A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 230: Whats the point of fighting this?

Chapter 230: Whats the point of fighting this?


It was dawn, and everything was over.

The crowd was standing muddled in the clearing, they couldn't even react to what all happened last night.

It's different from whatever intense melee everyone thinks it is.

Last night, under the intimidation of the ghost king level ghosts, the other families could barely hold on, thinking that it might be feasible to rely on the sea of people.

After that, a senior player asked many of his men to hold back the terrible ghost in the shadow behind Wuji Gu, who of course already saw his men as doomed dead.

As long as they can kill Wuji Gu, that ghost king level Li ghost is certainly unable to do whatever they want in this real world, maybe they can also let them pick up - this is the view of most people.

Jiazhu Bai and Guangyu Di behind Wuji Gu also simply do not dare to come up, the ghost king level of the pressure of the Li Ghost is too amazing.

When the senior player himself came up to attack Wuji Gu, Wuji Gu spoke anxiously, "Wait, you better not come if you don't want to die."

Wuji Gu is really for the sake of this person's life. However, in the eyes of others, Wuji Gu's anxious attitude is that he has lost control of the scene, the crowd immediately despised Wuji Gu a few points, and the senior player is already close to ......

Along with Wuji Gu's ugly face, a black mist erupted from the shadows on the ground of the two, and another Liege figure appeared abruptly, straight into the face of the senior player.

He just found out that Wuji Gu has not one but two evil spirits behind him!

At that moment, this senior player's eyes emerged with a desperation that was not present even when facing a copy boss.

The next instant, he was in front of everyone directly into a blood mist, the wind blew away, not even a crumb left.

As for the men that the senior player instructed to deal with Wuji Gu's side of another Liege, there is certainly no way they would still be alive at this point.

Everyone was shocked. Even though they had felt that terrifying pressure on Wuji Gu's body, they didn't expect him to be able to kill a high-level player so easily, even in the time it took to take a breath.

Wuji Gu also did not intend to kill this person at that time. But in reality, he needed help to walk, his body was too weak, not to mention the control of the evil spirits, just to keep the ghosts in his body from getting out of control is already exhausted! How can you stop those who want to run up and die on their own!

"Hey, there's nothing that can be done about it." Wuji Gu shook his head, he did the best he could.

However, to others, Wuji Gu was even more terrifying!

After the bigwigs behind these clans realized that Wuji Gu had not one but two ghostly king-level stern spirits in his body -

What is this fight, is looking for death? Is that senior player not dead enough or what.

The chiefs of the clans, who almost never appeared in front of the crowd, also appeared and looked at Wuji Gu with a little fear in their eyes.

At this point Wuji Gu is no longer just an ordinary powerful player in the eyes of others, it is simply as frightening as the bosses of advanced copies.

All of them had their own plans in mind, but what was consistent was that the big brothers of these families had chosen to defect to Wuji Gu, and it was mainly Jiazhu Bai who took the lead in this matter. Once everyone saw how respectful Jiazhu Bai was to Wuji Gu, they felt differently in their hearts.

In this way, the melee was over before it started, and even these senior players hastily joined Wuji Gu's camp in order to show their loyalty, and for a while the people present actually became a camp of people.

Those underlings dispersed, leaving only a variety of senior bigwigs with a voice to stay in the White House and prepare the crowd to discuss the current situation together.

If this matter was put into yesterday, no one would dare to believe it.

Wuji Gu contacted Jia Cheng, who was staying in a safe place, and was informed that the Cheng family was safe, and finally put his mind at ease.

As a result of sacrificing that senior player to the sky, the stern ghost boss seemed to be satisfied and quiet. Wuji Gu difficult to press these two terrible bogeys back again, and then mysteriously said he had something to do and went to rest, leaving Guangyu Di to deliberate with the crowd, and others did not dare to say anything.

Guangyu Di sat on the side, looking at the respectful looking at their own people, more and more feel that they hug Wuji Gu thigh is really the most right decision in this life, before the time he did not even think there is such a winning day in life.

"I must let Master Gu see what I can do!" Guangyu Di secretly made up his mind, "These old guys must all have their own plans, but they won't be able to get out in one piece when they meet me, they have to give some information out anyhow."


Among the luxurious rooms provided by the White Family.

Wuji Gu was relieved when he lay down on the soft, large bed in a weak state.

At this time his clothes have been completely wet with sweat, the whole person is like fishing from the water in general. Just that scene if it continues, Wuji Gu himself can not hold up.

If it really comes to that, the two fatalities inside him can not be controlled, it is estimated that everyone present is cold.

Although he felt the need to take a shower, Wuji Gu had no energy left.

