Haha, hold that sweet talk for later. We still have a job to finish.", said Mila with a slight smile and asked, "So? What is your plan?"

Turning his gaze back at Netherclaw then at a huge boulder and a while later he started to explain quietly, "Can you control his movement toward that boulder?"

Looking at the huge stone in the distance, Mila nodded and said, "It shouldn't be a problem, yes. But why? I don't think that a mere stone can help us at all."

"Then you are wrong. It can.", said Greg and looked at Joe.

"Wait for my sign. When I signal to you, use that power of yours and try to attack him as fast as possible. Even if it's just a small injury, until you snatch his attention only for a second, we have a chance to win."

"Understood.", said Joe and put his hand on his sword's hilt.

In the distance, when Netherclaw saw as Greg and his friends were talking among themselves smiled slightly and asked, "Planning to beat me? You are just mere humans with the weak power of a Calamity rank and you try to kill me? Haha! What a joke!"

Instantly as he said this, Netherclaw roared toward the sky and burst toward the three like lightning.

"Mila!", shouted Greg and without hesitation, he started to run toward Netherclaw with Joe on his side.

"I know!", said Mila and with a wave of her hand, she created a firewall before Netherclaw's figure.

"Mere fire? You are looking down on me human!", roared angrily Netherclaw and without halting even for a second he ran toward the firewall.

"Looking down on you? The one who is looking down on the other is not me but you!", shouted Mila calmly and waved her hand again.

Immediately as she did, the flames before Netherclaw turned purplish-blue, while the ground around the flames started to melt faster when there was lava.


Noticing this, Netherclaw knew that he made a mistake, but even like this his reaction was top-notch.

With a powerful stomp with his leg, he jumped to the side and after barely avoiding the flames he continued to run toward Mila.

However, only after a second, from the side like a bullet, Greg's figure appeared without a single sound, and with powerful momentum, he swung his staff toward Netherclaw's neck.

"Sneaky, but still useless!", roared Netherclaw and halting his insanely fast speed with ease, he raised both of his arms to defend against Greg's assault.

However, just as he did this, a silver sword with lightning particles swirling around it appeared below his waist, ready to cut him into two horizontally.

"Tsk... How annoying.", said Netherclaw with an irritated expression and jumped backward.

But just as his feet touched the ground, purplish flames broke out from the ground, making him to jump away again.

But unfortunately, every time his feet were about to touch the ground, purplish flames broke to the surface giving Netherclaw no time at all to think for a way of counter-attack.




One explosion after another, Netherclaw's movement was controlled by Mila. Netherclaw knew that even though Mila was on the Calamity rank, those flames of hers were abnormal. 

"These humans... Their strength is too unnatural. Only on the Calamity tank, but all of them have power on par with those on the Ascender rank. Especially that boy. His Transgression ability not only lets him pass through ranks but also helps him use that rank's power. That is a terrific ability for sure."

But it was not a surprise at all. Mila was a hidden genius who grow up in a clan that was a specialist in fire usage and field control abilities. To her to do something like this was nothing surprising at all.

Joe on the other hand was even scarier. With his legendary White Soul Stone and Guardian, he was a super genius already. With his power that lets him to surpass ranks, he could fight with anyone, no matter if his opponent was one or two ranks above him.

Naturally, if it was only him in a one on one fight against Netherclaw, maybe he could sustain for a few hours, but in the end, he would die for sure.

As for Greg, things like this to fight against an enemy on the God tank without sustaining fatal injuries was normal.

Since his breakthrough, his elements and body gained a huge boost, while his presence reached that of an Ascender ranked fighter.

Maybe he couldn't use that power which let his power reach the God rank that everyone used on the Ascender rank, but his strength was definitely on par with that of an Ascender rank fighter.

And with his abnormal physical strength, his six element's power, and Core Territories, he could easily fight against anyone on the God rank. However, that question which asks who will be the winner is hard to tell.

Fighting against God ranked creatures and killing them is two different questions.

And because knowing all of these facts, that was why Greg thought of a plan.

"Just let us drag that creature to that boulder, then everything will be over.", said Greg and swung his staff toward Netherclaw.

Of course, just like the last time, the humanoid tiger couldn't protect himself because from below his feet purplish flames broke out, making him to avoid the assault as fast as he possibly could.

One jump after another, after close to half an hour, Greg and the others could finally put Netherclaw before the builder.

"Perfect!, said Mila and waved her hand.

Instantly, purplish flames appeared in a shape of a circle, trapping Netherclaw before the boulder almost immediately.

Noticing that he was trapped, Netherclaw smiled calmly and looked at Greg before him, who was also inside the flames.

"And what now? Do you really think you will be able to kill me all alone?", asked Netherclaw with a smug on his face.

"We won't know if we don't try it.", said Greg, and instantly a robe made out of purplish smoke appeared around his body.



Immediately as he said this, purplish smoke broke out of Greg's robe, filling up the whole place with dense purplish mist.


Turning here and there, Netherclaw wanted to see from where Greg wanted to attack, but the only thing he could see was the purplish fog.

"What is he trying to do?", said Netherclaw quietly, but the next second he saw as the smoke before him moved and a figure appeared.

"I can see you!", shouted Netherclaw and punched toward the figure before him.


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