I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 80 80: Dryden Exploring The Necropolis Floor

As soon as Dryden entered the dungeon, Tan Zong come back from the meeting with Argon.

Tan Zong couldn't help but grin as he made his way back to his residence. Being of use to his Lord gives him so much joy, so now he will execute perfectly what His Lord told him to do.

While flying towards his residence, he noticed the excited chatter of the city residents. He couldn't help but smile. Everything is good, no one was suspecting him of being an Evil Cultivator.

Although the surface of the Eternal City is peaceful, behind the curtain he was doing all sorts of inhuman experiments. Of course, he was using prisoners whom no one cares about their well-being, so the people won't suspect him.

His evil nature won't let him not do evil things, he was craving for it.

When he reached his residence, he was greeted by his loyal servant, Xing. "Welcome back, my lord," he said with a bow.

Tan Zong returned the bow. "Thank you, Xing. Has everything been taken care of in my absence?"

"Yes, my lord. Everything is in order. Is there anything you require?"

"Is everyone ready?"

"Yes My Lord, everyone is waiting for you," Xing said.

After saying goodbye to Xing, he made his way to the city hall, where he would hold a meeting with his officials to discuss the new developments. As he entered the hall, he saw that everyone was already gathered and waiting for him.

"Good to see you all," Tan Zong greeted them with a smile. "I have some exciting news to share with you all. As I was exploring the dungeon, I discovered a new world, which I have called the 'floor 2', just like how we called the goblin world 'floor 1'. However, to access it, one must either defeat the hobgoblin leader or have a cultivation base of Golden Core Realm."

His officials were stunned at the news, and they couldn't help but express their amazement. "My lord, this is incredible news!" exclaimed one of his officials. "What do you suggest we do?"

Everyone didn't suspect Tan Zong how he got such information. They respect and trust him so much, that they will blindly believe him.

"I suggest we spread the word throughout the city, and let everyone know about this new opportunity. It will undoubtedly attract more adventurers and cultivators to our city, which will ultimately benefit us," Tan Zong said with a grin.

His officials nodded in agreement, and they began discussing the best way to spread the news throughout the city. Tan Zong listened to their ideas and suggestions, and he was pleased with their enthusiasm.

As the meeting came to a close, Tan Zong thanked his officials for their hard work and dedication. He then made his way back to his residence, where he would continue his experiments in secret.


As Dryden steps through the entrance to the dungeon, he suddenly feels a strange sensation, as if the ground beneath him had shifted. He closed his eyes and braced himself for impact, but when he opened them again, he found himself in a completely different place.

he immediately noticed a change in the atmosphere. The air was thick and musty, and there was a distinct smell of decay in the air. The ground beneath his feet was hard and cold, with no signs of life anywhere.

The trees around him were dead and barren, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers towards the sky.

The sky was gray, the moonlight lit the world with a perpetual shade of gray.

'No sign of life can survive in this place.' He thought.

"What place is this?" he muttered to himself, his voice echoing through the empty silence.

After some time, he decided to move on and explore this unknown world, he didn't fly but walked. Since he was not familiar with this place, he wouldn't fly recklessly.

As he walk on, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. He could feel the weight of the place bearing down on him, and he had the feeling that he was being watched by unseen eyes.

Despite his fear, Dryden pushed on, determined to explore the depths of this place. He couldn't let his fear hold him back from experiencing the thrill of adventure.

Suddenly, Dryden noticed that the ground beneath his feet was slightly uneven, and he stumbled on a small rock. He looked down and saw that it wasn't a rock at all, but a skull.

Dryden couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine at the sight of the skull. He wondered how many people had entered this dungeon before him and never made it out alive.

As he looked around, Dryden noticed that there were bones and skulls scattered all around, he can even see a mountain of bones and bones as huge as a mountain. The place looked like it was once a place where a great battle had taken place. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he realized that he was completely alone in this eerie world.

"This place... Even if I experienced all kinds of war, this place is just on another level." Dryden muttered, his eyes scanning the barren landscape. "I have never seen anything like this before."

That's right, Dryden felt like the war he experienced was like child's play, compared to what has happened in this place.

As he continued to walk, he noticed that the scenery began to change. The barren landscape gave way to a dark and foreboding forest, with twisted trees and gnarled roots. The trees seemed to be alive, their branches reaching out like claws, and their trunks twisting and contorting in unnatural ways.

There were no leaves in the trees, making the forest a place even a brave warrior wouldn't want to go in.

Dryden could feel a sense of unease creeping up on him. He could hear the faint whispers of voices, and he wondered if he was truly alone in this place.

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