Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 443: Dead end

Chapter 443: Dead end

"The theory sounds promising but the passage said that this creature is intelligent so how can you stop it from fleeing without using magic after it realizes the danger it is in?" Flitwick asked seriously and Nick frowned. "I hadn't thought of that possibility but it would make sense for the creature to retreat from true danger. Considering spatial entrapment spells or wards would feed it instead of holding it in place , stopping the creature from apparating would be nearly impossible. You wouldn't by chance happen to know of an energy that act similarly to magic but isn't magic would you?" Nick asked hopefully but Flitwick shook his head.-

Nick sighed "I thought so , still I will let Dumbledore know about this theory and see if he can't acquire a muggle gun to be enchanted in secret. Despite the danger this thing poses I have a feeling the ministry would not take kindly to the enchanting of muggle weaponry." he said seriously and Flitwick agreed. "Nonethelessthank you for your help in this matter." Nick said sincerely but Flitwick waved it off as something he should do anyways , he was a teacher after all.-

After leaving Flitwicks office nick made his way to the headmasters office and informed Dumbledore on the theory that Flitwick and himself had come up with on how to deal with the creature. The old wizard seemed impressed at the idea of using a muggle weapon to drain the magic of the creature in hopes of it consuming itself and promised to quietly obtain a gun for this purpose. Unfortunately though Dumbledore also didn't know of an energy that behaved like magic that wasn't magic so trapping the creature was still not doable. They were both confident that it was possible however just that they need to discover the way.-

Nick went back to the chamber to try and find out if Slytherin may have the answer since the resources available during the founders era were more diverse than those available now. Sad as it was the bad habit of wizards to hoard and destroy information meant that the amount of ancient knowledge available during the founders era was considerably greater than the modern age as those wizards from that time erased vast amounts of information when they died. Very few wizards left a physical copy of their knowledge behind so in a way the wizarding world is still playing catchup.-

This made Slytherins library a priceless treasure even if it couldn't be removed from the chamber. The wily old snake had bound each and every book of the library to this room so only those he wanted to see it. Clearly he hadn't expected that someone with soul devouring abilities like Nick would have come around and destroyed him using his phylactery so the library was not booby trapped due to his confidence of victory in battle. That said he clearly didn't trust whoever was supposed to read the library and made it impossible to take books from the room.-

That was fine by Nick though since he was steadily making copies of every book in the library for his own personal collection. Despite hoping that he would find some information of an energy that acted like magic but wasn't in the books Slytherin left behind there was nothing about it when he skimmed them. 'Ugh fine I'll see if the system has anything on this even though I wanted to save up points again.' Nick thought with a sigh as he opened the shop and had the system pull up books on the subject he was looking for.-

'I can't use any of these!' Nick thought with a curse as he looked over the different types of energy that the shop had books on. The problem was that far too many of them were either heavily restricted innately and thus unsuited to his purpose or were so close to magic that he was almost certain that they would clash with it. While he could get these powers for the muggles in the world that would definitely turn out bad in the long run. Humans had this bad habit of finding the smallest differences in each other and turning violent or cruel over it.-

It was already going to be very rough in a few years when Grindelwalds plan exposed magic to the muggle world and throwing another type of power into the mix would very much make things worse. Nick was frustrated that the easiest option was pretty much off the table thanks to this discovery. It was a pity too since some of these powers sounded very interesting , like aura for example that granted something called a semblance that was basically a superpower born from the manifestation of ones own soul.

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