I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 81 81: 'Death Bloom' Flower

Dryden stopped for a second to decide if he want to go in, and in the end, he decided to go in.

He unsheathed his sword and held it tightly, ready for any danger that may come his way. He knew that he had to be prepared for anything if he was going to make it through this place alive.

As Dryden walked deeper into the dark forest, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw a huge bone of a monster, it was so big that it was almost as big as a small house.

He approached the bone with caution, and as he got closer, he saw a strange flower attached to it. The flower was ominous, with a dark purple color and black veins running through its petals. The center of the flower was black as well, with a small yellow dot in the middle.

"Isn't this a 'Death Bloom' flower?" Upon confirming, it is indeed a Death Bloom flower, he immediately distant himself.

He had seen it in one of the books about pill-making. The flower was called the Death Bloom, a rare and dangerous ingredient that was used to make a certain pill. The pill was known for its incredible healing properties, but the process of making it was incredibly difficult and dangerous.

Also, the main reason why he learned about it. Because the Lord of the town where he stayed outside the three kingdoms, needed it for concocting a pill, the reward at that time was so extravagant, it was enough resources for him to breakthrough and even go further.

Dryden couldn't believe his luck, he had been searching for this flower for years, and now he had finally found it. He carefully plucked the flower from the bone, and put it in a small box that he had brought with him.

He knew that he had to be careful with the Death Bloom, as it was incredibly dangerous. Even the slightest touch could cause the petals to release a deadly poison, and inhaling the scent of the flower could be fatal.

With the Death Bloom flower safely stored away, Dryden continued his exploration deeper into the forest. As he walked, the air grew colder and the atmosphere grew thicker, almost as if he had entered a different world entirely.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of walking, Dryden stumbled upon a tomb hidden in the heart of the forest. The tomb was unlike any he had seen before, with intricate carvings etched onto its surface. The carvings depicted scenes of battles and conquests, with warriors and generals immortalized in stone.

The tomb Dryden found, was one of the many small tombs, on the Necropolis Floor.

The tomb itself was made of a dark stone that seemed to absorb all the light around it. The entrance was adorned with pillars made of black marble, with intricate patterns etched onto their surface. The door to the tomb was massive, made of solid iron, and adorned with strange symbols that Dryden couldn't decipher.

Dryden stood before the tomb, feeling a sense of awe and trepidation wash over him. He knew that he had come too far to turn back now. He steeled himself and approached the door, placing his hand on its surface. The door creaked open, revealing a dark passageway that led deeper into the tomb.

Dryden took a deep breath and stepped into the passageway, his senses on high alert. The air was musty and filled with the scent of decay, and he could hear the faint sound of something shuffling in the darkness ahead of him.

As he made his way through the passageway, Dryden could make out the silhouette of a human figure in the distance. But as he got closer, he realized that the figure was not human at all. It was the zombie Argon bought along with the Necropolis floor.

"Who are you." Dryden tried calling for it, cause in his eyes it just looked like a rotten human, but the zombie just looked at him with lifeless eyes.

The zombie was unlike any creature Dryden had ever seen before. It was slightly taller than him, with a sturdy body and thick, leathery skin. Its eyes were sunken and lifeless, and its hair was long and tangled. Its clothes were tattered and torn, revealing muscles that seemed to bulge unnaturally under its skin.

The zombie stood before Dryden, staring at him with lifeless eyes. Its skin was gray and cracked, and it had long, dirty hair that hung in tangles around its face. Its teeth were yellow and sharp, and its hands were long and bony, with blackened nails.

Dryden had never seen a zombie before, but he knew that it was not something to be trifled with. Dryden can feel the unknown creature in front of him was in the same realm as him. But his face changed because he could feel a dangerous aura emanating from it.

The zombie growled, revealing a set of razor-sharp teeth. It charged at Dryden, its fists slamming into the ground with enough force to crack the stone beneath their feet.

Dryden dodged the zombie's attacks with ease, since the Zonbie was slower than him. However, Dryden can feel the power behind the zombie's attack, if he gets hit, he was sure that it won't be a good experience.

Dryden retaliates, his sword flashing through the air. He managed to land a few blows, but they seemed to have little effect on the zombie's body. It shrugged off his attacks and continued to pummel him with its fists.

Dryden realized that he needed to change his tactics if he was going to defeat the zombie. He took a step back, analyzing the zombie's movements. It was slower than he was, but its strength made up for its lack of speed.

He waited for the zombie to make its move, and when it did, he sidestepped and delivered a powerful blow to its side. The zombie stumbled, but it quickly recovered and charged at him once more.

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