A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 696 Draconia's First Battle (2)

Chapter 696 Draconia's First Battle (2)

After Archer's threat, the Novgorod riders returned to their army while he did the same, followed by the excited Sera and Hemera, who kept looking around, wondering how he would win.

Once they arrived at the platform, Archer collapsed into his chair as the others sat down to get comfortable; he pulled out some chocolate and started eating as the enemy marched forward.

But he decided he wanted a better view of the battle. With a charming smile, he turned to the girls and remarked, "I'll return shortly."

Talila quickly answered, ''Where are you going, Arch?''

''I want to take command of my soldiers,'' Archer answered.

With those words, he took flight toward the First Legion, which was stationed atop a small hill with a view of the grassy plain below. Archer surveyed the distant landscape, noting the cluster of towns and cities.

He guessed it was the stronghold from which the Novgorod army originated. However, he waited to deal with it until after the battle and turned his gaze to the wave of magic attacks approaching the center of his army.

The Guardians swiftly stepped forward, forming a shield that enveloped the soldiers and effectively blocked the incoming spells. Archer smiled when he saw this but started speaking to the soldiers, ''My soldiers! This is our first test against a real army! Listen to your commanders and watch your fellow soldier's backs.''

As the soldiers gathered stood in formation, anticipation crackling in the air like a charged storm. Archer descended in front of them, his face a mixture of determination. He cleared his throat, his gaze sweeping over his soldier's faces, their eyes reflecting a blend of uncertainty and resolve.

"Alright, everyone," Archer began. "I'm not the best at these speech things, but hear me out." He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "We're up against the Novgorodians. They're big, they're dangerous, but you know what? You've trained for this. You've bled together, and by the spirits, we will win!"

The soldiers began to nod, some exchanging glances, others gripping their weapons tighter. Archer's resolve solidified as he continued, his voice growing stronger with each word. "So, when those Novgorodians come at us with all they've got, remember why you're here. Remember who you're fighting for—your families, for the kingdom, and each other!"

With a rallying cry, the soldiers erupted into cheers, their spirits lifted by Archer's heartfelt words. He had ignited a fire within them, a bright flame against the darkness of uncertainty. As they prepared to face the Novgorodian army, their hearts beat as one, united in their shared purpose and unshakeable belief in victory.

Just after he spoke, they heard the enemy's war horns. Then they witnessed some enemy cavalry appear from the right flank and charge toward the Dragonblood Knights on the left, but Marshall Lucian instantly reacted and started to charge to intercept them.

The clash was inevitable, Lucian's heart pounding as the two forces collided, the sound of metal clashing and battle cries filling the air. His sword flashed as he fought alongside his knights, each blow striking with deadly accuracy.

Amidst the chaos, Archer scanned the scene with keen eyes. His brow furrowed as he noticed the main force of the Novgorodians charging straight for their center, a tide of enemy soldiers threatening to overwhelm them.

"Brace, Drakeguards! Stand firm, my soldiers," Archer's voice cut through the chaos, commanding attention even amid the battle's din. "Hold the line until I tell you to fall back!"

His words rallied the Drakeguards, their determination renewed as they formed a solid wall of shields and spears, ready to meet the impending onslaught. With a fierce battle cry, they braced themselves, their resolve unwavering in the face of the approaching enemy.

Seconds later, the main Novgorod center slammed into the Drakeguards, pushing them back, but they continued to fight bravely. Archer watched as his light infantry took the brunt of the attack and managed to stand firm, but they were being pushed back while the Dragonblood Knights quickly cut the enemy down.

Observing his center giving way, Archer recognized the opportunity to use a tactic inspired by the famous general Hannibal Barca from Earth. He commanded, "Drakeguards, fall back immediately!"

As the soldiers began to retreat, creating a gap for more Novgorodians to enter his trap unwittingly, Archer bellowed, "Dragonblood Knights and Dragon Legionnaires, strike the flanks and encircle them!"

They surged forward like a relentless tide, their blades flashing in the sunlight as they cut through the ranks of enemy soldiers with unmatched ferocity. With each swing of their swords and each clash of their shields, they left a trail of destruction in their wake.

