A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 179: Only by lifting the curse from this village will you meet again

Chapter 179: Only by lifting the curse from this village will you meet again

A time of silence, although the crowd more or less aware of the village chief has a problem, but did not expect the village chief will actually say something like this, looks so simple he is actually an infatuated man.

Moreover, what is the story of Wuji Gu's last life that the village chief mentioned?

They are copies of the people will think that the player is reincarnated, but they players are clear, that person is definitely Wuji Gu himself ...... but Wuji Gu but look like they do not know.

After this period of time, at least Shao Yang and Xiao Qin know Wuji Gu's character quite well, and think he can never be the scum of the earth to do that kind of sickness.

Or is this just a special plot design for this copy? The crowd is puzzled.

"After that, I chose to make myself the last sacrifice." The mayor sneered, "so that he could wait for your arrival in this village once again."

"How did you know I would come for sure?" Wuji Gu looked over in amazement.

"After all, this is something that was predestined a long time ago." The village chief spoke up, "You carry the curse of this village in your body. From the day you left, you were bound to come back here."

Wuji Gu : "?" I can't believe there is such a setting.

Wuji Gu is also suddenly blushed, he suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

It was himself who had appeared here before, if in fact did not like the sacrificed bride ...... but suspected to have an affair with the Liege boss, this is not simply queer?

No, this is still something that should be thought about slowly.

"Village chief, I think there may be some misunderstanding here." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, "We can wait until we get out first to discuss it. Wuji Gu opened his mouth, "We can wait to go out first and then discuss it properly, if it is really me who made such a scum thing, I will also try to pay back. And it's not impossible that the lady ghost and the village chief you can ...... again."

It's not like it's not possible to renew a previous relationship or something. After all, as soon as he came to the copy, he encountered the illusion constructed by the female ghost, so when you think about it, the other party will choose him probably because of what happened decades ago, but the female ghost is not extremely hateful to him, so Wuji Gu thinks there must be a reason for this thing!

The village chief seems to have never met with the female ghost. Wuji Gu think maybe they can also be set up.

But the village chief didn't want to say anything more to Wuji Gu and interrupted him directly, saying, "I know you have some skills, even the evil spirits have been bribed by you. But can you deal with all the next evil spirits?"

Before they have dealt with four ghosts originally sacrifices, now there are three left, one of them is still the village head ......

The crowd can't help but feel a cold sweat for Wuji Gu, but this concern still has a lot of water in it.

After all, this time they always felt as if the next moment they could see Wuji Gu knocked over the village chief, it can't be! Even Wuji Gu can't deal with so many ghosts at once!

"Looks like there's no way to negotiate?" Wuji Gu shook his head, he was already ready to do it directly, which is probably an indispensable part of completing the main task.

The next instant, the cave suddenly a burst of cold, I do not know where there are hair-like things fiercely winding and come, the others immediately self-conscious, originally wanted to help Wuji Gu, now suddenly realize that the village chief is not a charity, how can only deal with Wuji Gu a person.

The hair is tough and cold, reach out and can not tear it off, but also feel their body strength was bizarrely drawn away.

"This ghost is also too difficult to deal with ......"

"But this ghost only seems to be able to bind people, not to be able to use any deadly attacks at once." Shao Yang's voice rang out, and he was relieved, after all, the stern red dress he was wearing was able to significantly contain those hair strands against such a situation.

But he did not say this out, but did not move in the dark towards Wuji Gu side, the two people were not far apart, to do such a thing is still very simple.

"It's that sacrifice! I remembered it!" Even in such a situation, that player was still persevering and narrating for the crowd, "It was an innocent woman who was killed with beautiful hair, and after turning into a severe ghost! These hairs also became the most terrifying murder weapon!"

"We saw her when we entered a certain residential house." Another player still had palpitations, they were simply in danger several times, the last time if not for being saved by the village chief, they probably would have hung up in that old mansion, "To deal with her you can only attack its body!"

But it is clear that in this dark cave, hair are dense as a spider web entwined, it is impossible to easily find where the ghosts are located.

Wuji Gu's body was entangled, immediately also felt the loss of strength, and this hair is too tough, even Wuji Gu actually can not be directly ripped off, pulled apart will also fly and wind up, even chopping up kitchen knives are issued a crisp metal collision sound ...... seems that this female ghost even after death is also very care of their own hair.

But the good thing about him is that he still has the healing ability to milk himself and can continuously restore his lost strength, but this is not the way to go on, after all, the village chief and one of the remaining Liege ghosts, can still be secretly eyeing him.

"All of these severe ghosts have very prominent weaknesses, and the body of this female ghost must not be difficult to find. But the problem is that it takes time." Wuji Gu took a deep breath, and just then, he was gently knocked on the shoulder by someone.

Wuji Gu originally thought it was some kind of evil spirit, but then he realized that it was Shao Yang communicating some kind of code to him from behind.

