Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 442: How to build a better mousetrap

Chapter 442: How to build a better mousetrap

Nick went straight to the chamber of secrets or more specifically Slytherins library after leaving Dumbledores office. There he searched for any mention of the ritual of unity in the books but there was only a small chance that Slytherin had encountered this situation himself. The reason for that was because a creature like this treated wizards as snacks regardless of power and he would be unlikely to survive such an encounter. Nick wasn't taking the time necessary to memorize any of this information as he was skimming for key words.-

It was only about halfway through the library that he found something about his query. Apparently Slytherin had participated in a small war during his middle age period and the side he was fighting for used the ritual but intentionally modified it to create one of these abominations. They had essentially forcefully fused the seven mages together into the body of a single mage and escaped far away to watch the devastation. The thing was nigh unstoppable according to Slytherin as it ate any magic it came across from spells to the wizards themselves , nothing was spared. The muggles that comprised most of the army tried to kill the thing themselves but it was also like an extremely powerful mage as it merely waved it's hands and the muggles weapons and bodies disintegrated.-

Slytherin asked the people responsible for the creation of this abomination how it could be stopped but the answer he got dissatisfied but him and Nick . There were four ways to stop this thing , first was to force it to use it's entire store of magic using muggle means which was lethal to it. The second was to wait for it to explode from overeating. The third option was to banish it to a place without magic thus starving it to death. The final option was to destabilize it's mana cores balance causing it to canibalize itself.-

None of these were a good option but at least they gave Nick somewhere to start with his enchantments. After skimming through the rest of the library and not finding any more information on the subject using his key words Nick left the chamber and went to his workshop. Once there he began to brainstorm possible things he could make with what he knew now. At first he thought about simply banishing it to a dimension without mana but his mastery of spatial magic was lacking to pull it off.-

Sloppy work simply wouldn't work as that would only feed the monster rather than trap it. Then Nick moved onto the idea of destabilizing the mana core of the creature but that had it's own complications. First and foremost amongst them was that he had to know where it was then he needed to get a spell past it's magic somehow and then he needed to destabilize the core as well somehow. 'I'll keep that as a last ditch effort type thing.' Nick finally moved onto the last and most doable of all the options , forcing the creature to run out of mana using muggle means.-

There was a few way he could in theory accomplish this. The first was to quite literally drop a mountain on the creature from high up forcing it to burn a large amount of magic to not get crushed. The second way depended on how much magic it took to stop a bullet heading towards you. If it was a lot then Nick could simply create a magical gun that shot nonmagical metal bullets since he wasn't going to waste his time learning how to use a normal muggle gun.-

'I think I need Flitwicks help with this one.' Nick thought and left the workshop to find the good professor. It wasn't even that hard since the half goblin was in his nearby office tinkering with something to relieve some stress. "Did you need my help with your task?" Flitwick asked after seeing Nick who nodded. "A muggle gun , do you know how much magic it would take to stop a bullet from one?" Nick asked seriously. "Well I am no expert on the subject but depending on the method used a lot or an average spells worth." Flitwick said after some thought. -

"And if you wanted to brute force the issue and disintegrate the bullet mid flight?" Nick asked hopeful of the answer. "That would take inhuman reflexes to even consider but assuming it could be done then I image it would take quite a lot of power , how does this relate to the problem though?" the small professor asked confused. "In theory magic is the greatest advantage this thing has but at the same time it is also it's greatest weakness. See all of that power is what drives and allows the existence of this creature but what do you think would happen if it were to use it's entire store of magic up?" Nick asked with a grin as Flitwicks eye widened as he realized what he was implying.

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