A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 180: I wont leave you behind either

Chapter 180: I wont leave you behind either

The village chief told what he knew.

"As you know, the village is sheltered by a god. But this god is not a real god, but a terrible being. Because of the villagers' offense, the god was furious, but he did not kill the village people to punish, but let everyone fall into the doom."

"And at that time, the village people said that they were looking for a bride to sacrifice, but in fact they were ready to take advantage of this effort to seal the Lord, which you all know." The village chief took a look at Wuji Gu and took another breath before continuing, "But what no one expected was that the bride the gods were actually looking for was not one of her ...... but one of several outsiders who came to the village."

Although the mayor did not say who it was, but the eyes that is always resting on Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu : "......" Although, although he had expected it, but the situation is really like this?

The crowd looked at Wuji Gu in dismay. Only then did they finally remember, Wuji Gu's rumors of the past ...... the legendary man who would make the evil spirits in the copy interested in him every time.

But they previously thought the rumors were just exaggerated, after all, based on their real copy experience, it felt impossible for such a thing to happen.

But Wuji Gu appeared, really let them understand, what is not playing the same game, this copy for him is a fucking love game it!

Then they also noticed something at the same time, Wuji Gu how ...... was wearing a red dress ah!

And compared to Shao Yang wearing a red dress hot eyes, Wuji Gu put on actually not very strange, if so, indeed, let the Liege boss love at first sight is not impossible thing.

People can't help but start thinking about how beautiful Wuji Gu would be if he had a sex change, and for a while people were feeling sorry for him.

"I didn't know this until later." The village chief had a look of remorse on his face, as if he was sorry, "otherwise he wouldn't have let her be in such danger."

The crowd is deeply sympathetic, after all, suddenly, the woman from the original abducted bride, into the abduction of the gods bride (gender male) people, this if caught in the end can still be good!

"After that incident, the gods burst into a rage, the power swept almost the entire mountain range, really amazing natural disaster." The village chief's face with a frightened look, "but those several outsiders are nowhere to be found, as if suddenly evaporated from the world. This village also became more closed than in the past, can not even leave half a step."

The people heard here immediately understood, those people must be the same players as them, the mission is completed and was teleported away, these people to find the strange. And Wuji Gu, did he come to this copy once before at some point?

"After that, the gods temporarily fell into a deep sleep." The village chief spoke, "The village people, fearing that the god's anger would involve their own lives, stepped up the process of sacrifice and finally succeeded in sealing the god. It also restored peace to the village, and everything seemed to be lifted from the gloom."

"After that, why didn't you move away from this village?" Wuji Gu inquired.

"That is not possible." The village chief shook his head, "Even if we seal that lord, but the curse in the body actually has not disappeared, leaving the village for more than a few years will appear all sorts of hallucinations, do not return in time will be crazy and die, so in fact no one is able to leave completely. Only just a few lucky people can get rid of the curse, they generally choose to leave here directly and never come back."

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu nodded, so think about the rules are still quite perfect, the people in this village is also down to blood.

"Although I am also one of the sacrifices, I can control far more power than others because of the tampering I did before I died. Also know how this village has changed over the decades." The village chief continued: "The rituals that the village has held from time to time during these decades are also intended to strengthen the seal. But, the seal has slowly loosened, and the gods are beginning to awaken."

The crowd thought about it and knew that these ghosts, which even Wuji Gu could not deal with, would not be easy to suppress such a severe ghost boss.

"About a few years ago, I had a strong feeling in my heart that a moment was coming, so I secretly killed the village chief to take his place." The village chief looked at Wuji Gu, "As if it was destiny, just when the ceremony was about to be held again, you also came to this village."

All the players are sighing in their hearts, if they could they would never come to such a place destined to be haunted ah! This is all arranged by the system.

"Then, village chief, what about the building where you sent us to investigate those coffins afterwards?"

"This one is easy. Just want to scare you guys, because I don't see eye to eye." The village chief is very frank, "but can not be scared to death, after all, there is a bit of other uses."

Crowd: "......"

"Of course it is also intended to lend your hands to free these sacrifices from the place of sealing ......," said the village chief, "and in fact the effect is similar."

The only thing I didn't expect was for Wuji Gu to be so tough, and to even be able to play nice with these Liege spirits! And still managed to let him walk to this place as if nothing had happened.

The mayor had compromised on reality at this point, but his displeasure with Wuji Gu certainly didn't go away that easily.

The village chief sneered, "Of course, I'm not out to do anything good, I just want to break the seal and set that god free."

"Why?" Xiao Qin looked at the village chief in wonder, "Is there any benefit to you in releasing the gods?"

