Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 351 Someone Stronger

The land of the Scaled Kingdoms was in an uproar. The reports of how the lizardkin champions died and how the army was pushed back out of the entrance drove the nearby kingdoms to action.

All scaled beasts, from lizards to newts, to other sorts of reptiles, all sent forces to Alpha Draconis, and the mine became active as it was necessary to send more metal for the creation of more weapons of war.

Platoons of lizardman and all forms of Lizardkin guarded the area. A small fort was made at the entrance of this cave, and the transportation to reach the gorge was mainly by boat.

But a small platoon of lizardmen with a strange, unknown flag arrived at the top of the gorge and used a small slope to move towards the cave.

The guards then caught sight of these armed lizardmen and lizardkins approaching. They marched in full ranks and had impressive outfits.

"Captain-level weapons... How luxurious..." One of the Lizardman Captains saw it and sighed.

"Captain? What are your orders? That flag they bear is unfamiliar to me. Is this a new faction?" Several of the lizardmen next to him asked. He was the Captain with the greatest rank in the group as he had the highest cultivation. Moreover, the mine was right in the center of the Scaled Kingdoms and feared no attacks. As such, no Champions were wasted guarding the area.

"Let me go ahead and talk to them. It must be a new faction. I'll see what they want..." The Captain moved to meet the group.

He was respectful as the one at the front was clearly Champion. And the two Champions wore impressive armor.

"What great armor! They must be very strong. What do they want with this place? The metal they mine and take here shouldn't be worth their attention..." The lizard captain sighed as he approached.

As he walked upwards to meet the group, the Captain became even more respectful as he could see that the armor had thick dark energies as if dark elements forged it.

"That must be from the Lizard Kingdom 3. It's positioned right against the Undying Lands. But why head here? And how did Lizard Kingdom 3 manage to send them so quickly towards this place?" The Captain approached.

As he approached, the Lizardmen at the very front began to whisper.

"What do we do with this one?" Gojirrah asked.

"You are asking because you sense something?" Reptilia asked back.

"He's rather skilled. Lord Hunter?" Gojirrah asked respectfully.

"You're right. I feel that he would make a great ally. Talk to him and continue marching. Befriend him and let him lead us into the fort. Once inside, we make our attack. Gojirrah. You should go ahead and do the talking. I hear that you've been with Lord Kyros and saw how his negotiation and strategies work."

"Yes, Lord Hunter."

"Ugh. I'm still not used to this." Hunter couldn't help but cringe at how Gojirrah addressed him.

"Champions. I am Captain Reptile A."

"Captain Reptile A. I am Lizard Sixty-Seven. This is Lady Claw Tail Seven. Our kingdom has called us to protect this area. The Humans have pushed back the forces in Golem City and have even left Golem Mountain. We are not sure if the portals opened were just within that region. So we are here to protect this region and patrol the area."

"I understand. It will be my honor to serve such prominent Champions." The Captain bowed.

The group moved and continued to chat as Gojirrah continued to ask the details about the groups in the area and how the river connects to the numerous kingdoms.

Soon, the group was now behind enemy lines.

"It's time! Gojirrah! Do it!" Hunter called out from the back. He looked like a lizardman in form.

At his command, the tail of Gojirrah whipped out and smacked the Captain knocking him out.

Reptilia leaped out and targeted the Captain Lizardman archers at the wall.

"Attack!" Hunter gave the command as he led the team to fight.

"For Lord Cracky Batcheeks!" The soldiers roared, and the fight began.

Several platoons of men had also arrived outside the mine and saw the fighting and raced towards it when a dark figure stood before them. The creature had dark wings, and numerous shadow creatures appeared before them.

The rushing platoons and several other witnesses saw the figure flying up in the air.


"Scaled Kingdoms! Your era is over! The darkness of the Undying Lands has come! I am Lord Cracky Batcheeks, and you shall be the first sacrifice!" The dark laughter echoed out as they felt creeping darkness rising in the air.

When they saw the figure, they could feel an intense power of blood.

"A Vampire Master?!" The soldiers shouted in fear.

Kyros dove down and began to fight the soldiers and feast on them.

