Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 352 Someone Who Can Grant Her Wish

Two days had passed, and the chaos in the Lowlands continued to rage.

The war against the orcs made them forcibly ally themselves with the many Kingdoms in the Dark Sea. With the accusations of the orcs allying with the Eldrich revealed, all of the Lowlands began to search for more traitors, and many mercenaries, bandit groups, and other groups who were constantly traveling in the Lowlands were unveiled to be creating treacheries.

The reports forced many Viscount and even Earl families to be investigated, and some were unveiled to be traitors as their deals were made with vampires, orcs, and even goblin kingdoms on the coasts of the Lowlands that led to the Dark Sea.

Amid these traitorous discoveries, the Orc kingdoms were being blamed, and it finally caused all humankind and their allies to target the Orcs.

The Dark Elves, Vampire groups, and other more dark dependent races allied with the orcs as the treachery immediately created discrimination. It led to skirmishes and battles as those who were enemies of these races urged nearby kingdoms to attack with numerous accusations.

In the massacre, a few were uncovered to be true, had secret dealings with Necromancers, and were in charge of secret trade rings. This urged the discrimination to become full-on slaughter the very next days.

The chaos in the Lowlands raged so much that orc kingdoms and dark dependent groups were forced to ally with the kingdoms in the Dark Sea and took on the role of being antagonistic and had no choice but to wage war.

And the shocking news was that the Midlands had vowed to support the Lowlands. The Lowlands held the weakest of those who were dependent on the light. And their resources would greatly help humankind fight. And this war was not just a simple battle to protect the Lowlands. It was expected that the war would spill over and rage across the Dark Sea.

The Dark Sea, like the Lowlands, held the weakest breed of Dark Dependent beings. It was at the edge where the unending darkness ceased and Light would shine to purge. But now, the Midlands, who had more light, would be moving to assist the Lowlands to conquer the Dark Seas.

All Human Kingdoms were forced to fight. They could not refuse the orders given by the Princess of the Highlands. The Dwarven kingdoms were once more given an opportunity to prove their mettle and craft their metals in support of the human kingdoms.

The orc kingdoms on the higher regions of the Lowlands were attacked, and siege attacks from many kingdoms surrounded it. As a result, many were forced to servitude, and some of the larger kingdoms were forced to retreat and abandon their fortresses to preserve their armies and defend in a better fort.

This was all according to their plans of Kyros.

Kyros had seen the future and knew that while there were some innocent groups, these innocent groups still supported the war in the end as they were spared and were enlisted into the army.

In the end, there were no innocent groups. And so the plot planted so long ago was now in motion. But while the strong and unstoppable forces of the Eldrich have yet to reach its shores, Kyros has managed to greatly alter the future and make the humans deal the first blow.

In Kyros's future, the Lowland kingdoms easily fell as the Eldrich secretly supported the Orcs. But now, this unripe and even untrue preparation led these future enemies to be attacked and greatly weakened.

During the two days, the region of Airom was not spared. A revolution of Orcs that wished to ally with the humans began. The Steele family was once more at the center. Many witnesses have already seen how the Steele family had orcs serving them. But strangely, even though this was reason enough to accuse the Steele family of collaboration, many enemies of the Steele family rose to defend Mezal and his family!

Even on the lips of their enemies and those who hated them, the Steele family's name was regarded with praise, and Mezal Steele was heralded as a hero.

A human Commander reached the top of the steps and saw several orcs waiting.

"You must be the recruits of the Steele family?" The Commander frowned.

"Yes. Commander, we were expecting you. Lord Aron will give the briefing. He has many tasks ahead and will leave the conquering of Airom to you. We have here a detailed map of the entire region and the locations to mine ores and weapons."

"I keep insisting that the Steele family is scheming a trap. Their honey-tongued lips are all lies. Yet I cannot fathom what advantage we gain for having this mountain." The Commander walked ahead and made hostile bumps against the orcs, who did not resist.

"Commander. Don't disrespect my men. They have nothing to do with this. They hate the orcs in this place. It killed their entire kingdom." A casual laugh was heard.

Aron was lying down atop a rock with a small stick in his hands.

