A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 181: Has everyone been waiting for me?

Chapter 181: Has everyone been waiting for me?

Time back to before.

Wuji Gu entered this village in the midst of memories.

After all, this is also just a memory, and although Wuji Gu can interact with others, it seems that beyond the scope of memories others will be silent. Only if Wuji Gu makes the right choices as his former self can he develop.

Fortunately, because it was originally his own memories, everything went well too.

"If this were a game, it would have already received numerous bad reviews."

Wuji Gu, who had thought he would be able to inquire from his memories about what had happened to him, felt very disappointed. But he also deduced something from the present situation.

This team of people is indeed an organization, even full of tacit understanding, seems to have experienced many copies together.

They entered the village, investigated information and did everything else with ease, giving Wuji Gu a sense of professionalism.

This village even in the case of decades ago without sacrifices are very evil, full of all kinds of spiritual things, dangerous to the extreme.

As for the god in the copy. Wuji Gu soon encountered it, and it seemed to have a soft spot for him, often appearing around him and sometimes saving Wuji Gu's life.

He also does not know what is going on in this village, if the so-called god is only such a child, these villagers need to be so eager to sacrifice a bride? And those weird things in the village, also does not look like this child can do it.

A closer look, Wuji Gu suddenly noticed that the village covered the sky with black fog, most of which is slowly escaping from the villagers. And among them, there are wisps of black gas that are difficult to see with the naked eye into the body of the young man, but these are not many, more than most are gathered in the sky.

Could it be that these mists are somehow involved with the gods?

"What are you doing again? Can't you just play with me if you're okay?"

The youthful-looking deity appeared beside him and looked at Wuji Gu, who was walking towards the shrine in the valley, with some confusion.

"I still have something to investigate." Wuji Gu opened his mouth and said that no matter how he thought about this place, there must be something wrong, and the shrine on the mountain might give him the answer.

This shrine was later changed into the village chief's home is obviously not a coincidence, although the village chief did not reveal anything, but is obviously intentional. The last place he wanted to enter was also there.

In the past few days Wuji Gu has been fast to get along with this god, and realized that the other party in addition to the amazing power of a little, look than the village people much better. In fact, he is just an ordinary child, but also a little arrogant personality.

Of course, for Wuji Gu, dealing with arrogance is something he is already very skilled at.

"There's nothing to see up there." The teenager frowned and pulled on Wuji Gu's shirt again, "Talk to me more, tell me what's going on outside."

Wuji Gu couldn't help but look down and reach out to touch the top of his hair, "I will leave sooner or later, it's better for you to find some new playmates."

Although think about this village is also unlikely to be subjected to such an object of ...... others estimated that they do not know how many years to hold back, before running to him to play. Wuji Gu again feel have to understand a little.

"No, you can't leave." With a rush on his face, the teenager hugged Wuji Gu directly, "You're staying to be my bride!"

Wuji Gu : "......"

Wuji Gu : "Ahem, you are all fooled by those villagers' words. How can you take a bride at your age, and I'm a man, so how can I be a bride?"

These villagers are also heartless enough! I guess they can't see the gods themselves to do such things.

But Wuji Gu is also relieved, it seems that he really is not cheating what the scum of the Ligurian boss feelings. This boss is now a fucking child, how to cheat people's feelings ah, at most is to cheat the children to the other party to cause psychological trauma ...... seems to be more excessive.

When the young man heard Wuji Gu's words, he spoke with some hesitation, "Then I can grow up later, right?"

"Of course not!" Wuji Gu pressed his shoulder, deeply feeling the importance of education, "Anyway, you should not think about such things. It's all because this village is too closed, if one day you can leave you won't think like that."

"Leave?" The teenager froze.

Wuji Gu just realized that he seemed to have accidentally said the wrong thing, just such a boss in a copy, how could he run away, and not other ordinary ghosts. Because the other party felt too much like an ordinary child, so he subconsciously took the other party as an ordinary person as well.

"Can I really get out of here?" The young man looked at Wuji Gu, and the expectant look in his eyes made it impossible for anyone to say no.

Wuji Gu wanted to harden his heart and say no, but found himself unable to say the words.

It's not that he couldn't say it, but once he didn't say it.

"Here is still in the memory, what I did can not change what happened in the beginning, so the original me really promised to take each other away?" Wuji Gu fell into silence for a while, "Did I really go and cheat a child!?"

But he also believes in his own character, such a thing he would never do, so there must be a way to be able to take the other side from this village to leave, once he said such words to the other side ......

And finally something happened and it didn't work out, so that's why he became the legendary scum?

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, but began to be glad that he was able to see this memory, at least to make up for some of the things he had done.