"No, originally, it was clear that I had gone through a lot of trouble to seal that evil god boss in order to suppress the stern ghost in my body. Why does the situation feel worse now." Wuji Gu could not help but worry, "We must find a way to solve the current situation."

However, there are not many people who will know this kind of thing estimated that these senior players are strong in all aspects, but the level in the face of the Liege is probably very general ......

After all, not everyone has experienced the same magic as Wuji Gu.

As for the matter of suddenly becoming a big brother surrounded by so many people, Wuji Gu does not feel anything, this kind of thing just get on with it, anyway, it can not be more terrible than the destruction of the real world because of that game.

"Wait, if people don't know, I'll ask the ghost, won't I?"

Wuji Gu suddenly remembered that he got the ability to travel through the copies he had been to, and the friendship he had developed with quite a few of the Liege ghosts, so maybe these ghosts could give him a good answer.

Relieved Wuji Gu directly into a deep sleep, and also sleep very defenseless, after all, considering that this place also no one dares to provoke him.

So he also did not notice that the otherwise empty room was suddenly filled with pitch-black fog.

Then from the mist, a figure came out of it, it was a young man with long silver hair and a face so handsome that it hardly resembled a human being.

But just a few more gazes at him will send the average person's spirit into turmoil.

He came to Wuji Gu's side and reached out to touch his cheek, but before he could touch it there was a sharp burning sound.

Another youth appeared on the other side at some point, and he eerily surveyed the two people in front of him, as if he was preparing to catch an adulterer.

The youth was the same evil spirit that had been in Wuji Gu's body for a very long time.

And the silver-haired youth is naturally the human image of the evil god boss, has never appeared in front of Wuji Gu.

The two looked at each other with displeasure and rejection in their eyes, they both hated to get the other out of Wuji Gu's body, but after all, it might affect Wuji Gu's body and they had to stop.

What's more, as this level of existence, they also know many things Wuji Gu does not know, and what will happen next.

Until that final moment comes, they will naturally maintain this false peace reluctantly. After all, fundamentally, their origins are the same, and even though their consciousnesses are different now, they want to achieve the same goal.

That is -

The eyes of the two evil spirits immediately looked at Wuji Gu who was lying on the bed.


Wuji Gu woke up feeling refreshed.

He vaguely felt as if he had dreamed something last night, yet it wasn't quite clear, as if it was a memory he once had.

"Forget it, this kind of thing will come to mind one day, right?"

Wuji Gu took a shower and changed his clothes, he saw Guangyu Di respectfully waiting outside the door, then he was led to the dining room and ate a sumptuous breakfast prepared by the Bai family, the level was a notch higher than everyone else.

The others are naturally awake and waiting for Wuji Gu, where they dare to be rebellious and dine before a big shot like Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu was watched by so many people, even he felt uncomfortable, told everyone to eat too.

The others look at Wuji Gu like this heart can't help but feel, this Wuji Gu is really strong, obviously has such amazing strength, yesterday even kill without blinking, but today behaves so kind and calm, as if really a gentle good guy! This in the end is how deep the city and how high acting skills.

Not bad for someone who has been in the entertainment industry before. But is his identity in the entertainment industry also to achieve something ...... made movies and dramas are they horrible images that can be hit when you watch them?

Many of those who had other ideas in mind have now withdrawn and vowed never to see Wuji Gu's work.

Wuji Gu had no idea what these people were thinking as he ate over here while Guangyu Di debriefed.

"Master Gu, three of the house masters who pledged their allegiance to you yesterday were also the ones who received the final copy qualification, and there are now more than thirty percent of the players in your camp."

This number is really amazing and shows how hard these senior players usually work to run their own forces, although nowadays they are all about Wuji Gu's.

"And the matter of the Cheng family was the work of some small family, and now the matter has been dealt with. And that bastard young master of the Cheng family was also caught by a certain family, and now he has also been put back."

Guangyu Di is the Cheng family's illegitimate brother, who was previously unaccounted for, and Jia Cheng was afraid that Wuji Gu would worry about it, so he didn't say anything. Now Wuji Gu doesn't even know that he was arrested, so when he heard that he was released, he was confused.

"This young master seems to have some secrets on his body that are related to the Cheng family, and that is why these families want to make a move against the Cheng family." Guangyu Di opened his mouth, "I know that Master Gu you have a good relationship with the Cheng family, you can go ask the situation, if not ......"

Guangyu Di or look at the relationship between Wuji Gu and the Cheng family on the euphemism said, on his own style of action are eager to go directly to the Cheng family forced to ask the people.

"I'll ask about it when I get there." Wuji Gu nodded.

In fact, since yesterday he has a vague feeling that perhaps the Cheng family has a great deal to do with his past.

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