A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 182: Take me with you if you want to run away!

Chapter 182: Take me with you if you want to run away!

Even though these people have been with Wuji Gu for a few days, they have watched so many shocking images that they think they can get used to everything, even if Wuji Gu is having sex directly with some kind of evil boss in front of them, they won't be shocked anymore!

But at this time to see this image, the players still feel a burst of confusion in their hearts, a time can not even say a word, always feel like opening their mouths will seem to be very ignorant. And can not say anything, not we are waiting for you, but you came too soon such as this.

But they are also very interested in knowing, Wuji Gu what is this thing carrying ah! What is this coffin that feels like there is some great existence sleeping inside it! And why did Wuji Gu look so relaxed and happy as if he was in a farmhouse.

Finally it was Xiao Qin, who thought he was more familiar with Wuji Gu, who spoke up, "Brother Gu, this thing is ......"

"Ah, this." Wuji Gu seems to have just realized that this matter is rather unscientific, immediately said: "You do not need to worry, this contains the body of the boss of this copy."

Of course, although Wuji Gu's strength is indeed able to easily carry the coffin, but he is not using much strength. This is because the boss in the coffin itself does not want Wuji Gu to suffer, consciously control their own weight.

Others: "......"

Don't worry about it!

"Well, let's get out of this village now." Wuji Gu frowned and said, "If we wait for the monster up there to wake up things will be a problem."

The crowd nodded numbly, following Wuji Gu as he ran toward the village entrance.

But they were horrified to find that Wuji Gu even carrying a black coffin, but also far faster than their speed, if not for the other intention to stay and wait, they would have been Wuji Gu to leave behind do not know how far down.

The surrounding monsters also do not dare to approach at all, the black shadows and ghosts in the mist are all looking frightened and immediately avoid the crowd when they encounter them.

Originally the crowd was still very confused, but after Wuji Gu said they understood, which monster would have the courage to approach the body of the replica of the Liege boss ah! This is simply looking for death.

At that moment, the ground suddenly trembled, the crowd looked in astonishment, a figure appeared not far away, it was a tall ghost, the body of several hideous faces emerged, to the crowd revealed a look full of resentment.

What appeared before their eyes was the ghost of the boy.

"So, the road out of the village just happens to go through the house where those sacrifices are located." Wuji Gu thought to himself, "This copy is still quite provincial, let these sacrifice ghosts repeatedly appear ......"

"Heh, now that my power has been boosted once again, you people are simply not enough to be feared, and I will definitely take revenge for what happened before!" The ghost spoke with a fierce smile, then his eyes fell on the black coffin carried in Wuji Gu's hand.

At this moment, the ghosts' expressions froze.

The crowd was very understanding of his mood, after all, no matter what that ghost, seeing their own head of the Liege actually being packed away, this is a very shocking thing, right?

With barely another harsh word, Liger turned and tried to slip away, only to have Wuji Gu hold his shoulder.

The crowd clearly saw that the body of such a tall and powerful stern ghost could not help but start to tremble.

"What a coincidence." Wuji Gu looked at each other, "Don't go so fast, to meet here, it is also our fate."

"You, what are you trying to do? The Liege looked at Wuji Gu, although it still wanted to barely maintain its face, but it no longer had that kind of courage, only thinking that this person was not human at all!

"I just think we're still not too familiar with the roads in this village and would like to say if you could follow us along by the way and lead the way or something."

Wuji Gu said this with a smile.

Of course Xiao Qin and others feel Wuji Gu's smile is as gentle as a spring breeze, but in the eyes of the evil spirits it is like an evil spirit crawling out of the depths of hell.



"Sister, come with me!" In the ancient building, the young girl is looking at the shadow that faintly emerges from the wall, and can barely make out that it is a female with similar appearance to the young girl, "Let's leave here together."

"No." The shadow spoke slowly, "This village is now experiencing things that it has never seen before. Only that man has a chance to leave, and I helped him before, he should be willing to take you away. But I'll forget it."

"Sister!" The young girl can't help but bite her lower lip, for her, this female ghost is the only family, if she didn't have each other, she doesn't even know how she would survive, "If we ask for it, he will definitely take us away! Didn't you also say he's a good man?"

The shadow shook its head, "Even if it is a good person, how can it be willing to take a ghost away, this is where I belong, but you are still alive, your future has hope."

At this time, outside has come the sound of footsteps, people feel a little surprised that these footsteps are very chaotic, as if there are many people.

"People are coming. Let's go out." The shadow spoke and emerged from within the wall, pulling the young girl outside.

Then they saw several people coming this way and ...... several ghosts.

The young girl and her sister have been dumbfounded, "......"

In Wuji Gu and others followed behind, there is clearly the original body is a child, but now the body is incomparably strong ghost, it also carries on its back the hands and feet are not in the body of the ghost ...... aside there is a long-haired female ghost followed by a low head, the whole time shy combing their hair, seems reluctant to contact with outsiders.

Of course the most mysterious or Wuji Gu standing in the forefront carrying the black coffin, he shoulders the black coffin also emits a kind of let the village all the ghosts palpitations of the breath ......