"Of course I do." The village chief looked at Wuji Gu and spoke with a sly smile, "I'll let you taste that pain too! And the most painful thing for you must be to be tortured a hundred times and then fall into the hands of the most unwanted stern ghost ...... that would be the perfect revenge."

Wuji Gu : "...... village chief you're quite thoughtful." And actually this revenge is really strong.

According to the village chief's words, if he was caught by this copy of the stern ghost boss, the ending would certainly be miserable. This might as well be simply a male mistress who abducted the other party's fiance!

"Of course, I've given up on such intentions now." The mayor frowned, "It's just that I can't stop the god from awakening either, have you figured out what to do with him?"

"Of course I didn't expect it, as it is now, how could anything be deduced from the current clues." Wuji Gu thoughtfully spoke: "But the copy will not appear what deadlock, much less let me go straight to the hard, so there must be a way to keep him asleep ......"

Or yes, solve this copy in another way.

If it really doesn't work, Wuji Gu will have to summon other copies of the ghost bosses. Although often summon these ghosts have a feeling of eating soft food, but already have a life-threatening, who cares what to eat soft food things, do you want him to kill the ghost bosses with his bare hands!

Wuji Gu do this kind of thing are very frank, he is not no pay sacrifice, if a little carelessness that is the end of the two LiGui boss get killed.

The village chief sneered in his heart, he actually felt that Wuji Gu was simply going to die, but it was not a loss, if Wuji Gu really hung up, as he was also a great revenge good, in fact, in the conversation just now, he also concealed a lot of things.

However, the village chief was very concerned about what Wuji Gu said about the ghost of his lover, and after some heart struggle, and seeing how honest Wuji Gu looked, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to recover your memories from your past life?"

Wuji Gu was stunned, his heart had become excited, "You actually have a method?"

What he cares most is what memories he has lost.

"It's not a very powerful method." The village chief spoke, "Just to be able to make you remember what happened in this village, I can't help you anywhere else."

Wuji Gu was a little disappointed at his words, "But just the memory of this copy is enough. What should I do?"

"This cave is not simple, it was once a place where the gods manifested their spirits, and rumor has it that if you walk in the cave with your eyes closed, you can see your past." The village chief spoke, "Of course everyone thought it was just a rumor. But now, when that lord is about to awaken, of course everything is different."

"I got it."

Wuji Gu also did not worry in the slightest about the truth of the village chief's words, after all, at this time suspected of deceiving the feelings of the Liege boss, he is likely to hang anyway, the village chief is not so deceitful.



Wuji Gu consciousness came to realize that he was standing outside the village, and the surrounding attire has been very different from before, and the village in front of him is also the scene of decades ago.

"I actually did see my own memories?"

No, rather than seeing, such a real feeling is almost as if he himself back to decades ago, even the body can control itself.

The village in the fog in front of you is full of an unsettling feeling, and it keeps raining, and the crowd is not holding umbrellas. After all, for the players, this rain is nothing at all.

"This village just doesn't look right, I can feel it, and I need to cross a barrier to even enter the village. Everyone be careful." A man next to me spoke up.

Wuji Gu turned his head to look, but felt that no matter what, he could not remember the face of the person in front of him, but could only feel that the other party seemed to be his very familiar teammate.

And after the other side finished speaking, everyone stared at Wuji Gu as if they were waiting for him to reply.

Wuji Gu : "......"

Is it more than just watching memories?

"It's okay." Wuji Gu tried to think about what he would do in such a time, and immediately spoke, "Everyone follow me, as long as you follow the usual method, there will be no danger."

The crowd immediately nodded their heads and looked at Wuji Gu with a look of trust and longing.

Wuji Gu was relieved that there was nothing wrong with his correspondence ...... After all, the person he was going to play was just himself.

It seems that this is a team where everyone has a good relationship, and they are fighting together side by side, and all of them are full of tacit understanding.

Wuji Gu thought to himself, "If this is what happened in the past, where are all his companions now?

In the moment of entering the mists outside the village, countless monsters pounced towards the crowd, but because the crowd used props reasonably as a barrier, so that the ghosts could not get close.

At this moment, Wuji Gu suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of crisis emerge in his mind and could not help but say, "Be careful."

The next moment, the figure of a teenager slowly appeared in front of everyone, although his appearance is pretty, but he looks like he gives a creepy feeling. The clothes he was wearing also did not fit this era at all, and seemed to be stained with blood.

Despite the difference in age, Wuji Gu recognized at first glance that the teenager was the same youth he had seen.

I did not expect to be able to grow ...... so to speak, the village chief in the introduction of the gods, sometimes also give a childlike feeling.