"Thank you very much." Wuji Gu took a deep breath and nodded gently behind him. After that, he followed his instincts and walked hard in a certain direction, after all, it was too dangerous for him to stay in the crowd for the others.

Soon, Wuji Gu's hand touched the mountain wall.

At this time, his hand suddenly touched some kind of strange existence, a certain part of the wall seemed to be unusually cold and gloomy, and that area seemed to form exactly the shape of a human face.

"Here's the previous ......"

Wuji Gu immediately remembered that he just came to this copy of the time, living in the house, he thought it was just a special kind of mold, but now I think it is simply the house of the evil spirits.

But that the evil spirit has not made things difficult for them, should be a good ghost?

Suddenly felt a certain sense of danger, Wuji Gu abruptly turned his head, even if the place is dark and invisible, he still faintly saw a twisted limbs of the monster has come close to him.

"When you did something like that, you didn't expect this day to come at all!" The village chief's voice carried a kind of vengeful pleasure, "I won't kill you directly, I will only turn you into an invalid and throw you into the land of those evil spirits over and over again, so that you can experience what it means to beg for your life and not be able to die!"

Wuji Gu also tried to reason with this person, "That, actually I would say your lover is still ......"

"Shut up, you don't deserve to talk about her at all!" The village chief was directly exposed, and a black shadow fiercely attacked towards the position of Wuji Gu's arm, looking like he wanted to directly abolish his hands and feet, so that Wuji Gu could not continue to move.

Wuji Gu Although he could not see, but always keen intuition let him dodge a dodge.

Also take advantage of the gap in this village chief attack, Wuji Gu fiercely grabbed the black shadow, he should not appear on the human body, black mist condensed out of some kind of sharp objects. And such a thing behind the village chief there are countless ...... simply as a monster in general, and the village chief's body is like the host of this monster.

The force Wuji Gu exerted on it made the village chief shudder.

The village chief was just watching from a passerby's point of view before, but I didn't expect Wuji Gu's strength to be so shocking. Even in the case of Wuji Gu was hair sucked for so long power, this if the full state is still human?

The village chief became more and more anxious when he thought of how much the Liege boss cared about Wuji Gu. He was afraid that he would not be able to achieve his purpose, so he speeded up the progress of dealing with Wuji Gu in various ways before he did not wait until Wuji Gu was sucked dry before coming over, but did it directly.

But if he knew Wuji Gu had such a shameless recovery ability, he would probably be angry on the spot and swear.

In fact Wuji Gu himself are surprised, it seems that with the increase in participation in the copy, he this power is also growing ...... If you ask Wuji Gu to go back to some primary copy, it is estimated that can punch the ghosts fainted over, the other players to piss.

The strength of this power is no longer in line with science at all. But considering what infinite stream of psychic copies and the existence of the system is not at all scientific, Wuji Gu did not take it to heart.

"Don't think that strength is great." The village chief always feels like where to lose after saying these words, he sneered hard, and behind him countless black shadows came towards Wuji Gu, "Can you dodge one, dodge all of them? Not to mention the fact that there are these hairs wrapped around you ......"

If Wuji Gu can still survive in such a situation, then he can even be Wuji Gu directly to death without complaint.

Wuji Gu's expression was a few points heavier, he certainly couldn't do such a thing, but he was able to take the village head's impact hard and then milk himself by his ability. As long as it wasn't enough of a wound to kill, he was still able to save his life in the midst of this attack.

But in a moment he had finished thinking about it, and immediately waited frankly for the village chief's attack to fall on him.

But in the nick of time, the coolness behind him suddenly flourished, and a hand abruptly pressed Wuji Gu's spine from behind.

A low female voice rang out from behind, "I don't specifically want to help you either, but maybe you're the only one that can change the status quo in this village."

She has become a ghost herself, but the ghost doesn't want her sister to stay in this spooky village for the rest of her life, not knowing when she will meet tragedy again. She is not willing to let Wuji Gu, who seems to be a trustworthy person, take her away.

After the female ghost's words fell, Wuji Gu's eyes suddenly seemed to brighten up, obviously still in the dark, but can see everything inside the cave clearly.

"Thanks a lot!" Wuji Gu's words carried a bit of gratitude, he really felt he was so lucky to always meet such kind teammates and kind npc's and ghosts in his copies.

Then Wuji Gu got a good look at the village chief's eerie, spiritually tainted form.

The shape is extremely gruesome, it looks like the combat power is extremely high, but you can also see that the village chief in such a state of action is very inconvenient, almost only standing in place.

"Sure enough, the seven ghosts of this copy as sacrifices all have their own unique abilities, but they also all have conspicuous weaknesses. And the village chief's weakness is apparently the difficulty of movement ......" Wuji Gu pondered in his mind, "If all these Liege ghosts came together that might be the end of it, but if they were broken down one by one there would not be much danger."

If you can't see it, even if you can see it, Wuji Gu quickly dodged the village chief's attack on his own black shadow. Even copied the kitchen knife has rushed to the village chief, fiercely aimed at the other side of the body and the connection of the black fog stabbed down.