He looked down at the teenager in front of him, "That's right. One day, I will take you out of this village with me."



Time back to the present.

After Wuji Gu said that, the scene fell into a silence, and even the eerie wind outside the house stopped at that moment.

After all, the words are just too shocking.

Just at that moment, the system's voice also sounded abruptly.

[Trigger hidden mission: Unlock the curse of the village].

Wuji Gu was relieved to hear the system's words, and it seemed that the path he had chosen was still viable. Of course, even without this tip, Wuji Gu would not change his mind about doing something like this.

The youth froze for a time, looking at Wuji Gu in surprise, and the original grimness on his face dissipated for the most part.

Although he was left behind by Wuji Gu, he carried a grudge in his heart and was sealed by the people of the village because of this, and only recently was he able to revive.

But in the end, he is still very fond of Wuji Gu, otherwise how will until now still hold that umbrella ...... also from time to time in Wuji Gu appeared around the place circle to scare other ghosts, for fear that Wuji Gu has not found himself, it is these sacrificial ghosts to death.

Originally, the youth could not wait to meet Wuji Gu as soon as he arrived in this village, but he felt that this would make him look too out of style, so he just pretended to be high class. It was a good mood to see Wuji Gu running around the village for his own sake.

Although he wants to revenge Wuji Gu, but also want Wuji Gu slightly regret it, and then stay in this place with him forever, the other is not thought of, not to mention what cruelty to Wuji Gu to death.

The other sacrificial ghosts would probably feel speechless if they knew that the boss who was suppressing their heads had actually been thinking in such an innocent way.

The moment Wuji Gu's words came out, the youth instantly left behind the decades of hatred, where he still thought about revenge, he could not wait to run away with Wuji Gu. But he could not help but murmur, "How can such a thing be done?"

Wuji Gu feel that although this guy has grown into a handsome man, but the psychology seems to have not changed much from the beginning ...... Anyway, in this case should not think about growing up to have sex with him or something!

That said, although Wuji Gu's appearance is different from reality at this time, if it were an ordinary person to feel a little familiar at best, will not realize that it is a person at all. However, for these evil spirits, they seem to see through the essence of the soul, so the disguise is of no use.

Wuji Gu spoke directly: "Since I promised you, then of course I have to fulfill my promise. When I left you behind just because it was not the right time, now is the time for me to take you away!"

"But this thing is too dangerous." The youth looked at Wuji Gu with a complicated and expectant look, but did not dare to go through with it, "There is no way for you to leave this village, much less for me to come along, you will die and your soul will be trapped here forever."

Although he had intended to do so before, the thought of having Wuji Gu's soul here with him forever was too cruel.

"Of course I have a way." Wuji Gu's tone was very certain, pulling him quickly to the coffin, taking a deep breath and speaking in a low voice: "I already know that you are also part of the village bound by this village."

Once the other side is probably really shelter this village as the mountain god like existence, but this village is probably bad feng shui, resulting in the legend of those ungrateful villagers even wanted to kill him, but also with the help of some ordinary people who do not belong to the power of what high people.

Of course it was impossible to succeed. The gods did not die, but were affected and turned into monster-like beings because of the villagers' malice and cursed the village.

It can be said that it is a complete part with this village, all the people in the village are its nourishment, but at the same time, the curse in the bodies of these people can never leave this place, only ancestrally bound.

That is the monster over the village that Xiao Qin had seen in his memories, because at that time Wuji Gu ran away from the things that made the youth who was a teenager at that time burst into rage, also involved the whole monster, causing a natural disaster in the general scenery.

As for the youth, it can be said that the monster's body is the part with feelings that was discarded, but the monster itself is not under his control.

Although he had the power, he could not deal with himself, much less leave from this village by himself, which was some kind of bondage to him from this village.

No one ever saw him or communicated with him, and he was alone from the beginning of his life until the day he met Wuji Gu.

In short, the curse of this village is very insurmountable. So in the discovery of the truth, the player is already the completion of the main task can directly run away.

But Wuji Gu has made up his mind to save this village from the curse, and the first thing to do is to take the youth away, so that the village monster will lose the power of its own body, and naturally it will not be able to sustain.

"What do you want to do?" The youth looked at Wuji Gu , because the other's will was very strong, and also made him begin to have confidence in himself to leave the village, "I can't leave this village by myself, as long as I have such a thought, it will be difficult to act ...... and that monster is also a part of me, if it comes after me I can't stop that power."

"This is indeed very problematic." Wuji Gu nodded, "So we have to hide that monster so that it can't find out that we're running away before, and if I'm not wrong, it should still be in a deep sleep right now without completely waking up."

