Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 362: Voldemorts final show

Chapter 362: Voldemorts final show

Nick had chosen to ignore Voldemort after destroying all the item horcruxes since no matter what the man was doomed to stagnation after losing so much of his soul permanently. His return merely meant that he might make a nuisance of himself a bit earlier than in cannon in Nicks opinion but obviously he was wrong. Add on his purifying and evil destroying sol shot arrows and the man was hardly even much of an irritation since he was easy to kill. As a result Nick frankly didn't care about him after giving Harry the sunlight dagger that was suppressing the soul shard within his forehead.-

'After this stunt though that guy needs to go for good.' Nick thought as he went into the workshop and turned on the furnace. He grabbed a bar of dragon steel and tossed it into the furnace to melt while he transfigured a mold in the shape of a thin chain. Once the metal was melted he waved his wand to extract it from the furnace cleanly and flow into the mold. His plan for dealing with Voldemort was quite simple really. First was that he needed to get past the man's caution by truly stripping himself of all magical items.-

Voldemort was definitely aware of the tricky nature of Nicks enchantment method and thus had definitely had the unarmed stipulation applied to the rings on him. What he didn't know however was that the ring that held Nicks realm was literally impossible to keep separated from him as he could summon it from where ever it may be. Such was the nature of a realm that its owner was unable to ever be truly separated from it while their soul still existed. Weak though it may currently be Nicks realm was no different.-

After Voldemorts subordinate captures him Nick planned to summon his ring and drag Voldemort into it as the arrogant prick was likely to try and gloat about his victory. Once inside the realm the fate of the flawed lich was sealed as Nick had access to everything within it that he will store beforehand. This included his wand , the many sol shot arrows , all his protective items and finally this chain he was forging. This chain will work to delay Voldemort long enough for the sol shot arrows to strike true.-

The way it will accomplish this is thanks to the individual rings that make up the chain being enchanted to block mana flow with those in contact with it. By linking each of these small weak enchantments of the same kind together Nick theorized that this should make the resulting effect just barely strong enough to seal Voldemorts mana flow for a few moments but definitely no longer than ten seconds. He was helpless about this matter as at the moment he simply lacked the required power to forge a true archmage level magical artifact in one go and stable enchantments can't be built upon with the celebrimbor style.-

In truth this chain was the highest level of magical artifact he was capable of at the moment that didn't require time or effect to grow to that point. The anklet of rings on his leg was currently the most powerful artifact he had on hand as it had been storing energy with each step he took since he put it on last year. Even then it barely reached archmage levels of power which is to say it would be irresistible by anything not on that level and archmages would struggle to resist it's effects.-

The reason Nick wanted a few days was not to prepare as he was pretty much set on this matter already but rather to get Lucas situated on Ravenclaw island in the manor. Thankfully he could take care of the peculiar needs of his newest servant easily as he simply needed to put the magical blood fountain enchantment using daedric runes to good use with a little tweaking. He wanted to change the enchantment to cause the blood to only be created from the mana when the container was empty while also making sure the blood was the best quality possible for a vampire , which meant it needed to be dragon blood.-

This as an added downside however meant that Nick needed to incorporate a mimicry enchantment that caused the blood created to all be whatever blood the enchantment was exposed to previously , in this case dragons blood. Tweaking the enchantment was what truly took Nick these next few days as he set the enchantment on a ring that he placed into a drinking flask along with a drop of Norwegian ridgeback blood to get the enchantment started.

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