Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 365: Grindelwald

Chapter 365: Grindelwald

Nick didn't waste the power of Voldemort though after his death as once it had been purified by the arrows attacking it he was left with roughly half of the original mana that dispersed into the realm freely. Thanks to this the ambient mana was now just barely bellow the level it was in Hogwarts. Nick took his time rearming himself with all his protective artifacts as well as his wand and then left the realm ready to fight it out with Nagini and the cloaked figure. However to his great surprise Nagini was already dead and the cloaked figure was not alone in the room.-

A middle aged looking man with short white hair and two different eye colors stood there with a gentle smile as the cloaked figure was kneeling behind him. Nick froze at the sight of this and paled immediately since he recognized the man from old news clippings printed over fifty years ago , Gellert Grindelwald was here. "Calm yourself child , neither I nor my associate mean you any harm." The dark lord spoke softly but with an authority that was hard to ignore. Nick did not relax however but was readying every defensive artifact he had on him.-

Grindelwald merely sighed after seeing this "It is good that you are cautious as that is a trait that will take you far in life but if I wanted to harm you-" Grindelwald spoke but paused briefly as he waved his hand and his features blurred like mud and rearranged themselves into a face Nick had gotten very familiar with over the summer , Mr. Crumonte. "I had plenty of opportunities." He finished saying with a new voice. "So that's why they can't seem to find out where you are hiding from!" Nick exclaimed in realization.-

Grindelwald canceled his transfiguration and chuckled "Yes , I have been operating right under their noses this whole time. It was disappointingly easy to be honest with you with how horribly inefficient the aurors are after receiving such a pitiful amount of funding. I can't say that it wasn't a good move from Fudge in the beginning as the community truly needed the funds elsewhere but his mistake was not fixing the funding after his goals were met. Did you know that not a single auror even checked the restaurant at all during this whole time? It's disappointing to say the least." He said casually.-

"Why are you here? Why reveal your hiding place to me now specifically." Nick asked confused. "Because the time was right of course." Grindelwald said motioning to his silver eye. "I saw this scenes leading up to this moment months ago and began orchestrating things to fall perfectly into place while I worked towards my grand goal. First I placed my associate by that mans side and had him slowly influence Voldemorts decisions until he finally brought about his own doom or I assume that is the case since he never reappears in this world after today." He explained honestly.-

"So you can't see within that place then." Nick said understanding the clues he was being given. "That place is a world onto itself and so it's fate is separate to this worlds and thus outside of my sight. Besides it is not as though I always see the future with this eye , merely that it grants me the occasional glimpse of what will come or what may come. It is why I left my confinement in Nurmengard you know. I saw the future that you may bring about and wished to aid you in this regard." Grindelwald explained warmly.-

"My only dream for as long as I can remember was to see wizard kind set free from this self imposed prison we have created and to truly influence the world. Sadly the methods I chose previously would have failed even if I won that duel , a fact I learned only a year after the event. The terms of my incarceration were quite iron clad in that I was not allowed to leave if I held any thoughts on ruling when the dust settles. But why would I lead wizards forward when a far better option already existed?"-

"You asked me why I revealed myself to you now earlier. The answer is because my work in Europe has finished and so it is time I leave this place until the rest is finished. Before I left however I wished to speak with you without any disguises. It is at this point however that I will bid you ado for now as Albus shall be arriving momentarily." Grindelwald said before he and the cloaked figure vanished with a loud "POP!". Just as the man said Dumbledore appeared in a blaze of fire with Fawkes while his wand was at the ready.

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