Godly Base

Chapter 344: Shock (I)

Chapter 344: Shock (I)

Zhao Zixin uttered faintly, Jiang Chaos information is reliable. The Zhao Family got the same information. I brought 100 soldiers to support you.

Shu Fengs eyes flashed emotionally, and he said, Thank you!

The soldiers Jiang Chao and Zhao Zixin brought arent ordinary soldiers, but elite soldiers in the Spirit Warrior realm or above. They are troops that their families assigned to them.

If these elite soldiers died here without obtaining any benefits, Jiang Chao and Zhao Zixins positions in their respective families would plummet. This is quite unfavorable for their future. Even so, they still came.

Dont thank us! Reportedly, troops led by two Hollow Demon dukes are on their way. Why are you spacing out? Go ask for help! Ask the Fang Magnus Family and the Zhu Magnus Family to send reinforcements.

Even though the two Hollow Demon dukes will be weakened within the scope of the level-1 Spirit Force Tower, they will still be equivalent to two quasi-Saints. Furthermore, they have many experts under their command. It wont be easy to deal with them! Jiang Chao frowned slightly and uttered.

One of the advantages of Shu Fengs marriage alliance with the Zhu Magnus Family is that he can ask the Zhu Magnus Family for help when he is in danger.

Although there is only one quasi-Saint in the Zhu Magnus Family, but there are a lot of Spirit Venerable realm powerhouses as well as some saint artifacts and demigod artifacts. If the Zhu Magnus Family sends Spirit Venerable realm experts with several powerful saint artifacts, it will be possible to contend against a Spirit Saint realm powerhouse within the scope of the level-1 Spirit Force Tower.

In addition, with the reserves and connections of the Zhu Magnus Family, if they are willing to pay the price, they can also invite several quasi-Saints to step in. This is the underlying strength of a powerful magnus family.

Shu Feng responded calmly, Oh! I have already taken care of this issue! And defeated the Hollow Demon army. As for the two Hollow Demon dukes, one died while the other escaped.

Jiang Chao creased his eyebrows and said seriously, Shu Feng, dont joke around! This isnt funny! This isnt the right time for this!

In the room, eyes full of doubt focused on Shu Feng.

Shu Feng said flatly, Its true! I am raising a quasi-Saint realm marsh beast in the Marsh Dragon Marsh. After finding the whereabouts of the Hollow Demon army, I defeated them.

Jiang Chao asked with incredulity on his face, Is it really true?

The eyes of the other people flashed with disbelief.

The two Hollow Demon dukes are terrifying beings on the same level as Four Absolutes Spirit Saint Wu Zhongchao, Primordial Daoisms Daoist Leader Ji Yuanshi, and other first-rate Spirit Saint realm powerhouses of the Qianyuan Republic. For such powerhouses to be defeated at Shu Fengs hands, thats simply inconceivable.

Shu Feng replied, Of course it is!

Li Xuanyi couldnt help but ask curiously, Can you take us to see your marsh beast?

The Beiyan Li Family is a 1st tier aristocratic family and has many reserves, including Spirit Venerable realm beasts. But Li Xuanyi has never seen quasi-Saint realm beasts.

No problem! Lets go!

With a tranquil smile on his face, Shu Feng got up and left.

100 meters away from the edge of the Marsh Dragon Marsh.

Come out, Marsh Overlord!

At Shu Fengs command, terrible waves were set off in the marsh, and the Marsh Overlord, a marsh monster the size of a small mountain, with numerous fearsome heads, emerged and emanated a frightening spirit pressure.

Jiang Chaos eyes flashed with excitement: What a scary marsh monster! If it is this monster, then it might be possible to kill a Hollow Demon duke!

Zhao Zixins beautiful eyes shimmered with complicated emotions: Hollow Demon duke! This guy actually killed a Hollow Demon duke! His rate of evolution is too fast!

A few years ago, Zhao Zixin was still competing with Shu Feng for the position of Shuijing High Schools first seat freshman. But in less than three years, Shu Feng was able to kill a Hollow Demon duke. This is simply unbelievable.

Li Xuanyi exclaimed, Hollow Demon dukes! You actually killed a Hollow Demon duke! And defeated another Hollow Demon duke! Shu Feng, youre awesome! The achievements in this battle can enable you to promote your family to a mid-tier aristocratic family at the least.

Zhu Chenyu looked at Shu Feng with a smile, and wisps of adoration welled up in her eyes.

Shu Feng smiled carefreely and said, Ha-ha! Mere two Hollow Demon dukes are nothing at all. If there were two more, I would still be able to defeat them!

The Lingxi Zhao Family.

Zixin, this unfilial daughter! She took her subordinate to the Marsh Dragon Territory! Curses! Once the Hollow Demon army arrives, the whole Marsh Dragon Territory will become a huge meat grinder! To throw her subordinates at such a meat grinder! Foolish, truly foolish!

Zhao Yunquan was furious and slapped his palm on a jinsi nanmu [1] table. With a bang, the jinshi nanmu table worth millions of credits broke into pieces that scattered on the ground.

Yun Ying!

Zhao Yunque barked.


A middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Yunque.

Zhao Yunque said in a cold voice, Go call the young lady back. If she refuses to come, knock her out and bring her back! She cant be left in a meat grinder like the Marsh Dragon Territory!

Yun Ying replied: Yes!

Wait a minute!

At this time, Zhao Wuchen, the patriarch of the Zhao Family, walked in, a cold look in his eyes.

Zhao Yunque greeted his teeth and spoke pleadingly: Big brother, the Marsh Dragon Territory is the target of a Hollow Demon army. I know that Shu Feng has built two level-1 Spirit Force Towers in the Marsh Dragon Territory! However, the Hollow Demon army has two Hollow Demon dukes. Even if Shu Feng can resist the offensive of the Hollow Demon army, the Marsh Dragon Territory will become a cruel meat grinder. Zixin cant stay in that place!

The Souleater clan and the Devil clan have launched an offensive against the territories of the Qianyuan Republic. Territories bordering Hollow Demon forces have become cruel battlefields, which have claimed the lives of many talents of the Qianyuan Republic.

Zhao Yunque doesnt want his daughter to die in a place like the Marsh Dragon Territory.

Zhao Wuchen smiled mildly and said, Yunque, you have a good daughter.

Zhao Yunque asked with a puzzled expression, Big brother, what are you talking about?

Zhao Wuchen responded, Shu Feng already defeated a 500,000-strong Hollow Demon army, which was led by two Hollow Demon dukes and intended to attack the Marsh Dragon Territory from the Marsh Dragon Marsh. As for the two Hollow Demon dukes, one died and the other escaped. The Marsh Dragon Territory won!

[1] <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanmu">jinsi nanmu</a>

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