Godly Base

Chapter 345: Shock (II)

Chapter 345: Shock (II)

Zhao Yunque asked incredulously, How is this possible? Thats two Hollow Demon dukes, Spirit Saint realm powerhouses!

The Yuanhai Shu Family was established just over one year ago, and Shu Feng is its only pillar. The Shu Family only has a few experts on the surface.

Of course, the Zhao Family has investigated and discovered that there are many forces under Shu Fengs command, such as Dark Hand and Crimson Eye. But those forces combined are no match for a Hollow Demon duke.

Although two Hollow Demon dukes had joined hands, but they still suffered a crushing defeat at Shu Fengs hands, where one died and the other escaped. This sounds like a fairy tale without so much as a kernel of truth.

This information has been confirmed. Shu Feng secretly summoned a quasi-Saint realm summon from the Marsh Dragon Marsh. When they were passing through the Marsh Dragon Marsh, the two Hollow Demon dukes and their troops were ambushed by the quasi-Saint realm summon and suffered countless casualties.

After this battle, Shu Fengs rise has become a foregone conclusion. With the achievements of this battle, the Shu Family can rise to a mid-tier aristocratic family in one fell swoop. What a heroic young man!

Zhao Wuchens eyes shimmered with a complex color, and he uttered with a sigh.

It is very difficult for aristocratic families to upgrade their tier. Many low-tier aristocratic families have to work hard for an entire generation to upgrade their tier to the mid-tier. Yet Shu Feng is able to raise the tier of his family to the mid-tier in one battle. This speed is simply outrageous.

Zhao Wuchen suddenly asked, Third brother, I plan to marry Zixin to Shu Feng. What do you think?

Zhao Yunque hesitated for a while before summoning up his courage and saying, Big brother, the tier of Shu Fengs family is too low. Besides, although he has great potential, no one knows what will happen in the future. I still want Zixin to join the Ding Magnus Family.

At present, the Shu Family is only a 9th-tier aristocratic family. Even though it can be promoted to a mid-tier aristocratic family in one battle, it is still a long way off from advancing to a magnus family. Moreover, Shu Feng has made too many enemies. Zhao Yunque is not optimistic about Shu Fengs future.

Zhao Wuchen raised his eyebrows and said indifferently, Lets wait and see then!

The Beiling Zhu Magnus Family, in a flower garden, there are a dozen plus beautiful young women sitting here.

Zhao Mei, a beautiful young woman in yellow, with an oval face, uttered with a mysterious smile: Have you heard? The Hollow Demon clan intends to attack the Marsh Dragon Territory from the Marsh Dragon Marsh!

Ding Fen, a beautiful young woman with a round face, asked curiously, The Marsh Dragon Marsh? Isnt it a marsh? An army cant pass through a marsh.

Zhu Ling said with a faint smile, The Hollow Demon clan has many experts and possesses profound underlying strength. Although the Marsh Dragon Marsh is an insurmountable chasm for us. But for the Hollow Demon clan, it is just a flat land that can be crossed with some effort.

Zhu Lanlan, a beautiful young woman of the Zhu Magnus Family, asked in surprise, Isnt the Marsh Dragon Territory in danger then?

Zhu Ling smiled sweetly and said in reply, Thats only natural! There are two Hollow Demon dukes leading the Hollow Demon army that is going to attack the Marsh Dragon Territory. Even if Shu Feng had three heads and six arms, he is done for. Im afraid that Zhu Chenyu will become a widow! Thankfully, Older Sister Xiaoxiao didnt marry him.

Zhu Xiaoxiao smiled calmly and said, Younger Sister Chenyu is really pitiful!

Ever since Shu Feng chose to marry Zhu Chenyu, Zhu Xiaoxiao wished for the downfall of the Marsh Dragon Territory. But contrary to her desire, the Marsh Dragon Territory got more prosperous by the day, filling her heart with jealousy.

When she learned that a Hollow Demon army was going to attack the Marsh Dragon Territory, Zhu Xiaoxiao couldnt help but rejoice.

Young lady, young lady, I have something to report!

A beautiful maid walked into the flower garden in a panic.

Zhu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows and asked, Cui, whats the matter? Speak!

Cui answered, Shu Feng, the lord of the Marsh Dragon Territory, defeated the invading Hollow Demon army. Of the two Hollow Demon dukes leading the army, one died, while another escaped. The 500,000-strong Hollow Demon army collapsed completely.

When these words fell, as if they were slapped in the face, everyones eyes glimmered with a color of disbelief.

Zhu Xiaoxiao lost her composure and shouted: How is this possible? How could Shu Feng defeat two Hollow Demon dukes?

Cui replied, Young lady, Shu Feng is raising a very scary marsh monster in the Marsh Dragon Marsh. He used that marsh monster to defeat the Hollow Demon army in one stroke.

Zhao Meis eyes flashed with a shade of jealousy, and she uttered with a faint sigh: Amazing! From today on, Shu Feng will become famous all over the world!

Zhu Lanlan said sourly, Shu Feng is really amazing! Younger Sister Chenyu is really lucky!

Ill take my leave first!

Zhu Xiaoxiaos expression turned unsightly. She forced a smile, got up, and left the flower garden.

The Zhu Magnus Family, in a pavilion.

Zhu Yan said placidly, To be able to kill one Hollow Demon duke and defeat another, the marsh monster Shu Feng raises in the Marsh Dragon Marsh must be a quasi-Saint with a restricted airspace ability. He hides really deep. I wonder how many more trump cards he has hidden. It was the right choice for the Zhu Magnus Family to forge a marriage alliance with him.

Zhu Guangsheng nodded, and a sense of elation welled up inside him.

An army composed of two Hollow Demon dukes and 500,000 elite Hollow Demon troops is a frightening force with the power to destroy the Zhu Magnus Family.

Yet such a frightening army was defeated by Shu Feng, showing how fearsome Shu Fengs underlying strength is. If the Zhu Magnus Family had fought with Shu Feng back then, it might have been uprooted by Shu Feng.

Zhu Yan said, Guangsheng, long delays can lead to complications. After this war is finished, you should have Chenyu marry Shu Feng as soon as possible.

Zhu Guangsheng replied, Yes, Ancestor!

The Hollow Demon Battlefield, in the Fang Magnus Familys Liuguang City.

He defeated two Hollow Demon dukes and 500,000 Hollow Demon troops. The apprentice I accepted is really domineering.

Fang Yao looked at a piece of information in her hand, and her eyes glimmered with elation.

Fang Long, a handsome young man who looks like hes in his late twenties and possesses extraordinary temperament suggested: Big sister, your apprentice is really fierce! Why dont you ask him to come and support us? After the battle, his Marsh Dragon Territory must be quite safe. He should have spare strength to support us.

In the battle of the Marsh Dragon Marsh, two Hollow Demon dukes and 500,000 Hollow Demon troops suffered a crushing defeat. The Hollow Demon clan wont dare to attack the Marsh Dragon Territory from the Marsh Dragon Marsh before finding a way to deal with the Marsh Overlord.

The Marsh Dragon Territory in the hinterland of the Qianyuan Republic has become the safest territory.

Fang Yao pondered for a while before saying in reply, I can contact him. However, if he comes to support us, you must prepare sufficient rewards for him and me!

Fang Long uttered with a bitter expression, Big sister, we are family!

Fang Yao responded, Business is business! There are so many resources in the Fang Magnus Family. If I dont ask for more, it will be left to others. You can have 10% of my portion.

Fang Longs eyes flickered: Deal!

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