Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 444: Improvements

Chapter 444: Improvements

There were a few other types of energy that had interesting uses and implications but unfortunately they either were too limited to be of use or so close to magic in how they operated that he wasn't willing to risk death to integrate them into himself , at least not until he become a nigh unkillable daedric realm lord. On a related note to that idea Nick had managed to digest roughly a quarter of the information in the book already , though that was mostly because that was how much he had the required knowledge for.-

It wasn't enough to begin binding himself to the realm properly but it had done wonders for the way he used his connection to the realm to accomplish things there. For a true realm lord the realm was a reflection of themselves and thus mirrored them in appearance and thought so while Nick wasn't even close to that he had gotten better at exerting his will over the realm. A good example of this was the sun that had formed in the realm after he fed it the light material of the real sun. Before it was just a small ball of magical energy set to behave like a sun.-

Now though it was a small but genuine star with a core and everything though spatially isolated to keep the heat and radiation from frying everything else in the realm. The moon of the realm was not changed though since that brought little benefit at the moment. It was thanks to this new mastery over the realm that Nick was able to gain a new and surprising ability , thought splitting. His mind had gotten so used to working on the realm and his normal thoughts at the same time that he could now maintain two separate thought processes at the same time.-

He was pretty sure that this was something that all magical beings got eventually since it actually didn't feel unnatural at all like a forced adaptation. In fact it felt as if he was always meant to have something like this but didn't know it until now. 'It's probably due to the increasingly complex nature of magical beings as they reach higher tiers of power.' he thought as he practiced both his elemental bloodline abilities simultaneously. He had chosen to focus on his own power after failing to find a method to trap the creature that was easy.-

The best chance he had from what he could figure out though was to use a muggle means of spatial solidification as a trap but the science behind such a thing was so complex that nothing even close existed on this version of earth. He was unwilling to figure out how to do it himself either since he was clear that until Zeus was dealt with magical things were all he had time to improve. Since he had reached this dead end in regards to the creature he turned his attention to self improvement instead.-

Nick wasn't the sort to bang his head against a wall in hopes that it would solve the problem by sheer stubbornness after all. So he focused on mastering all that he had at his disposal currently such as his bloodline abilities and his ring making. There was one ability though that he simply couldn't master at his current level of power surprisingly enough , weather manipulation. Even after reaching tier three this ability was an absolute mana hog , he had expected this however considering where it came from. The celestial bird was a pinnacle tier four creature MINIMUM and was likely a tier five creature in reality.-

This meant the abilities Nick got from his soul fusing together with the small part of it's own while his body was transforming to match his soul had this ability at that level. While this made it dangerous even to people like Flammel and Dumbledore it also drained the appropriate amount of mana that such a power normally would. To put it bluntly Nick was too weak to master this ability fully and he knew it. Despite this though Nick still improved rapidly with his power and crafting mastery as he even figured out how to change the light material into a shape beyond those it was attuned most.-

The trick it turned out was to inject his intent into the material when he was drawing it out. This kept the properties of the light but changed the forms it was attuned to. Thanks to this Nick could now use the style to make anything he wanted out of the material including weapons and armor. Interestingly though the stylization of the light material remained the same despite the different form.

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