Amidst the chaos, Archer's keen eyes caught sight of Lucian and his Drakelord Knights. Their charge was unstoppable as they tore through the Novgorodian cavalry with devastating force. He watched with pride as Lucian circled and slammed into the enemy's rear, effectively cutting off their retreat and sealing their fate.

That's when he realized it was time to spring his trap, "Drakeguards, charge!" his voice boomed across the battlefield as he saw this, his command igniting his soldier's fighting spirit.

With a thunderous roar, the soldiers turned around and surged forward, their shields forming an impenetrable wall as they crashed into the Novgorodian force's flanks. The impact was devastating.

The Novgorodians were caught between the relentless onslaught of the Dragonblood Knights, Dragon Legionnaires, and the fierce charge of the Drakeguards. Their lines crumbled, their formations shattered, as Archer's forces pressed forward with unwavering resolve.

Archer saw an opportunity and seized the moment. "Drakewings, raid the enemy camp and kill all the fleeing soldiers!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the battle's noise.

With precision and skill, the Drakewing Outriders raced toward the enemy camp, their blades gleaming in the sunlight as they cut down any soldiers who dared to flee. In a whirlwind of chaos and carnage, they struck fear into their enemy's hearts, leaving no survivors.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the distance, Archer stood tall amidst the wreckage of war, his eyes ablaze with triumph. Thanks to the courage of his brave warriors, the day was won, and the Novgorodian threat had been defeated for now.

Archer ordered his cavalry to chase down any survivors while the soldiers started building crosses for the dead and putting them around the island like a ring. After giving out his orders, he returned to the platform, where the girls watched him with wide eyes.

Maeve was the first to ask, ''What was that? I didn't know you were familiar with war. '' She looked around at the others, who shrugged before returning her gaze to Archer. ''What tactics did you use?''

He smiled, ''It's called the Double Envelopement. I put my light infantry in the center to absorb the brunt of the enemy attack, which pushed them inward, allowing the Dragonblook Knights to envelop them.'' He pointed at the Marshel,''Thanks to Marshal Lucian, who hit their rear as the enemy got scared and started to route so we could win quickly.''

The girls nodded, but Aurelia commented, ''But they are one of the strongest empires on Thrylos. How could your newly established army defeat them?''

Archer laughed but answered honestly, ''My soldiers have been constantly training for years. I have three full Legions to call upon, but I choose to use the First Legion as the other two are building infrastructure throughout the kingdom.''

After speaking, Elara approached before kneeling and said, ''Your Majesty. The Healers are overwhelmed. Do any of the queens know healing magic?''

Ella, Hemera, Aurelia, Leira, and Llyniel jumped up and followed Elara to help the soldiers while the others waited.

Maeve asked with a hint of suspicion, ''What do you plan to do with these armies of yours?''

Archer remained silent but opened a portal to the domain, calling for the Tressyms with a soft murmur. The flying cats materialized with gentle meows. Approaching him, the leader received a tender caress as Archer instructed.

"Return to the Novgorod Empire," he commanded his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of mischief, "Gather intelligence, steal anything valuable, and sow seeds of chaos. You are in charge and free to return to the domain whenever you have information to share with me."

The Tressyms nodded in agreement and gathered around Archer, seeking affectionate pets before disappearing into the night sky. As they disappeared, he shifted his attention to Maeve, his expression serious.

"Maeve, chaos is on the horizon," he said, his voice tinged with urgency. "I intend to prepare for it. You're welcome to stand by my side, but should things take a turn for the worse, I urge you to bring your family here for safety."

She nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. "Thank you, Archer. I'll keep that in mind. We'll stand with you, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead."

Archer smiled before Elara approached him and knelt alongside Lucian. When seeing this, he spoke, ''How many did we lose?''

Elara quickly answered, ''Just over a hundred soldiers, Your Majesty.''

He nodded before retrieving a pouch brimming with gold coins from his Item Box and tossed it to Elara, who caught it with a mixture of surprise and confusion evident on her face, "What is this for?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity as she examined the weighty pouch in her hands.

"Give two gold to each fallen soldier's family and tell them it's from me," he answered solemnly, his gaze unwavering as he issued his instructions. "Now, conquer this island for me. Once you do that, I'll have some of the Second Legion come over and guard the land."

With a determined nod, Elara accepted the task, understanding the weight of the responsibility placed upon her shoulders.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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