Godly Base

Chapter 343: In One Fell Swoop

Chapter 343: In One Fell Swoop

The Hollow Demon troops escaped in confusion. Of the 350,000 elite troops that entered the Marsh Dragon Marsh, only 70,000 escaped with their life.

Marquis Ledat met the defeated Hollow Demon troops and asked with a frown, Marquis Nepal and Marquis Assiya, how come youre back? What about Duke Ede and Duke Ramata?

Marquis Nepal replied with fear, There is a terrible marsh monster hidden in the Marsh Dragon Marsh. The marsh monster is Shu Fengs summon and has the ability to manipulate marsh force. The two dukes were pursued by that marsh monster! Its unknown whether theyre dead or alive!

In the Marsh Dragon Marsh, the Marsh Overlords Marsh Manipulation ability is simply incredible. With one strike, it can drag a Hollow Demon marquis into the marsh.

If it were not for the fact that the Marsh Overlord was in a hurry to hunt the two Hollow Demon dukes, the two Hollow Demon marquises wouldnt be able to escape.

Marquis Assiyas eyes flashed with a color of caution, and he said coldly, Marquis Ledat, when we were fighting with Shu Fengs summon troops, many soldiers suddenly betrayed us and attacked us from behind. If I remember correctly, those soldiers are soldiers under your command.

Marquis Nepal was startled, and his eyes flickered with a hue of vigilance. He stared at Marquis Ledat and Marquis Sivan.

Marquis Ledat responded in a cold voice, The soldiers under our command have been with us for a long time! Assiya, your joke isnt funny at all.

Marquis Sivan hesitated for a moment and asked, Might the soldiers who betrayed you be soldiers subordinated to Marquis Gilardo?

Marquis Assiya thought for a moment and answered slowly, Indeed, those soldiers are soldiers subordinated to Marquis Gilardo.

Marquis Sivan said: Marquis Gilardo was assassinated by Devil powerhouses. Devil powerhouses must have used some secret method to bewitch the soldiers subordinated to Marquis Gilardo and have them rebel at the most critical time!

Marquis Assiya suddenly had a realization, and his eyes shimmered with murderous intent, So thats how it is! Those damn Devils!

The Devil clan is a fearsome clan in the Realm of Hollow Demons and has conquered many worlds. At the same time, it has more than one god realm powerhouse. There are numerous strange and formidable secret treasures in the Devil clan. It is not inconceivable for the Devil clan to take out one or two demigod artifacts to bewitch a Souleater army.

Marquis Ledat suggested, Lets go have a good meal together and relax.


Marquis Assiya and Marquis Nepal went to the banquet hall of the Black Marsh Viscountdoms lord manor.

Before long, numerous delicacies were placed on the table.

The four Hollow Demon marquises began to enjoy the various delicacies and restore their strength.

This is Wanxiang Fruit Liquor! Its really delectable! You must try it!

Marquis Ledat clapped his hands. A beautiful dog demi-human girl walked over with a bottle of liquor and opened the bottle, and a mysterious fragrance spread in the area.

No, this smell! Theres poison!

As soon as Marquis Assiya sensed the mysterious fragrance, alarms went off in his mind. He just tried to stimulate his hollow demon force when he was shocked to discover that he couldnt stimulate his hollow demon force.

Marquis Nepal cried out in surprise: Be careful! Theres poison!

Theres no use shouting. This is my doing!

Along with a flash of ripples, Shu Feng appeared in front of Marquis Assiya and Marquis Nepal and spoke with a light smile.

Greetings, master!

Marquis Ledat and Marquis Sivan stood up and saluted Shu Feng respectfully.

Marquis Nepal shouted madly, a look of disbelief on his face, Marquis Ledat, Marquis Sivan, you betrayed the Souleater clan! You betrayed the two dukes! You shameless scoundrels!

Marquis Ledats eyes flickered with a complex color, and he said with a faint sigh: Marquis Nepal, we arent doing this out of our free will. You will soon be the same as us.

Marquis Ledat didnt want to betray his kin. However, he couldnt control his body and will. Furthermore, there is a darkness hidden in his subconscious, which gave rise to a desire in him to drag others down with him.

Marquis Ledat is right. From now on, you will become my people.

Shu Feng smiled, strode up to Marquis Nepal and Marquis Assiya, dealt serious damage to the two Hollow Demon marquises, and threw them into the Soldier Synthesis Nest for modification.

I hope I can make a fortune from the spoils from these guys!

Shu Fengs eyes flashed with expectation, he began to gather the Storage Rings of the Hollow Demon nobles.

Marsh Dragon Territory, in front of the lord manor.

A luxurious white spirit force sports car stopped, and Shu Feng alighted, looked at the familiar lord manor, and heaved a long sigh of relief: Finally back!

The two Spirit Saint realm Hollow Demon dukes were like two huge mountains pressing on Shu Fengs heart. If he hadnt made preparations in advance, the Marsh Dragon Territory would have been conquered by the two Hollow Demon dukes already.

Greetings, master! Sir Jiang Chao and lady Zhao Zixin are waiting for you at the reception hall!

As soon as Shu Feng entered the lord manor, dressed in a black and white lace maid costume, the beautiful and enchanting Princess Freya of the fallen Reichmann Empire of the Realm of Badge Users walked over and reported.

Jiang Chao! Zhao Zixin! Why have they come?

Shu Fengs eyes flashed with doubt, and he went to the reception hall.

Jiang Chao is sitting on a sofa and chatting with Li Xuanyi.

Zhu Chenyu and Zhao Zixin are also chatting with each other. However, there are traces of hostility in the eyes of the two girls.

When Jiang Chaoyi saw Shu Feng, his expression turned dignified at once, Shu Feng, where have you been? To disappear at such a critical time, you are really unqualified as a lord. I have an important piece of information to tell you.

Shu Feng asked, What information?

Jiang Chao answered, I obtained reliable information claiming that the Hollow Demon clan is planning to attack you from the direction of the Marsh Dragon Marsh. I brought 200 elite soldiers to support you. Arent I a good friend?

Li Xuanyi frowned and asked, Jiang Chao, where did you get this information? How come I know nothing of it?

Jiang Chao responded, I obtained this information five days ago and wanted to notify you at once. However, the frequency of the spirit force waves in your area has been disturbed. I could only come in person.

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