Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 435: Moves

Chapter 435: Moves

Nick didn't mind at all and gave the professor the original version he wrote before he fixed it with Flammel and Dumbledores help. The only other class Nick had was Arithmancy but he was disappointed to learn that everything that was going to be taught he had already learnt on his own and thus dropped the class. This meant he only went to class twice a week leaving him plenty of time for other activities that he wanted to work on. The largest of which was his blitzball idea that required a massive metal ring to be enchanted.-

Creating the ring was easy as he merely needed to fill a huge mold with molten metal which was easy since he merely used dragon steel for this step. The tricky part was theenchantment on the ring however as he needed to include a LOT of functions to it. Something to keep the water clear , clean and warm. Something to suspend the water in the air without affecting the surroundings too much while also keeping certain things at a certain level without gravity dragging them down that also didn't effect the players.-

All in all the enchantment was stupid complex to complete and while Nick knew he could have used multiple rings for this like with the atronach forge he only wanted to use a single one for this for aesthetic purposes. This project alone took him nearly all of September to complete from the sheer amount of space he had to cover but it was finally done come October first. 'Now i just need to test it out and get the ball situated before I can hold tryouts for the first teams.' Nick thought as he left the realm he was using to hold the ring.-

Obviously he hadn't slacked off on making the rings of protection and had crossed over a million points already though that number dropped immediately as he purchased the book on realm binding. At the moment he was only at around four hundred thousand points after his diligent month of ring making. The book itself was as one would expect very very complex and was taking Nick a while to thoroughly understand since some of the concepts and terms needed background information to understand. He had expected this however so he wasn't worried about it. He had plenty of time until Grindelwalds plan was fully set in motion after all.-

What Nick didn't realize however was that there was a new group being formed from the loyal death eaters in Azkaban led by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. Wrath had overcome her when the dark mark that was finally recovered suddenly went out. Her anger so so great that she regained her sanity and a cold purpose that maintained it. Thanks to the other criminals in the prison she hatched a plan to escape by pooling all of their power and knowledge. Augustus Rookwood in particular provided a rough ritual that would in theory blast a huge hole in the prison.-

The fact he hadn't been directly executed was a huge mistake by the ministry since as an ex-unspeakable he had a vast array of forbidden or ancient knowledge in his head. He was never worried about escaping Azkaban thanks to this as he knew even without Voldemort he could escape. As an added bonus the ritual would also tie all of the participants magic together letting them have a power even greater than Voldemorts if it was focused on a single person. What he hadn't accounted for however was that Bellatrix was no longer mad enough to mindlessly agree to anything and had modified her part of the ritual.-

She was not stupid but rather quite clever in fact so she knew ancient runes and arithmancy to a good degree , enough at least to change the outcome of the ritual from empowering Rookwood to empowering her instead. The ritual circles were drawn in each of the cells via blood on the floor and now they were all waiting for the day that would send a shockwave through the world as the day someone actually escaped Azkaban , Samhain.-

The way the ritual worked was through a piece of forbidden magic that linked the magic of multiple people together with a single person set as the head of this new power. Apparently it was designed by the ancient wizards as a military ritual to give an edge in battle. The problem however was that once bound together it was nearly impossible to separate the wizards magics from each other and at the same time it also opened the way for betrayal as the total amount of magic didn't fall if one of the people died. This meant that if the head killed the other they alone would have the full magical amount of everyone who was bound to the ritual in exchange however this ritual tended to make those who use it go insane.

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