"Sister, it looks like we can go together this time." The young girl came back to her senses is a burst of excitement.

"Well, hmm." The sister's ghost is now all still bewildered, she originally although very optimistic Wuji Gu , but also believe that the other party's strength ...... but in her vision, the most is this group of people in a hurry to escape, for the sake of their previous help, piggybacking on her sister.

But what is this now! What is this image of ghosts and humans living together in harmony! Even Wuji Gu is carrying a black coffin that looks like it contains a powerful ghost boss!

"What a coincidence, we can leave together on the way." Wuji Gu also gave them a cordial greeting.

The others behind them are already numb. The first ghost was forced to stay by Wuji Gu ...... but the next two ghosts, once they heard that they could leave the village, they themselves were unashamedly wrapped up, and even the ghost who hated Wuji Gu's death, was now over here constantly patting Wuji Gu's rainbow butt, that level It's like all of them are willing to be subservient.

The girl gleefully pulled her sister's ghost into the line, her eyes lit up with light, although she did not yet know what the future would really be, but she was now full of longing for the outside world.

With the addition of two more people, the group became even more amazing in numbers, and it looked like they had come for a trip no matter what. None of the people had ever imagined that they would live in such harmony with so many ghosts.

In this way, the group quickly approached the entrance of the village, the journey was simply incomparably leisurely, the biggest difficulty is that the village road is more winding easy to get lost, but this is nothing compared to being haunted by ghosts, not to mention that there are village ghosts to lead the way.

Other players can't help but be moved to hug Wuji Gu's thighs immediately, with such a big brother to cover that is simply too good!

The crowd began to organize language in the heart ready to pat Wuji Gu rainbow farts, a man also attentive to go forward, said to help Wuji Gu together to carry this black coffin, and then in the moment of touching the black coffin, he seemed to see a pair of cold to the extreme eyes cold stare at themselves.

And even though Wuji Gu still holds most of it, the weight he feels has made him shiver ...... the weight of this black coffin can definitely crush him directly!!!

This instant, the player quickly withdrew his hand, as if he had not said the offer, he felt like he was hovering on the line of life and death.

The other ghosts all looked at this person sympathetically, they wanted to have a good relationship with Wuji Gu so much, they didn't even suggest it. The boss would not allow anyone other than Wuji Gu to touch the black coffin!

It can be said that this copy, in addition to Wuji Gu's people, are never likely to trigger this hidden mission. Even if the hidden mission is barely triggered, it is difficult to complete it.

After all, where will the general LiGi boss so easily run away with the player, the process is bound to be nine deaths, how will be like Wuji Gu a few sweet words to coax the LiGi boss willing to elope with him.

And with the black coffin of the Liege, that is amazing weight, if not Wuji Gu, at least several players to carry, and so they came out of the village, that the flowers are cold, it is estimated that all hang in the village.

At this time, Wuji Gu's footsteps also stepped out of the village entrance, the ground suddenly a violent shaking, so that other people ready to shoot rainbow fart words are so to hold back.

"What is this?!"

"What's going on? Wait, you guys, look up there!"

The fog in the village suddenly spread outward, and the black shadows were sucked upward, and the monster that was sleeping had signs of waking up, and even the wailing of the surrounding ghosts became more intense.

Watching these ghosts being devoured by the monsters one by one, the players probably understand why these sacrificial Liege are so attentive to follow up, they reckon they are unable to leave, but are unwilling to stay to be absorbed by the monsters, which of course is not the only way to go with them?

The thought that they can actually run with several ghosts, the players actually feel that this novel experience is also quite good.

"It looks like it's going to wake up." Wuji Gu muttered, after all, he has put others insta-brought out of the coffin, others can still not wake up?

But not leave the village to complete the task of this copy, looking at the outside world of the blanket of fog and the only road in it, the crowd vaguely aware that the only way to leave smoothly through that bridge.

A group of people, along with the ghosts are scared to rush forward, just then, the noise of the vehicle starting suddenly sounded. An old-looking tricycle stopped in front of the crowd, driven by the middle-aged man.

Looking closely, the middle-aged man's seal was black, and he was clearly possessed by a ghost. This is the same ghost that Wuji Gu and others encountered when they tried to leave the village by the road earlier.

"Get in the car." Middle-aged man hurriedly said, a line of people immediately squeezed into this broken car ...... fortunately ghosts at this time can control their own weight, even Wuji Gu carried the black coffin in the Liege boss will be their weight down to like air, otherwise this car even with the power of ghosts to add is impossible to hold on.

On this increasingly scary and spooky village as the background, a broken tricycle rushed forward, the car sat solidly on six people even if, around actually hung some ghosts ...... In short, no matter how you look at it should not be in the picture of the horror film, but what the picture of the comedy film.

The crowd turned their heads to look behind them, the village has been completely engulfed by the black fog, and the monster form above is becoming more and more solid.

Although the monster has not yet completely awakened, but also has realized that their own body was taken away from the matter, immediately irritated beyond measure, from the black fog steeply flying out of a large number of ghosts towards the line of people attack.

"Shit." The crowd's face changed, the number of such a large number of ghosts, even if they can do it also ......

