A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 697 Bosslady

Chapter 697 Bosslady

Shortly after giving Elara his orders, Archer laughed at their shocked expressions before smiling, ''What?''

Talila commented with a curious expression, ''Honestly, that was amazing, Arch. I didn't know you were a skilled general.''

He nodded before answering honestly, ''Well, I've picked up a few things over the years.''

'Fortunately, my experience playing Total War back on Earth allows me to apply tactics from there,' he reflected inwardly as he remembered the battle.

Afterward, the five girls who went to help the healers reappeared, allowing them all to return to the domain to relax.

As they stepped through the portal, Ella handed him a Memory Stone and explained, ''This has all the girl's fights recorded, including Maeve's, Aurelia's, and Aeris's. They were disappointed you missed their fights, but I told them I documented it, which excited them.''

''Shut up, Ella! You weren't meant to tell him that,'' Aurelia complained, but Archer knew it was just embarrassment as he spotted her smile and the blush creep up her slender neck.

With everyone settled in the treehouse, Archer sat down and relaxed at the back of the living room, which was nice and warm. The heat from the fire washed over him, causing him to grow comfortable.

He sent mana into the Memory Stone Ella gave him and started watching the fights, which amazed him. All the girls were skilled fighters, using melee and magic combat. Maeve beat her opponent using her sword skills, while Aurelia used her water magic thanks to being a mermaid.

Their victories, achieved through skills or magic, didn't surprise Archer, considering how powerful they were for their ages. After spending an hour watching the fights, he got comfortable, thanks to the serene atmosphere that surrounded him.

He noticed the girls chatting among themselves. Teuila, Talila, Nala, Kassandra, Eveline, and Maeve engaged in a lively discussion about combat techniques, sharing insights and strategies.

Meanwhile, Leira, Hemera, Sera, Nefertiti, and Aurelia discussed magic and theories. Lastly, Ella, Halime, Llyniel, and Aeris worked together to prepare a lavish feast for the group.

Their skills promised a delightful dinner for all. Archer was on the verge of falling asleep when a sudden recollection jolted him awake. The Memory Stone Ophelia had given him contained Valkyria Blackwood's discovery of the Unknown Continent.

He reached for it, preparing to infuse it with mana, but then saw Ella approaching, causing him to pause, "Here, Arch. Try this. Aeris made this tea for you," she said, her smile warming the room.

''Thank you, El,'' he said while reaching for the cup. ''I'm going to watch the Memory Stone that the headmistress gave me, so let me know when dinner is done.''

Ella smiled, ''Of course. I'll tell the others what you're doing so they won't bother you.''

Archer leaned in, gently taking her delicate hand before drawing her closer for a kiss. Ella responded by wrapping her arms around his chest, reciprocating the embrace. After their lips parted, she retreated to the kitchen with a love-filled smile.

Once she was gone, he reclined against the cushioned seat in the cozy treehouse, holding the cup of tea. It smelled of herbs, and something sweet but spicy teasingly tamed his senses.

He took a sip, expecting the familiar taste of herbal tea, but what greeted him was far beyond his expectations. Different flavors danced on his palate as the warm liquid trickled down his throat.

It felt like a mix of sweet honey, bitter herbs, tangy citrus, and spices, with a touch of warmth. Each sip revealed different tastes, which fascinated him. Archer's eyes widened in surprise, his taste buds tingling with delight.

He drank some more, savoring the flavors that danced on his tongue. He liked them, and he would tell Aeris when he saw him. After finishing the tea, he sent some mana into the Memory Stone and dived into it while waiting for dinner to witness the Unknown Continent.


[Valkyria Blackwood's POV]

Meanwhile, a week has passed since they set sail, and it's been nothing short of chaos. Pirates have constantly attacked the Frontier Fleet. Despite the Admiral's repeated victories, they persistently continue their assaults, much to Valkyria's annoyance.

As she stepped onto her room's balcony, the salty breeze whipped through her purple hair, carrying the distant roar of cannons and the crackle of mana. She gazed at the tumultuous sea with waves as high as some city walls.

She watched the Avalon's Wrath unleash its firepower. With thunderous booms, their battleship's mana cannons erupted, sending bolts of crackling energy hurtling toward the oncoming pirate ships.

As the enemy retaliated, their blasts collided with the battleship's shield, causing the projectiles to ricochet harmlessly away. Without hesitation, the ship veered to the left, setting its sights on another pirate vessel rapidly approaching.

The air crackled chaotic mana as the cannons found their targets with deadly precision, engulfing the pirate vessels in brilliant explosions of light and smoke. Valkyria's heart pounded with adrenaline as she witnessed their ship in action.

