Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 176: A serious Task

Chapter 176: A serious Task

Brax woke up to a jarring noise. His hand instantly flew and silenced the cell phone. The alarm Jenna had set was going off.

Checking his own phone, he saw it was 2:00 AM.

Sprawled out across his chest was his still slightly tipsy wife. She was hugging him tightly.

"Ugh, I don't won't to get up." She whined.

"You don't have to. We can stay here." Brax said while pulling the blankets up and running his hand down her bare back.

She bit him. "It's your fault I have to go to Raze's selection. Otherwise, I could go back to sleep."

"But I have such an amazing wife that she is willing to attend the events I am unable to, in my place. How did get so lucky to have this amazing empress look my way?"

"Quit trying to butter me up. I said I would go for you so I will."

"Then I should at least finish my time in the nine hells." Brax said, whipping the covers off of them.

He was treated to the sight of Jenna backside once the blankets were removed. Her long legs and perfect rear were exposed to the cold air.

She trembled and clung onto him to suck away his heat. "Hey, give the blankets back."

While she reached for the covers, Brax took a handful of her rear-end.

Jenna let him finish squeezing before she abruptly kicked him out of bed.

"Since you are the reason we have to get up, you should get me something to eat while I freshen up."

"Fine, fine, that is the least I can do."

Brax quickly put on a pair of gym shorts and a shirt and walked to the door.

Jenna had wrapped herself up tightly in the blankets and was heading towards the bathroom.

"Towels are in the cabinet. Take whatever else you need." He said.



"Why are you still staring at me?" Jenna asked when Brax stood by the door, still looking at her.

"Please?" He said with a longing look.

"What?" She asked, not understanding what he wanted.

Brax motioned downwards with his eyes.

Jenna's face instantly turned red. "You are a hooligan. Shouldn't you be getting my breakfast ready?"

Brax opened the door but didn't step out of the bedroom. "Please."

Jenna didn't say anything, but the blankets rustles and her arms moved apart. Brax was able to see her perfect exposed figure wearing only panties. He took it all in for as long as she let him.

She wrapped the blankets around herself and quickly entered the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

He had seen the embarrassment on her face. But he also saw something else. A hint of pride.

Brax went into the kitchen after wiping the stupid expression of his face. He realized that his aunt may have been onto something when she was pestering him to learn how to cook as a child. He only wished he had paid more attention.

Since his wife wanted a meal, he was determined to provide for her. This was a test of a true husband. How would things fair if he couldn't even provide her with a decent meal?

With an unparalleled seriousness, Brax scanned the contents of his kitchen. What would he use? His wife would need energy to function inside of Evolution at her maximum capability. It was now his responsibility to ensure that she would have the best start possible for her upcoming challenges.

After coming to terms with his task, Brax moved forward in a flash.



Cutting board

Steel swam through the air before it came slicing down.

Brax gave it everything he had. He knew what needed to be done.

He turned the stove on, the flame was lit.

He got down to business making the most complicated dish he knew how to make. He deemed it to be perfect for what his wife needed.


Jenna managed to pull herself out of the shower. She admired his bathroom and wished she could stay in it longer. She also didn't miss the large two-person tub.

She dried off and went to raid his closet.

Skipping past formal wear she went straight to his comfortable clothes and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and put them on. She grabbed a long-sleeved shirt from a hanger and left the closet.

She picked up her bra off the floor and was about to put it on when she tossed it aside.

She normally dressed more comfortable since she was going to be lying in a capsule. Besides, she knew her husband would prefer it this way. She put on his shirt and then raided a pair of socks from his dresser.

She walked to the door and cracked it open. Seeing him from the back while he worked in the kitchen, she could tell he delved into his real-world version of Warlock's Insanity. It wasn't anything bad, he would just get fixated on something and then devote his full energy towards it, completely ignoring everything around him.

Knowing that her absence would not be noticed, she closed the door and took the chance to look around his room.

After the first step she felt a moment of guilt. But she felt that she knew her husband well. He wouldn't care. And it didn't matter because she didn't care, he was her HUSBAND. How could she not have the right to go through his things?

She looked around, opened drawers and looked under the bed. She didn't find much of anything at all. She then remembered that he hadn't been living her to long. It was the same thing for her room. She only moved to Flower city a little bit before he did.

She sat on the bed and opened the drawer of the nightstand. Inside was a spare phone charger, tissues and pen. Sitting on top of those items she found a picture.

When she saw it, she remembered that last night Brax had swept something of the nightstand and into the drawer after they entered the room.

She picked it up and smiled. It was a photo of the two of the side by side when she had come over for dinner with her family. She found it cute how her husband would get embarrassed by somethings and then be completely shameless about other things.

She set the picture on the nightstand where it should be and closed the drawer. Opening up the door beneath the drawer, she looked inside.

Jenna was dumbfounded. Inside was a larger unopened box of five hundred condoms. Sitting on top was a sheet of paper that been gathering dust.

She reached to pick it up and was surprised to feel something beneath the note. Picking up the piece of paper revealed a set of furry handcuffs.

Even alone, she was completely embarrassed and wanted to go smack Brax for making her embarrassed.

She looked at the note.

[Good luck]

[-Love Marie]

[P.S. It is a team sport]

Jenna put the note back while holding back her laughter. She was sure that her husband was even more embarrassed than she was. And from the looks of it, she doubted whether or not Brax knew about the handcuffs. She would keep that to herself for now.

And she was right. Brax opened the door a single time, saw the condoms and immediately shut it, never opening it again. Besides he spent most of his nights in the capsule.

She was about to leave before she turned back and grabbed Brax's cell phone off of the nightstand. She took a guess at his password and typed in her name. She was surprised and happy when it worked.

With blushing cheeks she opened the camera, lifted her shirt and took a quick picture. She saved the picture with an inconspicuous name and buried it in an obscure file. She locked it with a password and decided she would give him a treat sometime later.

Jenna left the bedroom, hiding a smirk and went into the kitchen, passing Brax the phone he had forgotten. She was curious to see what he had been working so hard on in the kitchen. He had mentioned a few times that he never cooked but when she looked out earlier, he was moving all over the kitchen.

"You came at the perfect time, I just finished." He said, setting a meal before her. "There is instant oatmeal and fresh cut fruit with a glass of water."

"Oh my, you must have slaved away so hard to make this." She said with a chuckle.

Brax straightened his back proudly. "Anything is worth it to please my dearest wife."

"But where is yours?"



"Ah damn it. I knew something didn't feel right. I completely forgot to cook for two."

He grabbed an apple off the counter, bit into it, and sat next to her anyway.

"Here you can share with me." She said, sliding the bowl of oatmeal between them and handing over the spoon after she took a mouthful.

She saw the kitchen which had somehow become destroyed and covered with things after a single serving of instant oatmeal and some fruit were prepared. She didn't want to see what would happen if he went back in.

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