A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 232: Wuji Gu The ghosts around the king level of the evil spirits just came?

Chapter 232: Wuji Gu The ghosts around the king level of the evil spirits just came?

Wuji Gu wanted to ask him something else, but it was just an illusion, and the next moment the man in front of him was unconscious.

And not far away, that looks more and more horrible Liege boss and he stared at.

In this instant, it was as if the world had been left with just the two of them.



Slowly opening his eyes, Wuji Gu's notebook in front of him dissipated like ashes, leaving nothing behind.

Thinking about all the images he just saw, he is still in a state of amazement. What he didn't expect was that his past life was so complicated and twisted.

After that the picture is gone, but the general situation he also understood, after all, the plot is also very bloody.

"At that time, that the stern ghost boss, is it the one that I brought with me before ......"

Wuji Gu felt that the situation is very complicated, if that the LiGui boss is really the cause of all the culprit, the other party is still in their own body, after going into the copy will not be accident?

Then Wuji Gu looked around, the place was really empty and there was nothing, even if you look around you can not see a flower on the empty wall.

In his previous life he actually left nothing for himself and no hints about how to let him deal with the next situation.

"Shall I say that I am too confident in myself?"

Wuji Gu does not care much, anyway, so many things have happened, who knows what the future will be, it is better to take a step and see.

What's more, his current situation is similar to the two time bombs installed in his body, who knows when something will happen. Can save the world is good, can not save him also can not be helped.

"This kind of thing maybe we will know when we enter the copy."

He turned around and wanted to leave, but at that moment, suddenly felt something, and crouched down and turned his head to look, his eyes fixed on a certain position in the room.


A few days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time Wuji Gu's life returned to normal, and even went out to do filming work, leaving the Bai family and Ning family in shock.

But then these people consider that this is probably Wuji Gu to promote their own way, maybe also secretly in what tampering, after all, a senior player how can really be so calm also run to do what stars mixed entertainment, this is the world is going to destroy ah!

Of course although it seems calm, but everyone knows that all the problems are getting more and more serious, and the Yin Qi is getting stronger and stronger, if this is left alone, sooner or later it will turn into the same hell on earth as those copy worlds.

The ten selected players were also thoroughly selected during this time.

At this time, six of the ten players are Wuji Gu under the hands of people, but in addition to the White family head, the others are only temporarily subservient, the heart is still playing a variety of calculations.

Only the head of the White family, who is obsessed with ghost breeding techniques, is really convinced by Wuji Gu.

What shocked them was that they secretly paid attention to Wuji Gu's whereabouts during this period, and found that Wuji Gu was really just working seriously and not doing anything else at all ...... What the hell is going on in this person's head!

But Wuji Gu actually went home at night and did some things by relying on his skills to get into the copies he had been to.

The other four players who got the qualification were mysterious and didn't have much information. It is said that there is a particularly bizarre player who believes in evil gods among them, which makes the other players very scary.

In fact, the strength of the evil god boss that is too strong, and even because of its bizarre ability to appear in several copies, many players have been close to death because of this. The number of believers among players is also amazingly high.

And by the end of the day, the time had finally arrived for the system to announce the ten player profiles. Almost all players put down the things in their hands and chose to open the system space waiting for the news.

As for the forum messages in the system are also brushed up, this is something that concerns everyone's future.

This system is still announced from the last place, which makes many people who are eager to see Wuji Gu information want to curse.

But as the information appeared, the crowd also froze. After all, the news that appeared in front of them was too amazing for ordinary and mid-level players.

This last one is certainly the devotee player of that evil god boss, according to the system announcement, this person is extremely pious, it is said that he has been called by the evil god when he has not yet entered the game, after entering the first copy to rely on the induction of the evil god and get the power to survive. After that it was like passing a test to get the mark of the evil god.

This person's journey was almost like a novel, making the crowd look on in amazement. And this player's use of the power bestowed by the evil god was so skilled that, although strong, it gave an inhumanly creepy feeling. Even those senior players who have lived for a long time can't help but frown when they see it.

"This man is horrible."

"You see he can even counter-kill the boss in many copies, sacrificing the boss to the god of what he believes in ...... this is actually a player like me."

The second player identity and message that then appeared was normal, which was a relief to the crowd. If everyone was the same as the monster that would be too scary.

The next two have their own wonderful place, that the ups and downs of the plot is comparable to the big male plot flow novel.

