Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 363: Voldemorts final show(2)

Chapter 363: Voldemorts final show(2)

Since the enchantment was made using only daedric runes rather than using the Celebrimbor style of enchantment Nick needed to carefully carve out each and every rune with the correct intent and position. This took him about two days since he wanted to get it in a single go rather than make small mistakes and rush it. Still he finished it up and just in time too as that same day Flitwick approached him about a strange letter he had received. Nick thanked him for the dealing with the inconvenience and summoned Dotty right away so that they could go and retrieve Lucas.-

The vampire in question was hanging around the entrance to Knockturn alley nervously after sending that letter. He found it a bit odd that the clearly powerful man that he had met previously would need to go through a professor at Hogwarts to get a letter but could only shrug it off as the eccentricities of a powerful wizard. In truth Nick only had Lucas go through such a round about method so that his name wouldn't accidentally slip if someone asked where he was going after getting his affairs in order.-

Nick simply didn't want to deal with the irritation of fending off people seeking to hug his thigh with bad intentions. As the only known living Ravenclaw and well known genius Nick was a power to be reckoned with both politically as well as economically. He was well aware of this and had as a result been very careful not to get caught doing something that might sully his reputation. The biggest downside to his family name though came in the form of those who thought they could trick him due to his young age and thus use the Ravenclaws power for their own use.-

That was the great thing about taking Lucas under his wing in Nick's opinion as not only was the man unaging like himself but he was totally unaware of who he was actually working for at the moment so his intentions were not suspect. Nick of course transfigured himself into his previous disguise before he showed up to grab Lucas. The man practically had his jaw hit the floor after Nick brought him to Ravenclaw island and he saw the various magical beasts living there almost undisturbed and even almost passed out when the ancient manticore named Seram showed up.-

After getting Lucas settled into the manor with the special flask that the man looked at like a treasure after taking a swig of it's contents ,Nick went back to Hogwarts to set his plan in motion. The aurors had been rotated over the last few days so it was a different group in the school when Nick went to go find them. He was going to make a suggestion on how to get the hostages back safely but after learning that Dumbledore was going to personally see to the exchange of people he held his tongue.-

Regardless of what Nick might think of the man as a person he would never deny his power and skill. Nick stored all of his personal effects in the realm before leaving the ring behind in Dumbledores hands with a wink to let the old man know he had a plan. The field where the exchange was set to take place was completely flat and wide with knee high yellow grass that made any shift from invisible forces visible. All in all Nick had to admit that it was a perfect place to trade people for a wizard as unless the ministry suddenly decided to use a muggle sniper rifle the person could easily react to any attack that came their way.-

When the group appeared at the edge of the field Nick took the time to sense the magic of the person holding the hostages but was surprised to find that not only were they not cold or angry at him but rather seemed almost respectful instead. None of this matter to Nick so much as the horrible taint that their magic held that was totally inhuman by this point. This mysterious black cloaked individual had clearly used hideous and vile magics to gain power nearly equal to that of Snapes.-

The hostage exchange went smoothly with Dumbledore there and with a loud "POP!" Nick was forcefully apparated away by the cloaked individual while his hands were tied behind him. Having experienced the method of travel before Nick didn't stumble much after they landed and was alert to his surrounding. It was a cold and musty room clearly located inside a building and had exactly two other occupants other than Nick and the cloaked person who tossed him away after they landed. One was an exotic snake that looked like a strange mix of python and viper with the size of the former. The other was a pale veiny bald man with red eyes and no nose that had a cold smile on his face , Voldemort.

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