Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 175: Stay The Night

Chapter 175: Stay The Night

Marie left the police station, leaving Brax with the promise that she would deal with him tonight.

Jenna sent her driver home and got into her husband's car that had just been returned to him. Since he had missed their lunch date, he owed her a meal.

Leaving the station, they headed downtown and stopped at a nice restaurant. Leaving the car with the valet, he escorted Jenna inside.

Walking in, Brax could feel several sets of eyes on him. People were whispering and pointing in his direction.

"What is going on?" He asked Jenna.

"They are talking about you." She replied while grabbing his arm and holding it tightly. She had been scared today that he would be taken away and she wouldn't see him again.

"Me? Why would they be talking about me?"

"You are somewhat famous in Evolution. Since you were arrested, there were a bunch of forum articles put up about you. I am sure everyone is curious as to why you are out and walking around when you are supposed to be in jail."

"Oh, let's not talk about that right now. Those guys today really pissed me off."

Going up to the hostess, Brax arranged for a private room. They were brought to the second floor after walking through the main hall of the restaurant.

"I don't know." Brax said to Jenna. "I heard a few people mention their empress as we walked through the crowd." He said while nudging his wife. "A lot of people are talking about you too."

Jenna blushed. She wasn't used to the attention. Usually it was people talking about her sister and not her. She didn't entirely hate it.

Brax ordered some food and then sat beside his wife. As soon as the waiter left the room, Jenna pounced on him. She tightly wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I was so worried that you wouldn't get out. I was so scared when you didn't show up and I found out that you were at the police station." She said with tears forming in her eyes.

"It's alright, I am here now." He said while rubbing her head.

"I don't want to think about what would have happened if you really went to prison."

"Then let's not think about it. That won't happen."

Brax tilted her chin up towards him and then locked lips with her. Brax let his hands wander, and to his surprise Jenna didn't seem to mind. She had become a bit bolder after taking those pictures and sending them to him.

He felt up and down her legs and squeezed her backside.

He slowly put his hand under her shirt while they continued to kiss. He felt her flat and soft stomach, trying to work up the courage to reach hirer.

He didn't need to work to hard. Jenna grabbed his hand and moved it up to her chest. He could feel soft, supple, and perky flesh in the palm of his hand while she let out a little moan into his mouth.

Her nails began to dig into his back as they continued to make out in the private room of the restaurant.

*Cough* *Cough*

Brax Looked up to see the waiter placing their dishes onto the table.

Jenna quickly pulled out his hand from under her shirt and buried her bright red face into his chest. She was so embarrassed that she didn't have the courage to face the staff. The waiter softly chuckled but didn't say anything. He finished placing the dishes on the table and quickly left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Jeez, can't you control yourself?" She mumbled after they were alone again.

Brax stifled his laugh, she was the one who moved his hand up under her bra, but he wasn't going to say that.

"What can I say, in front of you I lose all control." He whispered, before nibbling on her ear and kissing down her neck.

She let out another soft moan before pushing him away.

"You are such a hooligan." She said while pushing him away. But she didn't do so immediately, she made sure to enjoy herself first. "Come on let's hurry and eat before going back. It is getting late already."

"Are you trying to get rid of me so quickly?" Brax teased.

"No way, I am going back with you tonight."

Brax's eyes instantly lit up.

Jenna blushed and looked away. "We aren't doing that tonight, I am still not ready. Give me some more time."

Brax didn't mind. "Take all the time you need. You are my wife, in the end you won't be able to escape me."

"Ha, ha, why does it sound like you are some villain trying to capture this princess?"

"He, he. Oh I am definitely a villain. I have stolen your heart and in time, I will steal the rest of you." He said, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"You are so bad, eat your food." She said, pushing his face away.

Both of them ate rather quickly. Normally when the went out, both of them would eat slowly, dragging out their date as long as they could. That didn't happen today.

After half an hour, they had finished their meal and settled the bill.

They returned downstairs and headed for the exit.

There were even more people pointing and whispering this time. Brax saw a few phones pointed in his direction. He assumed that they were trying to take a picture. He wrapped an arm around Jenna and led her out.

"It looks like my husband is a small time internet celebrity now. Everybody is talking about you."

"Me, how do you know they aren't talking about my beautiful wife that no other woman can compare to. You are the one who has your own fan sight."

"Pssh, stop teasing me. Why would they be talking about me. You are the one that made waves today."

As they walked towards Brax's car, they passed a group of people who were smoking outside a bar. They were whispering and pointing in their direction.

As they passed, Brax shouted out. "All hail the Empress."

"All hail the empress." The three men in the group shouted quickly in return. One of them, getting pinched by his date in the process.

Jenna quickly dragged Brax away before he could say anything else.

"See, you are the famous one." He said to her.

"It was only because you said it that they followed. You are the famous one." She retorted.

Since Jenna wanted to spend the night at his place, Brax was happy to agree. He quickly drove back to his place, making sure to obey every traffic law. He didn't want any more trouble.

When he walked in through the front door, he found Maire waiting for him.

"You punk, come over hear and let my smack your behind. How could hide the fact that you were married?" She started on him the moment the door began to open.

"Aunty, can't we talk about this later." Brax said.

At that point Jenna walked in behind him.

His aunt's expression brightened. "Fine, fine, you are good. I didn't expect you to bring a shield home tonight. I won't bother you two, but we will talk, you can't hide from me forever." Marie said before leaving and returning to the main house.

Brax took off his coat and tossed his shoes aside. Jenna was meekly following him around. He could tell that she was nervous being alone in his place at night.

"Don't worry, I have a guest bedroom if you would prefer that."

Jenna didn't say anything but shook her head.

"Alright, you will stay with me then." He said, pulling her into his embrace.

"How about a drink before bed?" He asked her.

She didn't say yes, nor did she say no. Brax went into his kitchen and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses.

By the time he started filling the second glass the first was already in her hand.

It didn't take them long to finish the bottle. Jenna was drinking heavily, and Brax even opened a second.

It was getting late and Jenna was having a hard time even standing straight.

"That's enough, let's head to bed." He said taking her to the bedroom he had yet to use, shutting the door behind them.

"If you want." Jenna quietly mumbled.

"I couldn't hear you."

Jenna looked away and spoke again.

"If you want to go all the way, I won't stop you."

Brax shook his head. "No, the sober you didn't want to, so we won't. I don't want our first time to be because you were drunk."

Jenna smiled and looked up towards him.

Brax felt that he was the luckiest person in the world to be able to get such a cute wife.

She had already gone to the bathroom and done everything she need to do. They were ready for bed.

Brax took off his shirt and was preparing to change into a pair of gym shorts when Jenna's hands started to travel all over his chest and ack. When she got drunk, she really got a lot more handsy, but he didn't mind.

She pushed him onto the bed and then tossed her own shirt aside. She quickly tossed her bra away and slipped out of her pants. She kept only her panties on as she slid under the covers and beckoned him to join her.

Brax slipped down to his underwear and slid in next to her.

Before he could even situate himself, she was on top of him, lips pressed against his and hands running through his hair.

Brax held her butt tightly while she startled him under the covers while they made out.

It wasn't long until Jenna could feel something poking her from bellow.

With a devilish smile she rolled to his side and sent a hand down his chest.

She leaned close to him an whispered. "Keep waiting till I am ready, I won't make you suffer." She said while her hand reached into his underwear.

Half an hour later, Jenna rested her head on his chest and fell asleep with a worn out arm.

Brax relaxed in bliss and held his wife tightly, quickly falling asleep.

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