But his attacks did not contain his full power as he intentionally allowed survivors to run away.

The battle in the mine was quickly known as many witnesses rushed and escaped the area in fear of being killed. However, a Vampire Master meant that he could create thralls which could create a vampire plague in the lands.

As Kyros and his men began to reveal their identities in Middle, the chaos outside of the Middle and in the Lowlands was getting more chaotic.

The orcs fought hard to defend Airom Logat, and many Champions and Commanders were called to defend the lands. Rumors of Kingdoms in the Dark Sea crossing the darkness to aid the orcs were rampant, and all human kingdoms in the Lowlands were making a mass exodus.

But as these skirmishes grew rampant, a small team had finally reached the familiar passage that led back to Airom Logat.

Martha saw the familiar passageway that led to the chamber where he fought the Thane Dragons. She lost those servants and two of the Steele family's bravest and most loyal men.

"It feels like it's been so long. But in reality, not a month has passed since we found Puff in there..." Martha sighed as she watched the path.

"Not a month in our time. But in real-time, not even a week has passed." Aron chuckled.

"But anyway, Scarlet. I hope you know what we're doing. We were supposed to go to the Bowheart Kingdom first. And yet, you insisted that we go here first. But why? I doubt that the Blood Calamity is still in this region."

"I think I understand what Scarlet intends. Airom Logat will fall soon. I can sense it. The movement of the Human kingdoms of the Midlands is altering Fate. Ever since Fate's strange, unburdening weight and curse, things have gotten clearer to me. I can feel that the Fate of people here is doomed. Lord Kyros has arranged for the Orc kingdoms to fall. But we should not forget, that our goal is to create a kingdom. Scarlet, what do you sense?" Martha asked.

"The power of Zelah is helping me harness the power of Foresight much better. Lord Kyros has his plans. But I plan to impress him all the more. Zelah's power is connected to having a desire."

"A desire?"

"To be more precise, it feels like a wish."

"A wish?"

"Yes. All I ask is two days. We stayed here for two days and helped Grugnyr before leaving for the Addorant Kingdom. Grugnyr has shown great skill in manipulating people. With that, he could create a rebellion inside this place to make its fall easier. I wish for the quickest way to complete this mission, so I can journey with Lord Kyros and end his solace with Mechiel."

"I see... If we help Grugnyr gather his orc army, they can serve under the Steele family. With the plots of Fate removed and how Steele's enemies have suddenly become allies, we have the luxury of doing this. We can name the army that Grugnyr gathers to be part of the Steele family!" Avary was now seeing through Scarlet's plan.

"Exactly! With this force, it will make our mission to acquire the Bowheart family, or even Addorant Kingdom itself, to serve us immediately! That way, we can get Lady Martha and Lord Aron to journey to the Dark Sea immediately and search for Tiamat. The Addorant kingdom can be used as a base to attack the nearby orcs' kingdom, and Grugnyr can rebuild there. The faster we're done here, the faster I can return to Lord Kyros's side." Scarlet chuckled.

"I approve of your plan, lady Scarlet. I already have a plan that can turn the orcs to ally with me. But I need powerful humans to accomplish that. And Airom Logat is a good place to start!" Grugnyr approved.

"Let's go! We need to make the collapse of Airom Logat something that can happen so fast. My wish to keep Lord Kyros and Mechiel's relationship to be without progress can only work if we clear all other pesky problems here."

The group moved out.

Scarlet paused for a bit and turned towards a specific direction.

"Come... You have to hurry. I'll make this place so mundane that you will decide to go there... Meet with Lord Kyros! Be the distraction that can hinder their relationship!" Scarlet wished in her heart.

Aron saw Scarlet's gaze and turned as well.

"Wow. You sense it too."

Scarlet was curious as she turned to Aron.

"Someone strong is coming here. And this person is stronger than the current me..." Aron laughed.

Scarlet was startled as she heard it.

"Stronger than you, Lord Aron?"

"Yes. Definitely." Aron moved ahead as Scarlet fell lost in her thoughts. She couldn't understand. Who was this that she had led to Kyros?

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