Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 350 Showing Ourselves In Middle

Alpha Draconis was situated in the very central region of the Flat Earth planet called Middle.

To the far north of this planet, and extending all the way to the East was the Undying Lands.

A tall man with a large bone sword sat down.

He was one of the rare classes that mixed Necromancy and Necroforce. This particular job class used both Magic and Force, which focused primarily on using dark and death powers.

The Death Knight Necron Sivanetes grasped the crystal ball that was placed on top of a pool of blood.

Through a dark ritual, he called on the souls that wandered in the Middle. The sudden deaths of Champions that created a ripple within the weight of Middle made him curious, and Sivanetes sent out his spies to observe the center of Middle.

There the reports of a human Kingdom emerging from Golem City. The Golem City was now clearly a place where humans had managed to reach through a possible portal.

"How goes the defenses of the Scaled Kingdoms?" Necron asked a Death Knight nearby.

"Of the three kingdoms, two have sent out an army. Unfortunately, the death of the Champions you sensed was more than we expected. The Scaled Kingdoms now have a problem as the Golem City has revealed more treacherous foes. Aside from the Celestial Golem, they now face a human army."

"That is indeed a problem. But this also means we have the chance to attack that region. We still have to locate the Okto-Khefali. He is inside there for sure. How goes that soul seed? You claim that a powerful soul has entered it?"

"Necromancer Edith will update you, my liege." The Death Knight bowed, and another stepped forward.

"My Lord. We have found an interesting soul. It seems to have come from the portal that might have opened in Golem City. This soul has a very powerful dark energy. Its potential surpasses even our princess! Only the dark lords of our worlds could contend with this being!" The Necromancer reported.

"What?! It's that strong?"

"Shall I kill it? We still have time!"

"Kill it?! Are you insane?! Do I dare bare fangs at my princes? Do I dare bare fangs at my king? If I kill it, it will have the power to revive! And we will receive its wrath!"

"Very good." A chuckle was heard, and everyone froze.

A beautiful woman with a sharp, sickle-like tail stood nearby. She had dark wings slowly growing at her back and a dark, tight attire that wrapped around her, displaying her seductive form. The dark attire also revealed much of her beautiful skin that gave a faint light as if it was moonshine.

"A Grendelor!" The Nercon was shocked.

"Greetings. You must be the leader of this kingdom. I must say, despite your lack of resources, you have both talent and potential to grow." The woman smiled.

"Who are you?"

"I am here to search for answers as well. Destiny or Fate led me here. I can see that I am no longer in my world. What is this place? Is there a name?" The woman asked as she took several steps closer.

At that moment, everyone could feel her power. It eclipsed that of the Necron.

The Dark Knights and Necromancers around the room were the strongest in the realm. But they knew they would die if they tried to fight back. The Necromancers could even feel some of their peers' life and death essence.

"You... How many Champions did you kill?!" Sivanetes demanded.

"Quite a few. I was hungry. What can I say? Although one of them seemed rather happy at the thought that I would sink my fangs on his face." The woman laughed.

Sivanetes drew his sword.

"Please. I don't want to fight you. That Celestial Golem in that city... I felt his power. He's nearly strong as my old man! I need help and have no plans of killing more. Serve me. All of you."

"And what purpose have you come here for, Grendelor? I serve my kingdom and have my duties."

"Then pursue it. I feel that my purpose here is not in this world. We still have our world to conquer. But what I am after is a man..."

"A man?"

"Yes. Cracky Batcheeks."

"Cracky Batcheeks?" The undead group was confused at the name.

"It's a strange name, but he is the one I am seeking. He is a mysterious being that even the Gods and Fallen seek out. Have there been reports of this man? He could be somewhere within the region where that Golem King was. My soul only passed by, but I could not seek out this man in that wounded state. But I'm sure he should be on this planet."

The group glanced at each other.

"I am sorry, my lady. But our information about that area is scarce. It belongs to a huge kingdom of all lizardkins and reptilian kin. The Scaled Lands is a place you'd have to conquer first to explore."

"Hmmm... Then I guess we'll try sending spies then. If you don't mind, I wish to be the leader of this kingdom. As Dark Dependents, I'm sure you follow the Code of Strength. Besides, once I find him, I'll leave. Aren't you happy that you have someone as strong as me?" The woman smiled.

Sivanetes glanced at the rest, and the Death Knights and Necromancers all nodded. The woman was just too powerful! She could have easily killed and devoured them but chose to ask for an alliance. They knew that the Champions she ate were only to rebuild her body.

"The kingdom is yours to command. But keep in mind, this kingdom has its mission, and we all have our lords."

"It won't be a problem. I'm sure our interests will all be the same. I'm just going to go after that man. But in doing so, we will need to conquer the Scaled Kingdoms. Or why not this entire planet? It's not that big, anyway. As long as I can get some benefits once we completely conquer this, I won't mind." The woman chuckled.

"Agreed. May I know your name, my Lady?"

"Yes. I am Lea Olethros. Princess to the Dark Kingdom in another world." The woman introduced.

"Death Knight Necron, Sivanetes.

As that was happening, the movement within Middle was even more intense.

The appearance of humans had created a huge change in the Middle.

A few kilometers from where Gojirrah built his hideout was a wide gorge with a large entrance to the cave. This was one of the mines within the land which the Alpha Draconis used to harvest several precious metals ores.

It was rather busy, and several groups were moving to get the next haul as the Alpha Draconis had declared war on the Golem City. But reports of their defeat and how the humans were even able to push back the army out of the entire area happened.

Kyros stood and watched from afar.

"It seems they're rather busy."

"The Goblin Kingdom to the West and South regions and the Undying Lands on the North and east must have sensed it. The Undying Lands can sense the weight and power of the lands. The death of the Champions would have drawn their attention." Gojirrah reported.

"And, the goblins would have spies all over the underground regions. It's not surprising that the leaders of those two kingdoms would know of what is transpiring in Middle." Reptilia answered.

"More work for Hunter. In any case, showing ourselves in the Middle will surely draw out many enemies. Hunter, Aunt Reptilia, and Gojirrah... You have heard from my father and mother about the Path of Molding. You have to improve it here. Now is the best place to do it. Let the name of Cracky Batcheeks echo out through you and your superb commands!" Kyros smiled.

"Yes, Lord Kyros!" The three answered together.

"Husband. Since Lord Kyros names you king, you should lead them." Reptilia smiled at Hunter, who nodded.

"Crackheads! Move out!" Hunter gave the command, and the small team of lizardmen and lizardkins rushed out.

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