Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 420: Fine first week

Chapter 420: Fine first week

After Harry was done with his attempt at the room Sirius chose to give it a try but complained when Nick skipped all the previous levels and placed the difficulty directly at the eighth level. "If you aren't better than a seventh year by default you have failed as a wizard." Nick said sternly. "Can't argue there I suppose." Sirius said with a shrug before taking his place in front of the faceless illusion of his opponent. With a wave of his wand a red bolt of energy flew forward but was blocked by a Protego shield.-

Back and forth Sirius traded spells with the illusions while being careful not to get hit until the final opponent of the level was defeated and he took the perfect score for this level. He didn't continue however as he freely admitted that that level gave him more trouble than he expected and he knew he couldn't get a perfect score in the next level. "I need to shake off this rust first" he stated with a shrug. Nobody blamed him though since it had been nearly a decade since he last had to fight seriously and his body was horribly out of shape.-

"I believe that is enough of a demonstration for this rooms capabilities so how about we go take a look at the final thing I have currently set up to entertain you while you are here." Nick said before resetting the room and leading the group out of it. "Truthfully speaking I can't imagine we will grow bored with just the things you have shown us already much less if there is even more." Molly Weasley said honestly. Nick shrugged "You are probably right but I prefer to be prepared for the off chance you do get bored." he said honestly.-

The final room was a bit special in comparison to the others as it was actually an expanded space that was quite large and had a huge body of water in it that was crystal clear. "This is the swimming room at the moment and as you can see if full of pure fresh water that is kept at a nice warm temperature to aid in relaxing. If you are all lucky you may even get to witness me finishing my new sport in here as well." Nick said with a smirk.-

"Oh! So the sport has something to do with water then?" Xeno asked interested in this small piece of information on it. Nick just smiled but didn't confirm nor deny that at all since it would ruin the surprise. "That is everything I have set up for guests so you are all now free to disperse until twelve when lunch is served." Nick said and the group did exactly that. This hosting thing that he was doing was a long term thing lasting about a month so he wasn't needed for every moment of it.-

With everyone occupied Nick had Dotty drop him off at the workshop in Hogwarts to quickly craft the ring that Vlad had already paid for before coming back to the island. It came as little surprise to Nick that out of all of his guests the twins were by far the most troublesome as they regularly got caught up in the most insane situations over the next week. He wasn't sure how but they had somehow even managed to obtain a gryphcat cub from the colony on the island. They didn't even steal the thing either since Nick checked and the colony was completely fine with them taking it.-

The cub was a scrawny thing with bright red feathers and the worst case of bed hair Nick had ever seen on a feline creature. At first nick thought it may have been a runt or something but he found the actual runts and ruled it out entirely afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were less than thrilled about their children's new pet however but couldn't really say anything about it after the twins exposed that they had a stash of a few hundred galleons from selling services and joke items at Hogwarts.-

The dueling room had proven to be the most popular during this time as well as everyone had used it at least once a day in order to try and beat their high score. Xeno left at the end of the week promising a wonderous article in the quibbler on the island. Besides all the chaos that the twins brought to the island the first week was comfortably quiet and filled with entertainment. As an added bonus for Nick the French alchemist he had sent the frost salts to finally replied eager to obtain more in exchange for his services with the mirrors.

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