"Hm... True Cut. I think I'm beginning to grasp more of the concept now. It's no longer just my genius body being able to display it naturally. But I now understand why I can display it. Boy, it's easy to meditate when you're not pressed to train as you would die the next day." Aron chuckled. He continued to immerse himself in the memories of his training and even in the concepts of cut taught in the Library of Light.

"These curses are the best! Had it not been for these hindering chains that weaken my force, I would still be a prodigy who can't get why I can do this. But now that I am no longer a prodigy, I can understand why I was a prodigy and how I did it..." Aron was very happy with himself.

"I wonder..." Aron glanced at the Commander, curious at his sword's level.

"Aron Steele. I've heard that your brother is quite strong. Was it all a trick? Was he always playing possum and allowing you to overshadow him? Your arrogance irritates me. I will not hold your actions in contempt before a superior officer. The whole Lowlands are at war. So you, a Viscount, will naturally follow the chain of commands!" The Commander ordered.

"I'm not a viscount. I'm an Earl. And the chain of command is that the stronger obeys, the weaker. So I'm not going to obey you."

"Are you implying that I am weak?" The Commander glared.

"Of course not, Commander. I am implying that I am strong." Aron smirked.

"Arrest him!" The Commander ordered, and many Champions began to march.

But Aron didn't move.

"Are you going to use that stick to cut them?" Scarlet asked. She was seated on the other side of the rock and dared not show herself as it would cause too much trouble.

"Hmm... That sounds too cliche. I bet the readers are expecting that."


"Oh, Sorry. I am Steel. I am not just a person who can Sever. I AM Sever. So I can cut through the walls of this world. In any case, help me out here."

"You want me to help you fight, Lord Aron?"

"Well, yeah. But I just need your Foresight. Have you heard of the phrase, words cut deeper than blades? I'm curious. Can my cut wound them on an emotional level?"

"You want me to use Foresight to speak their secrets?"

"Yes! You're trying to improve Foresight and this Wish thingy you have, right? This will be good training for you!"

"As you wish, Lord Aron. I think I can do that."

The Champions moved in front of the large stone.

"Get down here, Aron Steele!" A mighty knight ordered.

Aron heard Scarlet's words of wisdom.

"You will never overcome your brother. They will always make your family proud, and they won't ever love you." Aron rebuked.

The shocking statement was imbued with a powerful force. Hyperion Steel had severed all creation through his sword and his Words of Power. And Aron was learning to harness a very, very minuscule percentage of that power.

The knight trembled and fell to his knees.

"Lies... It... It can't be!"

The scene shocked those nearby. With a word, a Champion fell to his knees.

"Oh? So it can be done! Interesting! I guess I now have powers similar to Soul attacks..." Aron laughed.

"Soul attack?! Be careful! Aron is someone that can attack your soul! Those with weak mental states move back!" One of the other Champions declared and brandished his shield.

"No matter how big your shield is, she will like those with long spears. Give up." Aron spoke.

"Y-You...! Y-ou demon!"

"She probably already cheated on you..." Aron shrugged.

"N-no...!" The Champion wept, and a great rage controlled him.

HE stood up and turned to the side, facing a Champion Lancer.

"You! I'll kill you!" The Champion raged, and he suddenly charged and tackled the Champion Lancer nearby.


"This is too easy." Aron chuckled.

The Commander was shocked at the sight.

Aron began to say a series of strange words.

"You! You won't ever satisfy that anger. Your family is dead, and you have to stop running away from that. Face it, accept it. The earlier you accept it, the easier it is to live a better life. They would want you to be happy. And you! The failures of your men were never theirs but yours! You are just a coward who likes to blame others for your fault! Your lady died because you were too weak and too stubborn! Your pride made the orcs attack you! She would still be dead if you had just paid the right price to that orc merchant!"

Instantly, the two Champions also reacted. One fell in silence and looked as if he had peace, while another fell into a great, paralyzing depression.

The Commander drew his weapon and was about to attack.

"Stop!" An alluring voice called at the back.

"Finally." Scarlet smiled.

"Hmm? You know her?" Aron was confused.

A beautiful knight clad in bright white moved forward.

"What an interesting Soul Attack. I can't sense anything other than your voice in it. What power is this?" The woman asked.

Suddenly, Scarlet appeared to the side.

"It's you! You're here! Someone who can grant my wish!" Scarlet smiled as the power of Wish began to fade.

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