Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 419: Dueling

Chapter 419: Dueling

"If you'd like I suggest starting from the first setting and working your way up until you start to get challenged. No one will be able to take first place on the scoreboard until the seventh level however since I have the perfect scores for all the previous levels." Nick said while taking out the key and placing it in the first slot. The room immediately changed to appear like a they were standing in a field with a single child standing in the distance. "So you are at the seventh year level huh?" Sirius said impressed.-

The rest of the group minus Nicks friends mirrored that opinion but Nick shook his head "I am only at that level in terms of pure spell work and athletics since that is all that counted in this room. In other fields I am far more advanced but that is a given considering what I have accomplished so far." he said honestly and they all nodded in agreement. His progress in enchantment alone was monstrous compared to his age and they all knew it but regardless a third year student being able to match a seventh year in terms of spell work and athletics was very impressive.-

"Luna why don't you show off for your father a bit to set the example?" Nick suggested and the blonde tilted her head in thought for a moment before nodding and frolicking forward. "Are you sure this is safe?" Xeno asked nervously since he feared for Lunas safety. After his wifes passing the man was rather protective of his daughter and would go to extreme lengths to ensure her safety. "Not to worry this is all based on illusions so even when a spell hits her she won't actually get hit with a spell." Nick said reassuringly.-

Luna was completely relaxed when she finally got within distance of the faceless child and immediately drew her wand "Diffindo!" she spoke and defeated the illusion instantly. Another took it's place a moment later and attacked with a blue spell bolt but missed Luna entirely without her even needing to move. She tore through the first level easily and unsurprisingly got a perfect score putting her name under his own on the scoreboard. Nick wasted no time moving the key to the second slot and letting her start that level as well.-

Much like the first Luna had no trouble at all clearing the second level with a perfect score and moving onto the third. To the surprise of many of the adults she aced that level as well with seemingly no trouble at all. Sirius however noticed a small falter in her movement from the final illusion opponents feint attack. It was small and didn't really take away from her clear skill but thanks to it he could roughly guess that she should be around the fifth year level in terms of spell work and dueling. This was quite surprising to him since he could tell that Nick didn't pull any tricks at all to improve her score.-

'If all of them are at a similar level then by the time they graduate they might be able to give a skilled auror a run for their money.' Sirius thought impressed. If Nick knew what Sirius though he would shake his head since the only ones out of the group with such skill was Luna , Hermione and Harry. He didn't count himself in that number due to his rather unfair advantages over them that excluded him from any normal measurements.-

The fourth level finally got Luna to show some real effort to ace but the fifth much like Sirius had guessed was her limit as she averaged out at that point. Luna seemed unhappy at this result and was pouting when she walked back to the group. "My little Luna is so ferocious!" Xeno fawned over her which seemed to bring her mood up if the proud look she got was any indication. Nick reset the difficulty "Who wants to go next?" he asked and everyone seemed eager to give it a try. Tracy went next after settling the matter with rock paper scissors.-

Compared to Luna her performance was lackluster as she averaged out at the third level but Nick expected as much since she didn't have nearly as much practice in that regard as Luna or Harry. Speaking of Harry he went after Tracy and got to show off his innate talent in the subject as he got to the red score of the sixth level before he was overwhelmed and finished the level. Despite that he showed visible improvement during his run of the room as he fixed the small flaws he found as he went. 'His talent in dueling is greater than my own but he lacks the mastery of spell work to really make it shine.' Nick thought with a smile.

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