Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 338: Gifts

Chapter 338: Gifts

Nick had to admit he absolutely loved this ability even though it didn't have much use to him. He was pretty sure it was the fascination with dragons that everyone has when they are young and/or haven't seen one before. No matter how fierce or hideous the creatures are called by others to a child dragons are plain cool. It's just how they were hard wired for some reason. That changed when the child grew up most of the time or in the wizarding communities case actually saw a real dragon up close.-

It's rather hard to idolize something when it is actively trying to kill you , not impossible of course but still difficult. Nick was no different really as despite seeing Norberta up close the dragon Welp didn't exactly frighten Nick with it's constant avoidance of him. Still the ability to breath fire was awesome and Nick refused to think otherwise. With the fireplace filled with a roaring fire warmth quickly returned to the common room and the dorms connected to it. Nick didn't stick around however and made his way to the workshop to work on his christmas gifts.-

Lupin had classes today that meant he was going to be unavailable until they were over giving Nick about four hours to kill. He didn't go to breakfast but ate some lembas bread instead like he had found himself doing more and more recently. He couldn't help it since he was really on a tight time crunch to improve and complete several things all at once. He wasn't planning on getting everyone expensive or amazing gifts this year as there was no point. Everyone who got a gift from him got a personalized gift based on them but there was no reason it had to be over the top.-

For example Hermione and Daphne were getting two hand written books of nothing but enchantments which they will undoubtedly use over the break. For Ron he had a book on veritology he copied from Beauxbatons since the craft was his passion at the moment. Harry was getting the dagger made from sunlight Nick made previously. Tracy was getting a furnace with a cold fire seed and dragon flame seed preinstalled that he ordered secretly through the twins. It was a larger furnace however as he noticed she was more inclined to the pointy life taking implements rather than jewelry like him.-

There was nothing wrong with that at all since most craftsmen had a thing they were best at or focused their attention on. A good example of this was that Snape was able to brew almost any potion but preferred instead to improve on those that already existed. For Luna he was actually a little bothered as he didn't know what specifically to get her as she had a very eclectic set of preferences that covered a great many topics. In the end he settled for whatever a chunk of moonlight would become since it was a gift based on her name.-

A bit lazy perhaps but it was the best he could come up with on short notice. Nick was thankful that the "light" of the moon wasn't actually the same as it's actual light. None of the "light" he collected was , it was simply magical energy saturated with that celestial objects influence condensed into a solid material. Even calling it light was scientifically incorrect as it had absolutely nothing to due with actual light. Anyways the stuff had an inclination for jewelry inherently which was great as he managed to condense a fist sized chunk of it into a bracelet with a shiny glowing silver color and small white stones dotting it.-

The effect of the bracelet was most surprising as it granted a chameleon ability to whoever wore it that reminded Nick suspiciously of the metamorphagus gift. It was weak though so it only allowed small changes like hair length , nose size , lip fullness , that sort of thing. It was an odd ability that fit Luna like a glove making it perfect. All he had left at this point was gift wise was the professors , Sirius and the twins.-

Nick didn't have a very wide group that he regularly interacted with so his list of people was still manageable. He put that off for later though as classes finally ended and it was now time for him to test his theory on lunar energy. Lupin was not expecting Nick to show up today , how could he considering the difficulty of the task he was working on? He was left even more dumbfounded when Nick started to explain why he was there as well as what he had learnt. These were groundbreaking discoveries in lycanthropy research but Nick didn't seem to care at all and was insistent on testing a theory he came up with.

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