Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 337: Wolf study(2)

Chapter 337: Wolf study(2)

Nick shook his head to rid himself of these thoughts as he commanded the realm to slowly play the recording while studying each and every spot on the image for even the smallest of changes. At first he thought that the curse somehow avoided altering the lifeforce during the transformation but then he spotted the first change. A tiny seemingly inconsequential part of the image morphed from it's original shape to a twisted and strange one of a different color. From there on more and more changes started to appear one after the other until they numbered in the thousands.-

Even in such a large number these changes barely registered more than two percent of the entire lifeforce which should demonstrate just how many details made up the life force of a person. 'eighty one thousand five hundred and twenty three points of change spread throughout the entire lifeforce , this is gonna take a while.' Nick thought with a sigh before getting to work. Each symbol in the lifeforce was a simply thing much like a gear that needed many many other parts to truly show it's value. This thankfully made it a fairly easy matter to try and figure out what specifically they were part of.-

Most of the parts changed by the curse were in regards to the shape and function of the cells in the body that when compounded with the ones that dictated the shape of the body created the lifeforce of a werewolf. These changes were not permanent thanks to the lifeforce being built to find parts of itself not mixing well with the others and repairing them. 'These changes only last during the full moon likely because that is the only time that the lunar energy is the highest and after that the curse lacks the power to maintain these changes so the werewolf transforms back into a normal person.' Nick theorized.-

It explained why such a powerful magic might fail to be active constantly which would make werewolves a lost cause and need them to be killed to stop the spread. 'I wonder , if I were to collect the light of the moon and present it to Lupin would he immediately transform or not?' Nick thought and immediately decided to test it. Saving the data he had received in the realm in a special memory vial he left the realm. -

"TEMPUS!" he said while waving his wand to get the time at the moment. '7:35 I have time to collect some light before I aught to get some sleep.' he thought before leaving the workshop and heading for the courtyard since the astronomy tower was definitely being used at the moment. The courtyard on the other hand was probably very much empty. Most people wouldn't even consider being out there at night during winter from the sheer level of cold that they would be exposed to needlessly. Nick was not most people however and easily shrugged off the cold with a warming charm before he left the castle.-

The moon was waning away from full on this day so while not as good as during a full moon he could still collect the light in abundance. After setting a quick alarm around him in case someone came Nick closed his eyes and extended his senses as per the method he had. Once he "saw" the light he quickly and firmly began to weave the handsigns that drew out the light. Threads of magic came from his hands in an invisible manner that he could only "see" thanks to his current extended senses.-

It merely took him five minutes to extract a basketball sized chunk of light material thanks to his constant replenishment of mana with every breath. This constant regen of energy meant he could actively pour more energy into the magic without worrying about running out. It was still a heavily energy consuming task but at least he could speed it up a little now. Once he was done Nick removed his alarm and headed back into the castle for the night. He headed straight up to the common room to wait at that point since dinner should be reaching it's end and he didn't want to be woken up.-

The next day he woke up at dawn like usual and got dressed while casting a warming charm on himself to ward of the chill of the cold that had seeped into the dorm. It wasn't frigid by any means but still less than optimal for a heat driven creature like himself. The common room was not much better since the fire had gone out in the fire place some time during the night so he placed a few more logs in from the pile next to the fireplace and lit them with a small jet of azure flames from his mouth.

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