But it is worth mentioning that they are all acquaintances of Wuji Gu.

One of the players is Yunxiu Qi, he is exactly once in the medieval wedding copy and Wuji Gu acquaintance. Of course he always thought Wuji Gu was a man named Sun Shi ...... this man has ghost eyes, after Wuji Gu unaware of the situation also experienced a lot to become a senior player, but also has a not bad strength.

The other player is Qingman Rong, he is in a certain seemingly speaking painting room, but in fact is a copy of the world of painting and Wuji Gu acquaintance. Of course he also thought Wuji Gu was Sun ...... when his strength was close to that of a senior player, and invited Wuji Gu to enter another copy.

These two people also have a feature that they both like Wuji Gu. But they do not know Wuji Gu is the person they know, at this time in their hearts to Wuji Gu is slightly feel some displeasure.

After all, as experts are always not so easy to admire what other supposedly strong players, they have quite a legendary experience, certainly do not think they are just a supporting role in this copy world.

And then after a few are some old demons like do not know how long lived the player, the experience is very long, let people look are amazed, and then is afraid, glad they did not offend such a terrible senior players.

But in this case, the crowd became more and more curious, that Wuji Gu could actually make all these old demons submissive, what was his experience really like! Will he also be an old demon in the appearance of a handsome man? In fact, he has lived for many years, or has he sold his body to some evil god?

Everyone is watching, especially those who are temporarily submissive. If Wuji Gu is not as strong and experienced as they think, the situation may change.

Wuji Gu's experience was then systematically made public in the spotlight.

The crowd fell into silence when they saw that Wuji Gu had been a player for less than a year.

What the hell is this rocket-like speed ah?

If Wuji Gu's elementary school experience had been shown to them, others would probably have thought that Wuji Gu was simply the protagonist of the world.

Subsequent copies and achievements were made public, all about how Wuji Gu had variously completed hidden missions and received various points. All of these, while amazing for the average player, were just normal play for the ten participating players.

And then the later, Wuji Gu even are because of the completion of hidden tasks to the entire copy to the end, there are several copies were made public one by one, and what in other copies also summoned the deeds of the Liege, and even a few times barely summoned a part of the evil god boss ...... everyone gradually felt how this experience a little familiar, Seems to have been seen somewhere -

"Grrrrr!!! Isn't this all a copy of what that Sun-Time went through?!"

"I remember, is that to go to a copy, just by a copy of the Liege to see the lustful man right! Before it envied the old me."

"I didn't hear from him for such a long time, I thought this Sun Shi had already died. So he is Wuji Gu? Shit!!!"

Yunxiu Qi and Qingman Rong, as well as other players who had been through the copy with Sun Shi, were now dumbfounded. This development is too sudden - although Wuji Gu was very powerful at the beginning, but now this level is too fast, so that those who once looked up to the senior players have to be his underlings!

The two of them, not to mention their dislike for Wuji Gu, could not wait to go and identify with Wuji Gu. They even instantly joined Wuji Gu's camp, after all, their experience tells them that following Wuji Gu is certainly no problem. What's more, they all have a good feeling about Wuji Gu.

The other players were confused when they heard the system prompt to join the camp, did you two have to be so fast.

With this, only the last two of the ten players have not joined Wuji Gu's camp! The remaining player, who was lucky to get a spot, chose to join Wuji Gu as well.

So there was just that one last Evil God believer player left.

The crowd thought he was the only one who couldn't have defected to Wuji Gu, after all, the player had declared his allegiance to the gods only.

The fact that Wuji Gu had summoned the evil god's doppelganger to relieve himself in other copies also made these believers very unhappy, feeling that Wuji Gu was blaspheming the gods. They all want to tear him apart, not to mention what to defect to Wuji Gu.

Then the system released information about the copy of the casino that Wuji Gu entered not long ago.

What happened in this copy is simply amazing, especially Wuji Gu actually forced the evil god boss to seal into his body that thing.

All: "......"

Other advanced players: "......"

"So, so, Wuji Gu around the ghost king level stern ghosts just come?!"

"It's a fucking ghost king level ghost! This how so casually sealed into their own body ah!!!"

Of course the most stunned or those evil god believers.

They were silent and seemed to finally understand why they felt the voice of the evil god was closer recently. It turns out that the damned is simply in Wuji Gu body ah!

So what the hell is this now!

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