Although there is little evidence that this place is necessarily more vulnerable, Wuji Gu's intuition led him to choose it.

The pitch-black liquid splashed away from the injury, and the village chief immediately let out a harsh scream, which contained the pain within the scream so that everyone in the cave was shocked.

Especially after the others distinguished that this is the voice of the village chief, but also do not know why a kind of fruitful thought, Wuji Gu How can this person is a village chief can deal with the ......

"You, how is it possible?" The village chief looked at Wuji Gu with a stunned look, "Obviously, I already let that female ghost bind you!"

Wuji Gu did not answer the village chief's words, just over there, Shao Yang will be the red skirt props of the Liege ghost passed to him silently.

Wuji Gu's heart was simply touched. After all, this prop is obviously Shao Yang's body extremely precious things, and even in breaking free from this female ghost, in such a situation is simply and more than a life.

If the average person is never in the psychic copy of the life-saving props so easily entrusted to others ...... after all, although the props have a binding function, but if its owner died means invalid. In other words Wuji Gu to be because of this prop and greed to kill Shao Yang is not impossible, the average person will therefore be afraid.

But Shao Yang still entrusted Wuji Gu with it naturally, because he trusted him so much. And he also thinks that in this copy, only Wuji Gu can make the most use of this item!

Of course Wuji Gu is also no time to walk while wearing clothes, this prop is convenient is to put on and take off with one click, but also to meet the figure of the person wearing. If this game is not what the psychic infinite flow, but a dress-up game may be more popular.

"Right here." Wuji Gu directly left behind the village chief who was still screaming over there, steeply rushed towards a hidden place in the cave, and used the rope to directly bind the female ghost hiding in the dark.

This female ghost's hair is extremely strong, but the body is weak, see Wuji Gu this put the village chief are thrashing people, scared is trembling, not even the intention to resist.

The hair that had been wrapped around the crowd was abruptly loosened at this moment, and all of them were freed and sighed with relief.

Wuji Gu also turned on the flashlight of his phone at this moment, yes, his phone is still retaining its power because it has been turned off.

The cave immediately brightened up, and the ghastly image of the village chief was reflected in everyone's eyes.

But because the village chief was also Wuji Gu that blow and fell to the ground, in short, still looks very miserable, but is not so terrible.

Wuji Gu just used intuition of a strike is too strong, is so accurate poke the village chief's weakness ......

Instead, Wuji Gu, who was next to him, copied the kitchen knife that was still dripping black liquid, wiped the sweat from his face and gave a cordial smile to the crowd, "It seems that the problem is now solved."

The crowd somehow felt that Wuji Gu was much scarier than the village chief!

The village chief gritted his teeth and looked at Wuji Gu with unbridled indignation, "You devil! Don't think that I will let you go, even if my soul flies away today, you have no-"

"Actually, I was going to say it before." Wuji Gu one hand violently lifted the village chief's collar and directly interrupted him, "The ghost of your lover has not disappeared, it is outside the village, you still have the opportunity to meet her!"

"What?" The village chief was stunned, his body was vaguely trembling from excitement, but he still looked at Wuji Gu warily, "How is it possible, you still want to lie to me!"

"Do I have to lie to you?" Wuji Gu couldn't help but shake his head, "If I could, I could make your soul fly away right now. But I just wanted to talk to you about this matter properly from the beginning."

"Really ......" The village headman was in a bit of a trance, "I thought her soul had dissipated decades ago. After all, this is the village where that monster is, so how could she have escaped."

"I don't know what happened to her." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, "It's just that on the first day I came to this village, I saw her ghost outside the village. I think there must be some kind of misunderstanding about what happened back then, and it definitely wasn't me who killed her."

Now that I think about it, at the time that female ghost said something about him passing the test ...... maybe that dream wasn't trying to hurt him, but rather let him know if he wasn't capable enough? And if he passed, he would have let him come in here to solve a certain problem.

That dream, although it revealed nothing, helped Wuji Gu a lot in a way.

"Then why did she not come to see me." The mayor had probably believed the matter at this point, after all Wuji Gu said it was still very sincere, "Is it because of what I've done over the years that she doesn't want to get in touch with me ......"

Of course, mainly because he was almost killed by Wuji Gu at this point, so he believed Wuji Gu's words even more. If he had been at an advantage before, the village chief would have thought Wuji Gu was just making things up to stay alive.

"I'm not sure. But I think that maybe because she died outside the village, her soul does not want to, or cannot, enter this place again." Wuji Gu spoke thoughtfully, "The only way to get you to see each other again is to lift the curse on this village!"

The village chief smiled and looked touched, originally he decided to be immortal to Wuji Gu on a large extent because of his own lover's relationship, now found that everything may be a misunderstanding, immediately changed his mind.

"You have succeeded in convincing me." The mayor said, "Whether your words are lies or not, I am willing to help you now."

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