A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 231: This is the notebook you left behind in a previous life

Chapter 231: This is the notebook you left behind in a previous life

At this time, in the system space, Wuji Gu's fame has spread and has become a character almost unknown among players.

There are even a lot of people who have added a lot of drama to describe Wuji Gu as a terrifying character comparable to a sub-boss, far more mysterious than those mysterious high-level players.

And at this time, the system also announced various details about the camp.

When the final copy was held, only the ten players who had been qualified were able to enter the copy. The players who joined their camp were able to watch the copy from that player's perspective.

The more people in the camp, the more detailed tips the players will be able to get, and get more equipment and things like that. Even in special cases will get power bonuses and skill sharing type of benefits.

If the player wins, those who join his camp will automatically get shelter, the chances of surviving are greater than the average person, and may even be assigned power, and other various rewards such as points, and surviving this is nothing compared to the point.

Although the system is not explicit, but we have more or less seen, this final copy is very likely to lead to the destruction of the entire real world. At that time it is not a problem that can be solved by running away, only by choosing the right leader can you survive.

At this time, the eyes of various players are of course on Wuji Gu, who looks the most amazing at the moment.

But even at this point, there are still three or four of these ten spots that have not been obtained, so most players are still in a wait-and-see mode, and maybe some dark horse will come out in the end.

The system is saying that after all ten contestants are out, their detailed identities and the copies they have participated in the past will be announced, and everyone will be able to switch sides before the final copy begins.

This has caused many of the players who have chosen the camp to be moved again. The few senior players who had defected to Wuji Gu were curious to see what kind of Wuji Gu's resume would be when the day came, which determined whether they would continue to support Wuji Gu or not.

What everyone doesn't know is that there is a huge group of players, and that is the group of believers of the Evil God boss. They don't give a damn about these players or any contestants, they simply can't get involved.

That what Wuji Gu even if it is more powerful and what, in the end is just an ordinary person.

Recently somehow always feel the power of the evil god boss closer to them, this this makes these people feel up, is their faith in the god finally to come to this world.

This invigorated these believers, and among the believers, the first player with amazing strength who got that entry spot appeared.


The system space is very fishy.

In reality, Wuji Gu has already brought Jia Cheng to the place where the Cheng family is located.

Guangyu Di is staying at the White House to help Wuji Gu see what's going on, and Sidun Ao, who has just woken up, has been put there by Wuji Gu to help him ask around, and anyway, they have made a contract with Wuji Gu and can return to Wuji Gu at any time.

Jia Cheng saw the long-lost ancestral home, immediately moved to tears, how many times along the way he almost thought he could not return!

But what Jia Cheng didn't expect was that all these people from these weird families had actually become Master Gu's men, and they were extremely respectful to him. Even though he knew Wuji Gu was very powerful, he never thought he would be this powerful, so he really did a great job following Wuji Gu.

The two entered into it and immediately felt a strong Yin Qi.

Only to see the house is very dim, the light outside the window can not penetrate, and all around also filled with spooky mirrors, as if the next moment there will be ghosts from it.

The scene immediately awakened Jia Cheng's psychological shadow and she hid behind Wuji Gu in fear.

Wuji Gu looked around and felt a familiar aura, and immediately shook his head. He knows very well that it must be the people of the Cheng family for safety so this place will be so arranged, after all, their lives at this time also rely on that Li Jia Cheng to protect.

Even if they hear that other families will not make a move against them, the Cheng family people will not believe it for a while.

For Jia Cheng, Wuji Gu's feelings are very complicated. At first, because of the poor strength, Wuji Gu in the mirror world of this copy almost hang inside, in order to distract the LiGui boss Jia Cheng and forced to kiss each other.

The result is that the other party is naturally furious, all kinds of to find fault. Probably feel their straight male dignity was challenged ......

If it weren't for this situation, Wuji Gu wouldn't want to meet with such a powerful ghost, it's just too much trouble to deal with such things. But this time, thanks to Jia Cheng to protect the others, he also summoned the other side out and owed a favor, and now is forced to pay.

"Forget it, even if I have to fight then, I admit it." Wuji Gu immediately made up his mind and dragged Cheng Jia inside.

The strange thing is that Wuji Gu can feel the ghost staring at him in the mirror, but Jia Cheng's ghost does not appear in any way.

Finally, when they arrived upstairs, the Cheng family finally appeared and welcomed Wuji Gu into the study.

The people of the Cheng family were all excited to thank Wuji Gu, and if they could, they would have loved to invite Wuji Gu out for another meal. Even before Wuji Gu's attitude can not be faulted, but at this time the Cheng family people have a sense of regret, if they had known that Wuji Gu's strength has actually been strong to such an extent, they would have been Wuji Gu up!

Jia Cheng's mother was particularly touched and felt that her son was so discerning. If Jia Cheng hadn't winked at her so desperately during the thanksgiving, Cheng's mother probably would have suggested that she wanted to marry her son to Wuji Gu again.