So what is wrong with this village! Is it really good to give such an underage god to get an object! Although suspected of cheating each other's feelings of their own seems to image also more and more mysterious.

No. Wuji Gu shook his head, he believed he must not be that kind of scum! There must be a reason for everything!

"What are you doing here?" The young man looked at them with a very cold look, "When outsiders like you enter the village, you can only become food."

A person can hear that the other party's words carry a strong threat, and a killing intent.

Wuji Gu felt a sense of crisis, even though this place is just a memory, but it seems to have something to do with reality, if he is not able to correspond properly, he will definitely lose his life here.

What would be the experience of encountering a boss right after coming to a copy like this! If it were him, what would he do at this time?

Wuji Gu thought deeply for a while, and suddenly looked at something he was holding in his hand since just now, and suddenly understood what, he is a moral youth who respects the old and loves the young!

So Wuji Gu walked slowly toward the front.

The people behind him seemed to trust Wuji Gu and did not object to his actions.

The next moment, Wuji Gu held his umbrella out over the heads of the two men.

The young man looked at him in astonishment, but Wuji Gu just handed the umbrella to the other hand and looked down at the young man with a smile.

"Children shouldn't be out in the rain in this weather."

The teenager was confused, probably not expecting Wuji Gu to do such a thing at all, and then his face turned red again, "Who said I was a child!"

He fiercely grabbed the umbrella in his hand, then turned and ran away at a fast pace, his figure disappearing into the fog.

After that, the crowd found that the monster in the fog had completely disappeared like, even the fog quickly dissipated, and the group entered the village.



[Complete the main task: Investigate the truth about the village].

[Trigger the main task: Escape from the village].

After reading all the memories behind, Wuji Gu slowly walked out of the cave, everything about this copy was already mostly clear in his mind.

And according to the system tips, he can now run away and does not need to come to this place at all.

But, he knew he had to come.

There is still a very important thing waiting for him to do.

In front of Wuji Gu's eyes is a valley surrounded by mists.

The fog here is so dense that it is indistinguishable except for the buildings that can be seen vaguely ahead, and there are many black shadows ...... These black shadows are clearly the spirits of the villagers who once died but could not leave from this village.

What makes it most clear is the kind of chill that sends chills down one's heart. He could clearly feel that some terrifying existence was slowly awakening.

If you stand at this time in the presence of high places, you can certainly clearly note that the fog in this village has formed a gruesome monster image.

"Is this really what is waiting for me?" When Wuji Gu pushed open the door of the room inside, what appeared in front of him were seven coffins, the most central one open, and the surrounding ones were well closed.

What is more disturbing is that the room is burning red candles and hanging some red silk, which is too festive, as if someone is about to enter the bridal chamber here.

Wuji Gu : "......" he would rather he saw all the coffins okay!

"You're finally here."

The ghostly voice sounded behind itself. When Wuji Gu turned his head to look, he saw nothing. Not only that, but his body was entangled in chains made of mist.

The chains formed by this divine power made Wuji Gu's body instantly powerless, and there was a feeling of being held down by something heavy, making it difficult to even maintain a standing position.

This power is far from that of the other stern spirits in this village that are used as sacrifices.

Wuji Gu slowly turned his head, and his chin was lifted by cold fingers. He looked up and saw an extremely handsome man standing in front of him, his dark eyes staring at Wuji Gu.

It is reasonable to say that such a good-looking person should make people subconsciously have a good feeling, but the youth in front of you has a feeling of danger to the extreme, just want to avoid it, it is impossible to give birth to any ideas other than scary to him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The youth slowly spoke, his eyes carrying several indefinable and complex feelings, "Since that time, you escaped from here, but I know you will come back sooner or later. And this time, you can only stay with me forever."

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, "I don't think so."

"You are still the same as before." The youth sneered, "But didn't all your companions leave you behind? Leaving you to come here alone to face everything. You are the same, talking sweetly but running away after that woman!"

This seems like a line to catch an adulterer no matter what!

"It's not like that." Wuji Gu spoke slowly, "They didn't leave me behind. And, I will not leave you behind."

At this time, he even violently broke free of the fog chains that bound him around and took hold of the other party's hand.

The youth was abruptly stunned at this point, seemingly not expecting Wuji Gu to do such a thing.

"You, in the first place, obviously ......"

"I've remembered what happened before." Wuji Gu said quite frankly, "But I'm not staying."

The youth's expression immediately coldened, "Surely you still want to leave me here alone."

"No." Wuji Gu's tone was full of determination as he said, "I'm going to take you with me."

That's right, what he's going to do is to take the gods of this village and elope -

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