Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 436: Blitzball

Chapter 436: Blitzball

None of this concerned Nick yet however as he was totally unaware of it and was currently creating the ball used for his new sport. It looked like a mix of a golf ball and a football(Soccer ball) except it was white with blue wave patterns on it. It was made out of a special alchemical version of rubber that removed the drag that water would have on it without sacrificing durability and softness. It took Nick a couple tries to get the flow of the ball under water just right but he did it.-

Next Nick created the goals in the shape of two stylized triangles that were big enough for a person to have some difficulty protecting. These goals were connected to a magical scoreboard that kept track of the score. There was also a vibrantly colored piece of hard plastic in the center of the water that was the halfway point that the two centers of the teams used to fight over the ball at the start of a round or after one side scored. After thoroughly testing the field he had created Nick was pleased to find it was officially ready to be used.-

He created a total of twenty four rings that allowed the wearers to see and breath under water as if they were on normal ground while increasing their physical stamina to cover the players needs. With all of this done Nick approached Dumbledore with his idea. "I must admit that I am very much fascinated by the idea of this new sport but are you certain this won't make the order move against you?" The old goat asked seriously. "I doubt they would care about a new sport being created by me unless I used it as a way to expose them but I would need to be mental to try something like that." Nick said with a scoff.-

"Very well I shall allow you to hold tryouts for this new sport , I assume you will use those two for advertisement correct?" the old goat asked and Nick nodded with a grin. "Of course , they do excel at grabbing attention after all." he said with both of them chuckling at the small joke. They were of course referring to the twins who were positively vibrating in excitement at the new sport once Nick explained it to them. The biggest reason for this was that the rules were so relaxed that they could do things that would be considered fouls in quidditch.-

For example tackling the person with the ball , not only was this NOT frowned upon in blitzball but it was actually encouraged. The biggest reason for this was that since everyone was swimming nobody was moving fast enough to really cause all that much harm unlike in quidditch where a tackle could be fatal if they fall wrong. This didn't mean that getting tackled underwater wasn't likely to hurt like hell. Anyways the twins spared no effort to get the word out about the tryouts for the new sport.-

Things like fliers that got stuck to your face after flying through the school to screaming frogs that blared the tryout information placed all over the school. Filch was in a very bad mood during the week before the tryouts were actually held and it showed from that number of detentions that got handed out. The tryouts themselves were held on the twenty first which was a saturday and only the third years and higher could apply since below that and the size difference becomes a big problem.-

At dawn on that day Nick woke up at his normal time and left the castle with Dusk on his shoulder as per usual while Steve had to walk instead to try and burn off some of that fat. The air had a bit of a nip to it which made sense considering the date but Nick ignored it as he made his way to the Quidditch pitch. It was of course empty but that was planned this time as he walked to the center of the field and released the giant ring into the air above him from the realm.-

Contrary to what some might think the ring did not fall on him and crush him but instead hovered in mid air completely still. "Nen!" he spoke and a torrent of clear water shot out of the tip of his wand and strangely gathered into an orb at the center of the ring. The orb grew bigger and bigger until it was just shy of touching the ring at fifty yards across. Nick released the add ons for the field that magically moved to take their rightful places as the scoreboard showed out on the side. 'Now to see just how good an idea this actually was.' he thought while looking at his handy work.

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