A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 695 Draconia’s First Battle

Chapter 695 Draconia's First Battle

Archer returned to his humanoid form and felt his Regeneration work a bit better, but not by much. He turned to Elara and declared, ''We are taking this island for our kingdom. Conquer it for me, my general, and you shall be rewarded.''

The redhead bowed her head before preparing the soldiers. Lucian Nightshade appeared leading the Drakelord Knights. He jumped off the horse-like beast and knelt toward Archer, ''What are your orders, My King?''

''Kill everyone who doesn't surrender, and capture every city and fortress on the island. I have a purpose for the four islands surrounding Draconia, and this is the first one,'' Archer said as he created a chair out of Mana Manipulation.

But that's all he could do, as using his mana hurt him due to his wounds. He concluded that the cannons had something in them that affected mana. After saying that, even more soldiers from the First Legion appeared and got ready to charge as Elara led the charge.

Archer's gaze fixed on the spectacle unfolding. His soldiers, a sea of armored figures, charged across the grassland toward the fort that had been firing upon them relentlessly. The air was tense as arrows whistled and mana blasts thundered across the battlefield.

As the soldiers surged forward, undeterred by the onslaught, Archer's chest swelled with pride. He watched with admiration as his warriors displayed unwavering courage in the face of danger.

The fort's cannons roared, sending waves of Mana Blasts into the sky as they tried to slow his army's advance. Yet for every soldier who fell to the ground, three more stepped forward to take their place, their will unyielding.

Archer's heart pounded with anticipation as he witnessed his soldier's relentless advance toward the pirate fort. They moved with a single purpose, fueled by loyalty and the promise of victory.

The enemy's attacks intensified as they reached the base of the fort's towering walls. Arrows flew from the ramparts, hitting many of Archer's soldiers. Yet, still, they pressed on, driven by a fierce resolve to overcome everything in their path.

At the forefront of the assault, Elara emerged as a whirlwind of death and destruction. With agility and grace, she leaped and climbed like an agile predator, scaling the fortress walls with unmatched skill.

Archer's breath caught as he watched Elara's brave ascent. She moved with the precision of a seasoned warrior, dispatching pirates with swift and deadly sword strikes, cutting them down with ease.

With each foe she defeated, the path to victory grew clearer. He watched as she cut down men in the dozens as the other Dragon Legionnaires climbed the wall and started butchering the soldiers while securing the fort.

As they were doing that, Archer heard Hemera's, ''Are you okay, husband? You took those Mana Blasts directly, which should have killed you, but it looks like it disrupted your mana heart,'' She said before checking him out.

Archer nodded, his gaze still fixed on the ongoing battle. "I'll be fine," he replied, his voice strained with pain. "But we need to secure this island first."

Hemera's concern was evident in her eyes as she examined him. "You shouldn't push yourself too hard, my love,"

''I'm already healing, and I can feel my mana returning to normal, but it will take some time,'' as he spoke, he noticed a large dust cloud heading their way.

He narrowed his eyes and saw some strange-looking cavalry that seemed to be Granitehorn's, which looked like bigger rhinos but much faster. Archer turned to Lucian and ordered as he pointed at the incoming soldiers, ''Marshal! Take them out now!''

Lucian turned his gaze towards Archer, who was pointing at the incoming enemy. He then bowed to Archer and declared, "Yes, Your Majesty! We will show them what the Drakelords can do!"

The Marshal rallied his cohort and charged at the Granitehorn's. That's when he heard Hemera mumble, ''Why are the Novgorod Empire here?''

Archer directed his gaze towards her and asked curiously, "How do you recognize them? Hemi"

The sun elf explained, "Their use of Granitehorns is distinctive, these creatures are native to Vardentia, and the Novgorodians are known to tame them for warfare."

He nodded and turned back to his cavalry, which were charging at the enemy. They watched from a vantage point overlooking the battlefield, and the tension in the air was palpable. Below them, the Drakelord Knights were closing in on the Granitehorns.

'They do appear impressive. Fortunately, Sagana discovered those dwarven blacksmiths years ago,' Archer mused.

Their swords gleamed in the sunlight as they prepared for battle. Archer's keen eyes caught Lucian's motion, and he saw the signal. That's when the Drakelord Knights dove and dodged, maneuvering around the massive beasts with incredible agility.

