I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 82 82: Four Undead Monsters (Part 1)

As Dryden clashed with the zombie, he quickly realized that it was more powerful than he had initially thought. Its thick skin was almost impenetrable, and its strength was beyond that of a normal human's. Dryden could feel the force of its blows rattling through his bones, making him stumble backwards.

Dryden realized that he needed a different approach. He took a step back and focused his energy, gathering all his strength into his palms. Suddenly, his hands burst into flames, and he unleashed a fire-type technique towards the zombie.

The zombie roared in anger as the flames engulfed it, but it continued its attack. Dryden's technique had weakened it, but it was not enough to defeat it. The two continued to battle, exchanging blows and dodging attacks.

As they fought, Dryden slowly realized that he was being pushed back towards the entrance of the tomb. The zombie's relentless attacks had forced him back, and he was running out of room to maneuver.

Finally, with one powerful punch, the zombie sent Dryden flying out of the tomb. He crashed into the ground outside, gasping for breath as pain coursed through his body.


Dryden groaned as he struggled to sit up, clutching his chest where he felt a sharp pain. He knew he couldn't give up yet. He had to find a way to defeat the zombie.

"Sigh' should I just leave, and forget exploring the tomb?' Dryden thought.

If he wanted to defeat his enemy, he was sure he can do it, but after defeating it, he will surely gonna be exhausted, and won't be able to continue exploring this world.

As Dryden tried to get back on his feet, the zombie followed him out of the tomb. Its eyes glowed red, and it let out a guttural growl before charging towards Dryden again.

Dryden knew he had no choice but to fight. He quickly got up and took a defensive stance, ready to counter the zombie's attack. The air around them was tense as they both prepared for the next round of battle.

Dryden took a deep breath and channeled his energy, his sword glowing with a bright orange light. The zombie charged at him, but Dryden was ready. He jumped to the side and unleashed a powerful slash toward the zombie's side.

The punch landed with a loud thud, and the zombie staggered backwards. But it quickly recovered and swung its arm towards Dryden, who dodged just in time. The force of the zombie's blow created a shockwave that sent Dryden tumbling backwards.

Dryden landed on his feet and quickly regained his balance. He knew he had to be careful. The zombie was too strong, and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

"That was close." Dryden wipes the sweat bead on his forehead.

He took another deep breath and focused his energy. This time, he summoned a three huge fireballs, which shot out toward the zombie. The flames engulfed the undead creature forming a fire tornado, causing it to howl in pain.

Their fight disturbed the silence of the forest, the sound of their clashes echoing through the undead world. The fire from Dryden's technique illuminated the gloomy surroundings, casting flickering shadows across the trees and tombstones.

The zombie emerged from the flames, its skin charred and smoking. But it was still standing, and it didn't look like it was going to give up anytime soon.

Dryden gritted his teeth and prepared to launch another attack. He focused his energy once again and gathered all his strength into his sword. The blade glowed with a bright orange light as he charged towards the zombie, ready to strike.

The zombie swung its arm at him, but Dryden quickly sidestepped and slashed his sword downwards, aiming for its neck. The blade connected with the zombie's skin, but it didn't seem to have much effect. The zombie roared in anger and swung its arm again, this time hitting Dryden in the side.

Dryden winced in pain, but he didn't let it slow him down. He swung his sword again and again, his movements becoming faster and more precise with each strike. The air around them crackled with energy as they battled, he was determined to come out victorious.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Dryden landed a powerful blow on the zombie's chest. The blade sliced through its skin and cut deep into its chest, causing it to stumble backwards.

Dryden seized the opportunity and followed up with a series of quick strikes, hitting the zombie repeatedly in the same spot. With each blow, the zombie weakened, and its movements became sluggish.

Dryden knew that he had to finish the zombie off quickly. He raised his sword high and summoned all his energy into it. The sword glowed with a blinding light, and he swung it down with all his might, aiming for the zombie's head.

The blade sliced through the air, and with a deafening roar, it struck the zombie's head, cleaving it in two. The zombie fell to the ground, motionless.

Dryden collapsed to his knees, panting heavily. He was so exhausted that he could barely move, and the energy in his body was also depleted. He knew he had to rest, but he also knew that he couldn't stay here for long. The undead world was dangerous, and there were sure to be more creatures lurking nearby.

"Phew, that was intense. I never thought I'd be able to defeat that thing," Dryden said to himself as he looked at the zombie's lifeless body. "But now, I need to rest. My body is completely drained."

Dryden collapsed onto the ground, his breathing heavy and labored. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, trying to calm his mind and regain his strength.

While doing that, he looked at the body and waited for it to disappear, knowing that his cultivation would rise if he killed a monster. As he waited, he thought about what had just happened. He had never faced such a formidable opponent before, and he had pushed himself to his limits to defeat it.

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