"If it weren't for you, Master Gu, we really don't know what would have happened! Is it really okay now?"

"Of course it's fine." Jia Cheng hastily spoke, "Master Gu has scared those families, how dare they make a move now."

"That would be great." The crowd sighed in relief.

What happened in the past few days is simply like a nightmare for them, plus many people inside remembered what they had experienced here in the copy ...... Once this matter is over probably everyone in this ancestral home will move out.

"But Master Gu seems to have some questions he wants to ask big brother, so let's all go out." Jia Cheng said.

The others, of course, did not dare to stay, and one by one immediately left the study, fearing that they would cause any bad impression to Wuji Gu.

Soon there were only two people in the study.

Qing Cheng, the head of the Cheng family, nodded to Wuji Gu and thanked him, "Master Gu, it's all thanks to you this time."

"It's nothing, I just did what I was supposed to do." Wuji Gu said, "It's good that you guys are okay. Speaking of which, that evil spirit, that's Jia Cheng, he didn't do anything to you guys, did he?"

"No." Qing Cheng said, "Even if it's a stern ghost, he's still a member of the Cheng family after all, and it's impossible to watch outsiders bullying people from his own family. But after it was over, no one saw his shadow anymore. Everyone had to bring out the mirrors to scare anyone who might break in."

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu think about it is also feel very touched, originally these people so afraid of the evil spirits, in this dangerous time but still have a trace of affection.

"I guess this time you came back to ask about that secret too." Qing Cheng also did not have any nonsense and went straight to the topic.

"Yes." Wuji Gu nodded.

"That matter, in fact, is related to you." Qing Cheng looked complicated and gave Wuji Gu a deep look, "You come with me."

As he said that, he went to the side of the bookshelf, after taking down a few books, the bookshelf actually moved away by itself, and a downward passage appeared.

Wuji Gu were shocked, he at least also lived in this place for so long, experienced so many things, or the first time to know that the Cheng family actually has such a secret room like place.

"About that game thing, I also know something." Qing Cheng opened his mouth with something very powerful, "In fact, we, the Cheng family, were not originally from this world ...... I should say, another world that was originally destroyed and fused with this world. But most people do not have that part of the memory, but our Cheng family is special, because there is a task that still needs us to do."

Wuji Gu looked at the other side, he vaguely seemed to realize something.

There are many worlds this kind of thing he is certainly clear, after all, every time the game world copy is obviously the real world. But this world is actually fused with another world, this thing makes Wuji Gu feel shocked.

"In another world, I should say another real world." Qing Cheng said, "Originally also a very normal place, but slowly towards destruction, all kinds of ghosts and psychic events more and more, in the end everyone has realized that the original peaceful life will not come back."

"In that world, the only way out is to become a player of the game. Most of the players will only care about their own death, but there is one person who is not like that, even after becoming the best among all the players, he still thinks about changing everything and saving everyone."

Qing Cheng continued to walk in the passage.

"I'm not really sure what happened ...... after all, I didn't personally experience that time, and these memories are surfacing intermittently. Just what is clear to me is that at that time the game in that world had reached the end and something called the final copy appeared, and that person also participated in the final copy."

Wuji Gu followed the other side in silence, his mind seemed to slowly emerge from various images to.

"He may have succeeded ...... but I think he probably failed. That's why the situation became what it is now, and he used his last power to fuse the place where that world was still peaceful with this ordinary world. He himself chose to reincarnate into this world."

The destination has arrived, Qing Cheng stopped in his tracks, appeared in front of the two, it is a small room, which is also very simple, only a table, on which an open notebook.

"Our Qing Cheng family seems to be very close to that person, so he chose us to complete this mission." Qing Cheng took a deep breath, "Maybe that's why people from our family will recall those memories."

"So that's it ......" Wuji Gu walked over to the table and looked at the notebook in front of him, and an extremely familiar feeling came over him.

"This is what that person left behind. He wanted to give this to his own reincarnation so that the one after him could get this notebook and thus change the end of the world that was also going to be destroyed." Qing Cheng looked fixedly at Wuji Gu , "That person ...... he is you, Wuji Gu ."

Wuji Gu asked, "When did you first know that Jia Cheng and I would meet, and is this also ......"

"I wasn't sure before. But from the past, you were special and had caught our attention, we just couldn't be sure at the time, even though you and the man had the same name and look. And I didn't know much about it at the time." Qing Cheng said, "As for Jia Cheng, that was probably just a coincidence, kind of lucky for that kid."

Wuji Gu didn't even think about the fact that he had met Jia Cheng by chance, and then saved the life of a person and made a good relationship, but now it seems as if it was destiny.

"This notebook, too, will only be given to you when the final copy comes out." Qing Cheng said: "I don't know the details, you should know it yourself. Well, I'll go out after I've told you everything I know, and this notebook can't have any bystanders present when I'm looking at it."

Qing Cheng left in a hurry as soon as the words left his mouth.

Wuji Gu stood in front of the table at this time, his mood was very complicated for a while. He never thought that he really had a past life, and also a player, and finally participated in the final copy.