With each blast of the cannons, the pirate ships exploded and sank beneath the churning waves. Valkyria was awed as she witnessed the battleship's sheer power and its skilled crew.

After the battle, no more pirate ships appeared, causing Valkyria to sigh in relief. She then looked out to sea, where the weather seemed to worsen. Returning inside, she made her way to her team members.

The sailors were rushing around cleaning the cannons while bringing more mana shells out of storage. She passed by the Galley and saw hundreds of men and women sitting around eating while others were still at home.

Soon, she reached the door leading to the hall. The six women's rooms were out, and they were all asleep when she checked on them. Due to the cold weather, the three women were cuddled under the covers when she opened Nia's door, making her laugh.

When she closed the door, she heard a voice behind her, ''What are you doing, Bosslady?''

Valkyria turned around to see the brown-haired dwarf who was in their tank yawning as she stretched. She smiled before replying, ''I was checking up on the team. More pirates appeared.''

''Again?'' Thora questioned as she put on a cloak and wrapped it around herself.

''Yes, but the Admiral destroyed them. I was heading for the bridge. Do you want to come, Shorty?''

She watched Thora's face go red before she exploded, ''Stop calling me that Bosslady! I'm a dwarf!''

Valkyria chuckled as the two made their way toward the bridge. Upon arrival, she saw Vice Admiral Sasha Silverwood standing at the helm, overseeing the ship's operations. At the same time, Vera engaged in conversation with some sailors clustered around a machine emitting curious sounds.

As they entered, Sasha looked at the two and nodded before Vera smiled, ''We're a week away from the Unknown Continent. When we arrive, your group will go ashore with the Marines while we build a fort on the coast.''

''Sounds good, Vera. I will return to my time and prepare them,'' she answered.

Afterward, a week passed by so quickly that it shocked them, and now Valkyria was standing on the deck looking into a mist-

covered jungle that stood fifty meters from the AIN Avalon's Wrath.

Her gaze swept over the dense canopy of towering trees that seemed to stretch endlessly, their dark silhouettes veiled in an eerie mist that obscured the large mountains in the distance.

It creeped Valkyria out as she felt like something was watching the fleet from the darkness beyond the treeline. The atmosphere was heavy with foreboding, and Valkyria couldn't shake the unease in her stomach.

She knew that in that jungle lay untold dangers, mysteries waiting to be uncovered, and perhaps even darker secrets hidden within the unknown depths. However, amidst the shadowy expanse, a glimmer of hope emerged.

A narrow strip of flatland stretched like a beacon in the darkness. It offered a potential foothold for their expedition to establish a fort and port. About thirty meters of open ground lay between the jungle and the churning sea.

As Valkyria observed the flatland, her mind raced with plans and strategies. She knew this would be their best chance to establish a foothold on the Unknown Continent.

"Boss, how much longer until we land? We've been standing around for ages," Thora grumbled, her Warhammer slung over her shoulder.

She shakes her head and says, "We're waiting for the Marines and Vera. She wants to meet with us before we disembark."

Lirael spoke up from behind, ''I feel something dark coming from the jungle, Valkyria. It seems to be waiting.''

Just as she finished talking, Nia explained, ''Yeah, because hundreds of colonists vanished a few years ago,'' the orange-

haired girl stepped forward. ''Auntie told me that the emperor has sent several expeditions out here, but they all either flee or disappear.''

''Yes, I heard the sailors' stories during our voyage, but it's no use dwelling on them. We will just be more careful as we explore,'' she smiled.

Turning to the cheetah demi-human, Valkyria addressed her, "Cleo, you'll be scouting when we land, while the rest of us secure the landing zone."

"Yes, ma'am," Cleo promptly responded.

After speaking, they all spotted a sailor running up to them and said, ''Miss Blackwood, the Admiral wants to see you.''

Valkyria nodded before following the man and telling her team to prepare their gear before she got back. She soon reached the Admiral's office and saw Vera and Sasha alongside another woman.

The trio shifted their towards her, and Vera offered a warm smile as she introduced her to the newcomer. "Valkyria, allow me to introduce you to the Marine Commander and my daughter, Evangeline Highmore."

Valkyria shifted her gaze to Evangeline, absorbing her striking presence. Evangeline bore the same snow-white hair as her mother, complemented by blood-red eyes that contrasted sharply with her fair complexion.

Poised and composed, she wore tight-fitting armor, which highlighted her figure and subtly revealed her curvaceous shape beneath the uniform. Valkyria shook her head as Vera continued, ''She will join you as you land and provide extra protection.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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