Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 174: Development

Chapter 174: Development

Brax sat in the interrogation room. The two officers who arrested him, repeatedly kept asking where he got the drugs.

He had no idea where they came from. What could he say? Something definitely wasn't right. Brax chose to keep his mouth shut.


"Confess and tell us who your supplier is. The law will go easier on you if you help us out." One of the officers said.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"What is it?" One of the officers asked when he went to open the door.

Afterwards, the two police officers left the room without saying a word more.

Jenna walked in.

Brax was surprised that he had already found out. He didn't expect the police to let her come in and see him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked standing up. He wanted to go forward and give her a hug, but his hands were still cuffed to the table.

Jenna took a seat across from him.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Brax nodded. "I am fine." He didn't want to say to much. This wasn't a conversation with his lawyer. Chances were that the police officers were listening in. "I need your help contacting my lawyer. Can you give them a call?"

"That is no problem." Jenna said, trying to act strong. It hurt her to see her husband in handcuffs. She wished she could do more to help him.

"Those drugs aren't mine." Brax said to her. "I wouldn't mess around with that kind of thing."

"I know." Jenna said.

She wanted to lean froward and give him a kiss, but she had already been warned by the police officers that she was not allowed to touch him.

"When I got here, your aunt was already causing a fuss. They wouldn't let her see you."

"Huh? Then why did they let you in?" Brax asked.

"She knows." Jenna mumbled. "She knows that we are married."

"Oh darn, maybe I should stay hidden in here." Brax joked.

Jenna chuckled but it was easy to see that she was still feeling overwhelmed. How could she laugh when her husband was in the police station with drug charges?

They continued to chat about nothing. A few times she asked Lucan why this was happening, but it was clear that he wasn't willing to say anything. When her time ran out, all she could was contact his lawyer.

When Jenna left the room, the two officers returned to continue interrogating him.

After another hour of questioning, there was a noise outside.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Who is it? What do you want? Can't you see we are trying to work here?"

"Mr. Tomlin's lawyer has arrived."

The two officers looked at each other and left the room. They shut off the recording equipment on the their way out.

A tall man with a slick suit walked into the room a few minutes later.

Brax had never met him before, but the man was from the same law firm that he had used before. The only difference was that the man before him practiced criminal defense.

"Mr. Tomlin. I have already been made aware of the situation. Things are pretty unfavorable, but I believe that we will be able to make the best of this." The lawyer said, sitting down. "News online about your incarceration has already blown up. You can rest assured that under the eye of public scrutiny, the districts attorney's office is taking this matter seriously"

"People online already know what is happening."

The lawyer nodded. "I won't sugar coat it for you. There is a picture of you walking into the station in handcuffs. The police station has also already made a statement on their website where you are mentioned by name when they bragged about getting dugs off the street."

Brax sighed and shook his head. They were determined to destroy his image.

"When I first arrived, the district attorney pulled me aside and said that they have prepared a deal for you. If you publicly apologize you will only be sentenced to prison for two years, and can get out after one with good behavior. They are determined to settle this issue before it turns into something bigger in the eye of the public. With a bit of negotiation, I think I can get them to drop it to a year and a half. What do you think?"

"I think that is bullshit. I didn't do anything; they are setting me up."

The lawyer paused. "You know that you can tell me anything, I will defend you to the best of my abilities. I should let you know that the camera was recording in their police car. They have a video of them pulling the drugs out of your vehicle."

"These people are trying to frame me. They pulled me over because they said I ran a red light. But I came from XXXXX plaza. Just look at a map, and you will see that there are no traffic lights between their and where they arrested me. It is all made up. Doesn't that mean that they detained me illegally. Nothing they found can actually be used."

The lawyer frowned. "That is technically true. But it is likely that they will change their story and say you were swerving or something else like that. They found a lot of drugs. They will do what they can to make sure that the charges stick."

"But the drugs aren't mine. I have never seen them before."

"Unfortunately, it is just your word against theirs. And they have a video of them walking back from your vehicle with drugs."

"That doesn't matter. The idiots didn't even recognize my car. I drive an Aero Specter."

"Is that supposed to mean something. Sorry, I am really not a car guy."

Brax was thankful that the specters features were not widely known. If they were, the officers may have used an even worse tactic against him.

"The Aero Specter is covered in tiny cameras. Inside and out. Pull out your phone."

The lawyer took out his phone and went to the website Brax directed him to. Brax entered his username and password before scrolling to today's date. Opening the file, it was filled with video recordings.

The lawyer quickly watched the events from a few different angels before he found the perfect one.

In this video, the police officer was taking the bag of drugs from inside his jacket. He stuffed them under the seat and then nodded to his partner, who turned on their body camera and then pulled out the drugs as if they were discovering them.

"See everything is a lie. These guys are framing. I didn't run a red light, I didn't have any drugs, and I never tried to attack them."

The lawyer was now looking at a video from one of the outer cameras. Brax was talking to the police officer when the officer suddenly pulled out his taser and pressed it into them."

The lawyer nodded happily. "I should be able to get you out of here shortly. Would you be interested in suing the police department?"

"I think I will, but I need to talk to my family first." Brax responded.

The lawyer began to put his files back into his briefcase and left the room to go search for the district attorney.

It wasn't long before an officer he had never seen before came in and told Brax that he was free to go.

Walking out of the interrogation room, he could hear his lawyer yelling at people.

"How dare you do this to my client. He was target, illegal detained, you all planted evidence and even attacked him unprovoked, and now you are telling me not to blow this out of proportion. Do you even train your officers. How can two people like that even serve on the force. It's disgusting."

The lawyer noticed Brax had been released.

"You can go home for now. I will contact you tomorrow and we can discuss how to move forward." The lawyer said to him.

"Sounds good." Brax said.

He wanted to smile and be happy that he was out, but he couldn't get into a good mood. He had been targeted and framed with a fairly serious crime.


Jenna shouted his name the moment he walked out into the reception area. She dove forward and wrapped her arms around him. She had been scared that he wouldn't be able to leave.

"How did you get out so quickly. Did a judge show up and set your bail?" She asked.

"Not quite. They dropped all the charges against me."


"I will tell you about it later." Brax said to her while moving her in front of him.

Looking over Jenna's shoulder, he could see his aunt staring daggers at him. He purposely put Jenna between the two of them.

"Aunty, don't look at me like that. Now that I am out and the charges have been dropped, don't you want to talk to your daughter-in-law? Why are you looking at me? Shouldn't you be chatting nicely with my bride."

Jenna was starting to get embarrassed, but Marie already knew they were married. There was nothing she could do about it.

"Just you wait till we get home." Marie said after she came over and stood before the two. "I won't tell anyone, but you are going get a whopping you punk. I knew you were hiding something from me."

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