But that game obviously didn't end the way he wanted it to end, which is what made things turn out the way they did.

When you think about it, are these things that he has encountered in this life the same situations that he had once anticipated?

"This notebook should be a prop, right? What is the information that I wanted to leave behind in my previous life, can it really change the ending of this final copy?" Wuji Gu With all the doubts in his mind, he reached out and turned the notebook to the first page and read it.

The contents of this notebook and diary is similar, even from Wuji Gu's previous life when he just became a player, it is reasonable that such a book can not be finished, but if it is a prop then it is normal.

Just as he looked at the first word, the scene around Wuji Gu changed. He looked around in amazement and saw that he had entered directly into the scene when the diary was written.

"This notebook actually has such power ......"

But the diary was written in a disjointed manner, and what Wuji Gu saw was not detailed, and even in his own past life, most of his memories were not recalled.

What he saw was that in his last life when he became a player, he didn't start out with much strength, but with optimism and good luck he still got through a lot of copies and made friends.

The closest relationship with him in his previous life was a teammate. The appearance of that teammate is blurred and indistinguishable, but Wuji Gu can also feel that the other party and himself should be a close friend.

The two often enter the copy together, also good luck to persevere and also improve the strength. And they also have the same values, together with the formation of a team to absorb many new players, committed to help more people pass the copy safely.

This organization also became a fairly large organization in the game, and many people came to Wuji Gu because of its name, and everything seemed to be going in a good direction.

But things soon changed. In one copy, Wuji Gu from a previous life became entangled with the Liege boss inside, but not in a good way, probably in a hateful way.

Wuji Gu : "......" This is also too familiar, could it be that his ability to invoke the Liege boss is also from his previous life?

And that Li Ghost boss is also quite unusual, is a level of very scary existence, in the pester Wuji Gu, Wuji Gu also every copy will encounter this boss, often nine deaths.

After that, in a collision, Wuji Gu is the end of the persuasion of the Liege boss, the other side did not say anything, but repeatedly spared the lives of Wuji Gu and other players.

What followed was all kinds of what Romeo and Juliet general dogma.

Wuji Gu also felt that this stern ghost boss was an extremely close presence in his senses, although he did not want to admit that maybe he and that stern ghost boss still had a leg up.

"Maybe I'm from a previous life when sexual orientation is a man." Wuji Gu finally gave up the struggle, "Or is it ghost sexuality ...... this encounter is full of ghosts ah!"



Wuji Gu quickly looked at the contents of the notebook, which did not detail a lot of things, but evoked a lot of memories of Wuji Gu, he was in it as if he was looking at things he had forgotten.

But the notebook is also missing a lot of content, which seems to be damaged in the process of world integration, so Wuji Gu look very difficult, after all, and can not remember so much at once!

Soon, the notebook was written to what happened when the final copy was made.

The player atmosphere in that world is a happy one, everyone is working hard to keep more people alive, very sunny and positive. And the senior players don't hide their selfishness and help others as much as they can.

All of this is actually thanks to Wuji Gu's best friend from his previous life. After all, Wuji Gu's personality in his previous life and this life is not much different, if only he himself is not able to get such a large organization.

As for the ten participating players were also decided by everyone doing their best.

At this point, there is so much missing from the notebook that Wuji Gu has only just finished reading the rules and the image of this copy just beginning before everything is plunged into darkness.

"Is this really how it unfolds, so that when it comes to the critical time one cannot see the message." Wuji Gu sighed, he actually predicted such a development long ago! After all, it seems too much to let people know so easily what the final copy is engaged in.

Then a picture emerged before Wuji Gu's eyes.

Appeared in front of him is the black and red sky, surrounded by the apparently real world, but all broken walls, everywhere are the bodies of his companions, he himself is covered in blood.

"What the hell is going on here?" Wuji Gu did not expect this notebook actually jumped so much content, this are directly to the plot of the destruction of the world, right!

Even though he knew the situation in his previous life would be like this, Wuji Gu still felt a shock when he saw the apocalyptic scenery around him. He would never want such a scene to appear again in this real world.

Not far away still stood two people who seemed to be facing off, or rather one was being unilaterally abused by the other.

A blurred face is obviously Wuji Gu's best friend, the other also can not see the face clearly, but can feel his body that amazing sense of oppression. There is also a black mist around ...... him exactly and Wuji Gu has a lot of dog blood complicated past that the stern ghost boss.

The Liege boss saw Wuji Gu , and immediately threw the man directly away.

The blood-covered friend fell in front of Wuji Gu, he reached out with difficulty and grabbed the sleeve of Wuji Gu who rushed over and crouched down, opened his mouth and blood spilled out of it, but still strained to say to Wuji Gu.

"It's all because of that stern ghost, he tricked you!"

"He was not a good person from the beginning, and the ones he did before were done on purpose to make us let down our guard ...... to the point where he didn't need to disguise himself anymore, so he revealed his original face."

"You must, must change all this-"

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