Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 336: Wolf study

Chapter 336: Wolf study

""Wicked!"" the twins exclaimed at the same time when they saw the flames. "How'd you do that without a spell mate?" one of the twins asked curiously. "It's a secret." Nick said with a teasing smile. ""Well that's no fun at all!"" they complained loudly. Nick chuckled "So what sort of mischief have you two been up to hmmm? Anything good?" he asked with interest. They shook their heads "The usual japes and pranks on the unsuspecting I'm afraid , business has been a bit slow what with the holidays coming up , you know how it is." one of them said and Nick nodded in understanding.-

Christmas was usually a peaceful and joyous time in the isle so few people would have an interest in the high energy of mischief at this time. "I'll let you two get back to it then." he said and bid them farewell as he left. The workshop was empty when he got there which he had already expected. Entering his realm Nick started to analyze the samples he had taken from Lupin a few days ago. Until now they had been kept fresh via a stasis field so he had no trouble at all spotting the difference between them.-

The hair samples were mostly unchanged from the transformation which was to be expected considering the stuff was dead material to begin with. The blood and skin samples on the other hand showed drastic changes in both form and function. The skin for example had a very well hidden protective magical enchantment on each cell that was impossible to notice in the unchanged cells. This was clearly where the resistance to spells that werewolves had came from but what made Nick irritated was that he could tell that this magic was added to the lycanthropy curse later due to the differing styles it had.-

'An alchemist of the life school experimented on werewolves in the past it seems. That complicates things a bit since I now need to make even more changes to the magic now.' Nick thought irritated. The blood samples though left him frustrated at the changes between the regular and transformed cells. The regular blood cells behaved normally and weren't of much note while the transformed cells were completely different then the normal ones. They were more active , held much more oxygen and highly cancerous.-

'No wonder werewolves don't usually live to old age , they suffer the damage of stage four cancer three nights a month. Even the strong vitality of the curse can only barely keep them stable but the damage probably stacks up over time until their bodies collapse on themselves. how pitiful.' Nick thought with a frown. Just looking over these samples told him what sort of horrible experience it must be to be stricken with the curse. Shorter life expectancy , agony once a month , social stigma , and the constant worry about infecting others. It was nightmarish to say the least and Nick knew that he would want to fix this problem had he not needed all the time possible to improve himself and complete his missions.-

Once he was done with the biological samples he moved on to the ring that recorded the lifeforce of it's wearer for a period of time. In this case it was before , during and after Lupin transformed so he could actively see what changes occurred during this time. He started the playback of the ring while the realm analyzed it in detail from start to finish. Once it was done the realm manifested an illusionary image of the entire recorded life force.-

It looked quite a bit like a bright red aurora floating in the air with various complex shapes and designs in it much like runes but not at the same time. Nick couldn't translate them since they weren't an actual language but he didn't need to either. This data was used to see what changed during the process so that he could focus on figuring out those parts specifically. The lycanthropy curse was easily the most complex piece of magic he had every seen and as a result correcting it's flaws was an equally if not harder task than just out right blocking the transformation.-

Normally he wouldn't waste his time and just create a ring to stop Lupin from transforming but he needed a lot of data to successfully modify his own Animagus ritual and the information he was receiving would help him greatly. In addition he REALLY wanted that daedra heart that the mission would give him if he fixed the lycanthropy curse. He even knew what the best possible use for the heart would be too and it had him very eager.

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