Then they saw the sacrificial ghosts on the car one by one to show their magic. Among them, that low-profile incomparable has been combing the hair of the female ghost is the most amazing, a hair fierce attack towards the surrounding ghosts, directly these ghosts are restrained.

The crowd can't help but be glad that when they were in the cave before, the village chief just used this female ghost to restrain them, rather than using this move to attack ...... Of course this is also because this female ghost is more introverted in character itself, and doesn't want to kill so easily.

In this way, even Wuji Gu himself did not do anything, and the group survived the first wave of ghost attacks.

"It's so magical, I never dreamed that I would one day be protected by a ghost."

"I didn't think about it either. And I didn't expect that the ghosts would all have their own personalities, I thought they were just props for the system and had no other goal than to get us killed."

"The escape is still in this broken tricycle ......"

The players on the car had a sense of three refreshed views.

The attack behind them is not over, the monster in mid-air opened its eyes, red eyes coldly gazing at everyone, especially at Wuji Gu, a look of hate to kill this human.

The next instant, the surrounding area has been shaken up, the ground are faint cracks, the tricycle driving a time also became difficult.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man's car skills are amazing, several times around the cracked ground, close and dangerous to continue to move forward.

From the cracked ground also drilled a walking corpse like corpses, to the crowd this side of the fast chase, the key is that these corpses are not only densely packed like a zombie siege, but also amazingly fast, soon to catch up with the broken tricycle.

"Shit." The crowd once again inwardly apprehensive, these corpses than ghosts can be much more difficult to deal with, after all, the body's defense is much stronger, even if they car of the Liege is also very strong, but they do take time, so that if the monster behind them to catch up to die!

But in the next instant, a forest sprang up ahead, and the middle-aged man did not hesitate to drive the tricycle into the woods. This cracked ground did not affect the woods in any way, the ground is flat to amazing.

And when the bodies behind to catch up, but also by the woods of vines have been entangled, blocking the back of the difficult to move forward.

A very familiar tree stood pestled in front of them, and next to it stood a thin, passerby-faced villager, flashing a smile at their car. This was clearly the ghost of the villager who had become one with the tree.

"Thank you for your help!" Wuji Gu spoke with emotion. He just felt that there is true love on earth! Look, even all these Liege ghosts have become so kind, this copy of the world is still very beautiful, completely broken out of the limits of the spiritual background.

The tricycle is about to drive past, the villagers ghost face smile suddenly slowly disappeared, towards their side to chase, "Wait ah! To run away also take me with you!



Soon, the tricycle has come to the location where the bridge is located. This place is very familiar to people, in the crowd saw the memory of the kill, Wuji Gu is here to make the scum act.

By crossing this bridge, the player will be able to return to reality. As for these ghosts, they can also be freed from the village's bondage.

The only problem is that the bridge is in disrepair and looks very unstable, and only one person can pass at a time. The worst part is that it can also only piggyback on one ghost at a time ...... seems to be the relationship of the village curse.

"You guys go first." Wuji Gu spoke up from behind, "I'm here to back up, don't worry."

Shao Yang and Xiao Qin were a bit opinionated, after all Wuji Gu paid so much, it is only logical to be the first to go. But considering Wuji Gu's shoulders carrying the body of the evil spirits, there is no telling what will happen after ...... they agreed to the request, after all, there is not much time left.

Shao Yang turned his head to look at Wuji Gu as he was leaving, "I'll lend you that shirt. I'll give it back to you when we meet again in some copy later."

After that, before Wuji Gu could say no, he had already rushed onto the bridge.

Soon a line of people and ghosts have almost all the opposite, but they did not immediately leave, but on the opposite bank looking at this side, not yet seen Wuji Gu safely away, they have not yet the idea of leaving.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath and was about to walk forward with the coffin when the ground shook strongly to the extreme and a huge monster of indeterminate shape made of pitch-black ghosts appeared behind him at some point.

"Shit." Wuji Gu's heart was startled and he rushed forward with quick steps.

But everything is going to be too late, see the monster is about to slap Wuji Gu , but in the moment of falling down suddenly fixed.

And in the meantime, Wuji Gu has run to the bridge, he panted and turned his head to see.

Probably because the connection with the body was cut off, its body slowly began to dissipate, the ghosts still looked very painful, but not so aggressive. The monster looked at Wuji Gu with a complicated look.

Wuji Gu suddenly realized that this monster is also a part of the gods ...... so it also has some feelings for itself before it wants to kill itself directly just now.

The most important thing is that it does not want to continue to torture each other with the people of the village, and wants to seek a release. After all, its original body is the god, from the beginning also want to protect the village, not want to be like this.

The people on the other side of the river also realize this, thinking of everything that has been happening in this village, look with a few feelings, but at this time, this village will finally be relieved.

But Wuji Gu at this point is to give up to continue to go forward, but turned back sharply, and rushed to the shore, will be carrying the coffin on the shoulder to put down, slowly walked to the monster.

Shao Yang on the other side of the river saw this scene, are angry to explode. If they hadn't crossed the bridge as if they were under some kind of restriction, he would have rushed straight over to pull Wuji Gu now, what the hell was he thinking!

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