Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 364: Tricked

Chapter 364: Tricked

"And so it is that we finally meet , the last true descendants of Slytherin and Ravenclaw both in the isles. If only you hadn't touched that which I hold most precious above all else , perhaps you could have joined me as I built a new world , a better one." Voldemort said with a faint and raspy voice that gave Nick goosebumps. If nothing else he could admit that the man was creepy as hell in person. He sensed Voldemorts magic and confirmed the unrepairable taint and decay that filled his sizeable mana reserves.-

"I pity you." Nick said honestly which caused Voldemort to frown but wait for an explanation. "Born under the effects of a love potion and thus incapable of feeling it yourself , left in a muggle orphanage where you were came to be entranced by your own power and got a taste for domination. Studied at Hogwarts and had a great future ahead of you only to throw it away for a flawed and pathetic attempt at immortality. Such a waste." Nick explained disdainfully. Anger flashed in Voldemorts red eyes and he visibly snarled "CRUCIO!" He pointed his wand at Nick and shouted.-

Nick felt the spell take hold and send horrible pain through his body but he quickly forced the magic out with his own. For a normal wizard this was impossible but for him he merely needed to put the full force of his soul behind it to reject the magic forcefully. He didn't need a mediwitch to understand that that brief exposure to the curse was enough to fry a few of his nerves. "So the usual methods won't work on you then , It's a good thing that I anticipated this and prepared accordingly." Voldemort said with a cold sneer after his spell was stopped.-

He walked over to a nearby table that had been covered with a cloth and removed the covering dramatically. There laid out on the table were various torture devices all designed to cause as much pain as possible. "I do hate getting my hands dirty but for you I'll make an exception , try not to break too soon won't you?" Voldemort said sadistically as he held a razor and pliers and walked over to within striking distance of Nick. What happened next could be described as chaos as Nick immediately burned through the ropes binding him with his bloodline magic and summoned his ring to him.-

Before Voldemort could react the black formless ring appeared on Nicks pointer finger he grabbed the man by the wrist ignoring the razor that was cutting into him from Voldemorts reaction. With another move both of them vanished into the realm leaving both Nagini and the cloaked figure in surprise and shock as it all happened too fast to interfere. Meanwhile Nick and Voldemort landed unceremoniously inside the realm but at different locations as per Nicks will. Holding out his left hand his wand appeared in it and he shuddered as the connection was reestablished before pointing at his wound "EPISKEY!" he spoke and the mending charm went to work closing the nasty gash.-

"Where is this!? What have you done!?" Voldemort demanded the moment he noticed the wrongness of the surroundings. The sun was tiny , there was no stars or clouds or sky really and the curvature of the ground was all wrong as if the earth was barely the size of a house. "Arda Milme or the realm of avarice if you prefer. A small pocket world belonging to me and a terrible place for my enemies to find themselves." Nick said calmly since his victory was guaranteed at this point.-

Once in the realm he was basically god as he could manipulate the fabric of space freely and rearrange the entire realm just as easily. Whatever found itself in the realm was subjected to his laws and rules. With a raise of his hand hundreds of golden arrows flew from the ground and covered the space over head in an instant as they all aimed at Voldemort. "Relish in your short-lived victory while you can brat for I shall return to exact my vengeance!" Voldemort said angrily after realizing that his situation was hopeless.-

Nick laughed at that for a moment before explaining to the man that these arrows don't only destroy the body but also the soul and magic meaning there was no future resurrection for him. Voldemort screamed and raged in fear and anger after hearing this but Nick coldly dropped his hand and the hundreds of arrows descended upon the flawed lich. Voldemort struggled in vain with any spell he could think of including fiend fire but all proved helpless before the sol shot arrow rain.

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