Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 434: Enchanting(2)

Chapter 434: Enchanting(2)

"Another excellent question , ten points to Hufflepuff! Thankfully for you all I came prepared for questions such as these since I knew you all would not be able to help making comparisons to your famous schoolmates works. The answer to your question however is actually one of the things that baffles the enchanters trying to replicate his method on their own. There is honestly very little similarities to the traditional enchanting method that his works have. For starters his enchantments aren't engraved into the material but infused throughout it which makes it nearly impossible to study and thus replicate."-

" Even further is that he seems to use an entirely new runic language that no one has been able to translate yet. I personally have found that his enchantments are also nearly four hundred percent more efficient than the traditional ones." the professor said honestly. 'Looks like the normal enchanters are stuck at the surface level understanding of my style.' Nick thought without any surprise at all. The style was on a fundamental level different than the traditional enchantments found in the wizarding community so there is nothing close to even make comparisons on.-

With that knowledge it becomes clear why little to no progress in understanding his style has been made. "So does that mean his style is better?" Michael Finnegan asked without raising his hand. Before the professor could say anything though Nick answered the question. "Neither is better than the other as both excel in different fields." he said calmly and the professor nodded in agreement when the class looked at him to see his response to that. "Like Mr. Ravenclaw said both styles of enchanting have their own pros and cons so neither is better than the other. An example of this is that if the enchanting communities theory is correct his style demands a horrifying level of energy per enchantment." the professor said seriously.-

"In comparison the traditional style of enchanting takes a very small amount of energy thus letting those using it create more things faster generally." he added and Nick couldn't disagree with that since while it was possible to create a large amount of enchanted objects at the same time with the Celebrimbor style it required a back breaking amount of repetition to accomplish. "Enough about his style of enchantment though. My job is to teach you everything you need to know about traditional enchantments and as your class is lucky enough to have Mr. Ravenclaw in it you may even be able to glean an understanding of his own as well."-

"To start you all off however is the least fun part of learning enchantment , material memorization. Now can anyone besides Mr. Ravenclaw tell me why this is important?" the professor asked and Tracy raised her hand eagerly. "Go ahead miss Davis." he said and she basically regurgitated Nicks previous mini lesson on conductivity. "That is correct though I will not reward points for the answer since it is clear you learned it from Mr. Ravenclaw given the disappointed look he is giving you." the professor said with a chuckle.-

Tracy turned to see that nick did indeed have a disapproving look. Not that he could be blamed considering she had basically cheated on the question. Nick took enchanting very seriously so he was not amused by her actions at all. "Yes as you have just heard different materials have different properties and abilities to hold enchantments. It is thus very important to know what each material is and what their properties and conductivity is by heart. If you would please pay attention to my table here i will start explaining these common materials to you so be sure to take notes." the professor said while moving to stand behind the table.-

Nick was not surprised that the rest of the class was dedicated to the memorization of the materials properties and conductivity. The professor saw that Nick was reading a book while most of the class was focusing on writing down the information he was giving them but didn't mind since he clearly expected such behavior from Nick. To his surprise however Tracy was also not paying attention either and he learnt after asking that Nick had already stuffed this sort of metallurgy knowledge into her after she picked up smithing.-

At the end of the class while everyone was leaving the professor stopped Nick "Before you go I would like to discus a matter with you." he said in a friendly manner. Nick raised an eyebrow in surprise but chose to stay behind anyways to see what this was about. Once the room was empty the professor spoke up "This isn't about anything serious or anything but more out of personal curiosity. Dumbledore has informed me that you managed to create a sort of compendium of enchantments and I was wondering if I might look it over?" he asked with a smile.

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