"What?" The youth himself froze, he himself still didn't know how to hide the other part of himself.

"This coffin I found before, it should be able to obscure the aura inside. Before those Li Gui before they came out to make people completely undetectable." Wuji Gu reached out and pressed on the uncovered coffin, looked at the youth, and spoke word for word: "The next thing to do is very simple, you lie down in the coffin, and then I will carry the coffin away."

If there were other people here, they would have been shocked and their jaws would have dropped, thinking that this proposal is simply unbelievable, where is the simplicity of this matter!

But when Wuji Gu says it, it gives people a sense of conviction that if they do it, it will work.

Even the village chief, who had previously hated Wuji Gu to the bone and wanted him brutally tortured to death, was convinced, not to mention the youth who still had pure thoughts about Wuji Gu, and immediately nodded.


"Is he okay, Brother Gu?" Xiao Qin said worriedly.

Although they all already know Wuji Gu's name is Sun Shi, but Xiao Qin still retains this name, feeling a kind of more intimate feeling with Wuji Gu.

Of course they are also slightly aware that this is probably the real surname of Wuji Gu.

"Don't think so much about it. I don't think anything will happen to him even if we all die." Shao Yang said so, but the look actually carried worry, "He hasn't returned the props to me yet, of course he's going to come out alive."

After all, Wuji Gu went to see not those ordinary sacrificial ghosts before, but this copy of the real Li Ghost boss ah, the strength of the gap is never one or two.

So Shao Yang forcefully shoved his red dress prop to Wuji Gu and asked him to come out and return it to himself afterwards. Even though he knew it might not be possible to get the prop back, it would be good to increase Wuji Gu's hope of staying alive. He never thought he would one day do something like this to help others with little benefit to himself.

"Your words are too unlucky." Other players couldn't help but speak up, "Let's go faster, I always feel that something not so good will happen after that."

At this time, the crowd are on the way out of the tunnel from the mountain, they have to go through the village to reach the outside world ...... to this time the crowd to find this broken village is really big enough.

As for the village headman and other those evil spirits have long since disappeared, the villagers who originally looked numb stayed in the cave, and it is estimated that they will not come out with anything good.

The ghosts of the two bodyguards were taken away by Shao Yang, so that they could be taken out to block the knife if there was any danger on the way. The bodyguards have regretted it, they thought they could rest easy if they became ghosts, but who knew that in this village people are even scarier than ghosts!

Of course the most terrible Wuji Gu is not here is already the most gratifying thing.

There is no doubt that this village has been dangerous to the extreme at this time, even without leaving, can see the village above a ghastly by the black fog constituted by the beast is sleeping, which seems to have countless lonely ghosts in the wailing, just gazing let people heart numb.

"What the hell is this monster? This copy is really not ordinary difficult." One person said with a palpitating heart, "Fortunately we don't have to go hard on it, we just have to escape quickly."

"Stop talking so much nonsense and deal with these monsters."

At this time the village has been completely occupied by a variety of bizarre forms of monsters, and the mists are so thick that it is almost impossible to see the road, a complete hellscape, all living people did not appear outside, and do not know whether they are dead or alive.

"It's so scary, when today passes, this village will probably turn into an even scarier copy."

Even though the strength of these monsters is not very high, but very difficult, half a day can not get killed, the number of so many also let the players scream, after all, they can not have Wuji Gu purification ability.

And they have to leave this village before the black fog monster completely awakened, time is already very tight, but also to deal with so many monsters, so the crowd can not help but tense up the nerves, one seems to go back to the hard times of experiencing copies of other worlds.

At this point, they can't help but start to miss Wuji Gu, before and Wuji Gu together is simply too easy, as if they came to this place to travel farming, where like any quasi-advanced copy.

Unfortunately, now Wuji Gu that is life and death do not know, to go to that kind of weird place to see what a severe ghost, think about it and know it is difficult to come back.

Just as the crowd was hard at work dealing with the monster, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from behind them and they were startled.

"What's coming over? Listening to this commotion, it must be some rather huge monster."

Even in the next instant, the little monsters that were originally tangled with the crowd seemed to feel something to fear and actually all turned and fled. This makes the crowd's heart tighten.

"Everyone, be careful! It must be a very scary monster coming!"

Everyone took a deep breath and waited vigilantly for the behemoth in the mist to approach, with props in their hands just waiting to be thrown straight out -

Then they saw Wuji Gu, who was carrying a black coffin as if nothing was wrong.

And Wuji Gu even looked very relaxed, as if this black coffin is not a big burden for him at all, and looked at the crowd in surprise, "You guys are actually still here, has everyone been waiting for me? I'm really touched ......"

All: "......"

All: "?"

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