They engaged the riders in a fierce melee, their swords clashing against the enemy's weapons in a flurry of steel. But even as the Drakelord Knights fought skillfully and ferocity, Archer's gaze shifted beyond the immediate conflict.

In the distance, a large army was marching toward them, the Novgorod banners fluttering in the wind. With a steely determination, Archer made a decision. "Elara! Form up the legion!" he called out, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "Drakeguards in the center, with the Dragonblood Knights on the wings! Do it now!"

Elara wasted no time, immediately relaying Archer's commands to the troops below. With precision and discipline, the soldiers began reorganizing, forming into their designated positions with practiced efficiency.

The Drakeguards, clad in their formidable armor, took their place at the center of the formation, ready to withstand the brunt of the enemy's assault. Meanwhile, the Dragon Legionnaires spread out on the wings, their dragon-inspired weaponry glinting in the sunlight as they prepared to unleash their fury upon the approaching enemy.

Archer felt a surge of pride and confidence as the soldiers fell into formation. Despite the enemy army's looming threat, he knew his soldiers were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

He recalled the individuals who had assisted him, 'got to thank Mohamet and the other generals,' he acknowledged, grateful for their support.

Elara ran up to him, followed by her command staff, as Hemera asked, ''Arch! Why have you put the less armored men in the center? The Novgorodians will slam right into them!''

Archer didn't answer as he screamed out more orders, ''Legionnaires, form up behind the Dragonblood Knights and be ready to move on my command!''

The soldiers thumped their shields in response as the Drakelords Knights broke off from the Granitehorns after the enemy retreated to the incoming army. When Archer saw this, he shouted at Lucian, ''Take your men and ride a mile behind us, circle to the left, wait for my roar, then charge in!''

The older man nodded before rushing off. Once he was gone, Elara commented, ''How come you have the heavy infantry on the wings, Your Majesty? They should be in the center like every army.''

''Don't worry. You will see. Now order the Guardians to form behind the battlelines and prepare to protect our soldiers from magic attacks,'' Archer answered as the Frostwinter breeze hit his face.

Elara turned around and spoke to a man, ''Theodore, form up! Protect our soldiers from the Novgorod mages.''

''Yes general,'' the man saluted

'Facing a professional army with my new one will be challenging, but I want to see how they do,' he thought before the girls messaged him.

"Can we join you? Maeve, Aurelia, Aeris, and Eveline want to come," Teuila's voice came through the bracelet.

"Still in our seats?" Archer replied.

Teuila nodded in confirmation, giving Archer the go-ahead to open a Gate. Moments later, thirteen girls emerged from the portal, their smiles widening as they looked at him. Each one greeted him warmly, with kisses from most of them, while Maeve, Aurelia, and Eveline opted for hugs.

Aeris smiled at him, causing Archer to speak, ''I will talk to you after the battle. Now sit and enjoy as my army smashed the Novgorodians.''

When the girls heard this, they were all shocked, but their attention quickly shifted to the sight of the army just ten meters away. Ella couldn't help but comment, "What are you doing, Arch?"

Before he could respond, Kassandra stepped in, her voice filled with urgency, "We were dealing with pirates attacking the kingdom. Then, the Novgorodian warships ambushed us, injuring our husband with mana cannons."

They all looked concerned, but Archer responded, ''Just watch, ladies and enjoy.''

He cast Mana Manipulation and created a platform under them so they could overlook the battle, which caused Maeve to ask, ''What's with this formation?''

As Archer scrutinized the enemy force, Hemera provided context to the group. She explained their situation as he watched the opposing army, which had halted roughly thirty meters away.

In a sudden turn of events, Archer saw a group of horseback riders rapidly approaching their position. Reacting swiftly, he leaped to his feet and summoned his wings before soaring towards them, with Hemera and Sera trailing closely behind.

Descending gracefully, the trio landed in the heart of what would soon become the battlefield. The approaching riders came to a halt, and the foremost among them, speaking with a peculiar accent that Archer identified as Russian, demanded, "Who are you? You're invading the Empire of Novgorod's territory. If you surrender now, we will be merciful."

Archer chuckled before speaking, ''You're on my land, human. Drop your weapons and join my side, or you will all die.''

The man started laughing as he replied, ''So be it. I will crush your army and take your island, Draconian King. Don't think we don't know who you are.''

"Quiet, human. You may recognize me; if so, you know I can end you where you stand. But I'll save that pleasure for later. After your demise, I'll crucify your body and those of your soldiers so they circle the island as a warning.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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