Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 421: Intruder

Chapter 421: Intruder

Nick woke up on monday after the week restarted and felt that something was off in a sort of intuitive manner that he couldn't explain. Everyone was perfectly fine on the island too as he checked immediately. None of the barriers were missing and besides Lucas everyone else was sleeping but Nick had this feeling that something was still wrong. He quickly raised his wand and fired a blast of fire behind him while leaping forward when he found what was wrong near the hydras barrier. There was a spot that had no mana at all in a location filled with the stuff.-

It wasn't that there was something extra in his surroundings that was trying to blend in but rather that there was something missing instead. 'I almost fell for this trick too , who is this person!?' Nick thought seriously as he steadied himself after he stared at the spot of wrongness. "Smack smack smack!" The sound of hands clapping came from what appeared visually to be empty as the air rippled and a man literally stepped out of thin air. The man had pale skin and heterochromatic eyes with one being blue and the other black. He also had short grey hair and a thick grey goatee.-

Nick would need to be blind not to notice the striking similarity to himself the man had and frowned as he sent out a call to Nazgul through his connection to her. 'Whoever this is I doubt I can handle them without Nazguls assistance.' He thought sternly. "I must say that you are far more paranoid than anticipated , Nephew." the man said smoothly. "Bombarda maxima!" Nick said without hesitation while overcharging the spell. "BOOM!" a thunderous explosion struck the mans position and decimated it.-

"CRACKLE!" Electricity sounded out as Nazgul appeared from her elemental teleportation at her full size. "That was rather dramatic don't you think?" the man said as he reformed from smoke. ' He has an ability like mist form , guess i'll use that spell then.' Nick thought and swung his wand in a wide arc "Impetus tempestatis!" he spoke and the mans eyes widened a fraction of a second before a massive whirlwind of air formed around him and began to tear at his body like knives. "Fuck!Tonitruum!" the man yelled as he drew his own wand and a blast of air exploded from around him clashing with Nicks spell and countering it.-

"Ha , not gonna lie I wasn't expecting you to have a counter to that ability but you have proven to be full of surprises. Lets see you counter this then!" the man yelled as his left eye changed shape into a silver reptilian eye. Nick felt a force act upon his very soul and it filled him with rage as he grabbed it and sent a reverse attack through the connection. "AAARRGH!!" the man screamed in agony as his eye ruptured several veins and the attack struck his soul.-

Nick waved his wand "Legilimens!" he spoke and a mind probe shot out of his wand and into the man. Immediately he was confronted by thick occlumency shields that were expertly crafted and defended against his magic for all of two seconds. That was actually very impressive when you consider that nicks legilimency was regularly trained on powerful natural occlumens like Dusk and Nazgul that had defenses far stronger than any known wizards. It was considered nearly impossible to read the mind of a magical beast like a ho ho by the magical community but Nick trained his legilimency against that level of defenses.-

The man scowled while forcing himself to ignore the pain of his soul when he felt his mental defenses start to crumble. "You've not seen the last of us boy." he said ominously before activating a device on him. The very space tore apart where he was standing and the man was sucked into the chaos between dimensions. Before the tear in reality could close though Nazgul unleashed a powerful gout of purgatory flames into it. "AAAARG!" the mans screams left the tear as it closed leaving Nick in a terrible mood but alone.-

'Looks like my break is over , this is definitely going to be a problem later.' he thought dourly before returning to the manor. "What's going on Nick?" Sirius asked concerned about the commotion that had been heard throughout the island. "There was an intruder on the island that proved unusually powerful. I am sorry to say but this trip is going to need to be cut short for everyone , I need to increase the islands security." Nick said in no mood to sugar coat it. "Was it really that bad boss?" Lucas asked in disbelief. "The person hinted at having been part of a group before he escaped and he was far too powerful to be part of some normal organization. Also I think he might be related to me somehow." Nick said seriously.

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